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The Weekly Cool #1: Tape Rewinders

Takuma Nuva


Forums offline for sooo long. I never realise how much I love my BZPower until these things happen.


Anyways, this is something I was going to start up before the offline bit. I wanted to do something on a regular basis since I'm so bad at doing that. Y'know, a personal thing I'd like to overcome. I also decided that I was going to do in on Wednesdays becase my mid-weeks are so boring. Yes, I'm aware it is currently Thursday but I don't feel like waiting another week.


Basically, the idea is that every Wednesday I shall post an entry about something that I deem worthy of the title "cool". It could be a person, place, thing, or one of many other possibilities. The bottom line is, it's something cool.


So, for my first entry, I'm doing something nostalgic.


Remember back in the day when we were young'ns? We had these things called" VCRs" that played a movie using a "VHS" or "tape". Funny thing about these "tapes" is that, unlike a DVD, once the movie was finished playing the tape had to be, as we referred to it, "rewound". Many VCRs had this capability built-in, but sometimes a tape rewinder did the job so much better. You pop the tape in, close the lid, and the rewinder went to work for ya.


Some of my fondest childhood memories revolve around tape rewinders. I want a show of hands, who remembers the days of hearing you mother/father/sibling/etc. shout out from upstairs "Who didn't rewind this tape last time they used it?!" Man, didn't that just get on the nerves when you had to rewind the tape yourself before watching the movie?


Perhaps even more memorable is the way a child can make a toy of everything. I remember well the days I'd put Duplo animals on a closed tape rewinder and then hit the button. The lid would pop open and send the Duplos flying through the air.


*nostalgic sigh*



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