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It's Been A While



I believe I just went my longest without BZP. 10 days. It feels so glad to be back on here. I miss you guys :blush:


So yeah, I was at TeenPact for 5 days. I'll post pictures soon, I need to upload them to Majjy. Turns out they had an extremely strict no-media policy, like I couldn't even check my blog on the lobby computer at the hotel. :(


Highlights were playing Ultimate Frisbee (and winning by very little on day 1), then all of us asking speaking #3 such hard questions he got red in the face, angry, and some people thought he'd cry. Note he's a 73 year old Senator. We also got to hang out with the most awesome Bill Jack and hear him talk for a while.


Some of the downsides were bunking in a hotel room with 7 other people, including a married couple. That was awkward. And the wife was reeeeally grouchy. She took all our iPods and whatnot on day one but spent one evening herself chilling on her iPod. That was annoying. She also called Bill Jack, who just overflows with awesome, self-righteous and arrogant. Which trust me, he's not.


So yeah, I'd love to go deeper but not only will you not read a novel I post on my blog but this class was focused around Politics and Religion. So yeah, not much to say here. :P



Glad to be home, pictures coming soon.




Side note, hoping dearly for a Proto boost. I sent the mods an email saying the BOARDS OFFLINE error had 2 typos. They fixed it shortly after, so does that merit a protoboost?

Also a side note, Proto means First in Greek.


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proto doesn't matter


and no, they wouldn't give you any for that.

I mean NO offense AT ALL, but isn't that kinda easy for you to say, with a full bar?



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Haha, exactly. I do care about proto, actually, as I know some people gauge how worthwhile you are by proto. I'm a bit less likely to take someone serious with a -4 bar than an OBZPC, just saying.



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