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Why Kopeke As Chronicler?




In Ko-Koro, we respect knowledge above all things.

Well now that the Chronicler contest is over, and the final results are in, Kopeke will be the next Chronicler! He is also who I ended up voting for, so I'm happy with these results, just personally. But what about whether he fits the job? A lot of people have posted things like "his personality doesn't fit" or the like, and just generally asked, "Why Kopeke?"

Well, I can only speak for myself as far as why I voted, but I thought it would be helpful to list the reasoning that went behind my vote (based on original list I posted here). Note, please, this -is- partly my personal taste, since I'm deciding to go with logical reasons he'd work as a Chronicler and coolness of the character in those terms over other things like cool speeches or other "crowd pleasers" that just make the character endearing overall, but not as a Chronicler. Other people are of course free to have different criteria. Still, hopefully this will help show why Kopeke does fit the job description well, if not best. :)

First of all:

What are the Criteria for being a Chronicler?

I consider them to be the following:

1) Observativeness. Gotta be interested in observing to fill this role. Someone like Okoth could probably do the job if lives depended on it and nobody else could, but over a Kapura or a Kopeke, shopkeepers, crafters, etc. aren't the best choice.

2) Restraint. Chroniclers do their job best when they are not interested in taking all the glory for themselves. To a degree, Takua failed in this respect, though as far as "crowd pleasers" go, Takua obviously was a cool character anyways. Someone like Onepu fails miserably here, for example.

3) Staying alive. Chroniclers are often in dangerous situations (this is where Takua gained tons of ground, BTW), so they need to adept at avoiding the fate of Kodan. Experience in battle, special advantages, anything like that is good here.

4) Alertness. Part of staying alive--using observativeness not just for the job, but to remain alive and avoid things like ambushes.

5) Desire to travel. Many Matoran from Mata Nui have to go against their traditional nature and force themselves to travel. Though most are probably getting over this with the move to Metru Nui, there are certain Matoran, including Kopeke, Kapura, and Taipu, who love venturing out there, so are better for the job in this way.

6) Carving. Just a simple one--should be interested in carving down all that they observe when possible.

7) Real world parallel. This one is personal to me, probably differs from person to person. Kopeke is much like me in personality, and I ended up as a reporter here, lol, as an example, and though I am usually quiet in real life, I type like mad. :P

For this blog entry, I will reshift the list a little from what I've posted before, and add an 8th main note that many people have brought up:

8) Outgoingness. Many have alleged that Kopeke's aloofness is a weakness. To a degree I disagree, given #2, #3, #4, and #7. That said, Kopeke's "aloofness" could be interpreted as "shyness" and it was my main question before I decided finally to vote for him. If you are willing to travel but not willing to discuss things you didn't personally witness with Toa and others, this could be a weakness for the job.

9) Wisdom/intelligence. Another addon to my original list. Kapura, Kopeke, score highly. Taipu doesn't, for example.

Then there are two crowd pleasers, and I could add a third that I didn't list before. Note that each of the above is, in my mind, worth 1 point, but the following is only about half a point each:

10) Speeches. Kapura's Makuta Speech, Nuju's Flux Speech, Tamaru's Bohrok Taunt--cool speeches like those. Many of the Matoran have very interesting dialogue in MNOG and elsewhere, and this could make what they write as Chronicler actually interesting enough to read. Especially the ability to be cryptic in speech, and have more than one level of meaning. Kapura stands out to me with this. To a small degree, Kopeke's got this two. Just a lot less of it.

11) Mysteriousness. This one is a 2001er's thing, might not matter to as many fans now, not sure, but personally mystery is really interesting. Someone like Okoth isn't mysterious. Both Kopeke and Kapura are.

12) Coolness. This is a vague concept that will differ for everyone, but I felt it was worth throwing in as a general catch-all for any "crowd pleaser" aspect not covered by the other two. Kapura's cool. Kopeke's cool. Hafu's cool. Even Ahkmou is cool to a degree, XD. Random guard standing by a Koro gate? Eh.


Who are the best front runners?

I'd like to briefly compare Kopeke to the other front runners--Kapura mainly, and Taipu. Also, Hafu, Macku, and Tamaru are other names I've seen at least a few people vote for. Onepu too.

Kapura is in my mind the only clear contender with Kopeke for this position. He likes to travel, he is observative, and he has that nifty power that lets him travel far by moving slowly. Note: Greg does not know what that "power" means, so probably can't actually put it in the story, though as Ikki pointed out, it's in the encyclopedia, so it is official. The idea came from Bob Thompson, not the web producers, who has since left, so the world may never know, unless Greg can find out from Leah or simply make up a new explanation. So it's in doubt for story use, which was the main reason I hesitated to vote for Kapura. I'll list his specific standings on the Criteria List along with Kopeke later.

Taipu is one that I don't get why his vote was so high. Endearing character, but not suited to Chronicler. He is super-strong; he could manage #3 well, stay alive. He's uberstrong on #5, desire to travel. He could probably carve, to a degree, though he's clumsy so I can't really call that--his "carving" experience is slamming a pick into rock to dig. But he's very dense in de head, hurting him on #1, the most important one, and #2, #4, and #9. His gullibility also hurts him in #9, and it could very well hurt him on #3 too. He rates a 3, including outgoingness. We can also give him #12 for a 3.5.

Hafu would do well, much better than Taipu, IMO. He's obviously strong on #6 carving, and his courage is well known so he could stand #3 well, and as a crafter, he's probably observative, so 1 and 4 he does well on. He'd do notoriously poorly on #2, though, restraint, and I question his wisdom, or at least have not seen evidence that he's exceptional in this category. #1 might be hurt a little, and #8 too, by his ego--he may only observe that which reflects well on himself. And I have to say--though it was a great line, he would get hurt a little on #10, since after everything he wrote down, he'd declare "Another Hafu original!" He is cool, so he gets #12, and his skill can seem slightly mysterious, so a #11 too. He gets a5.

Macku? Well, strong on #5, obviously... other than that I frankly don't see enough evidence to judge. She stayed alive in MNOG and was able to rescue her Koro, but that was only because of luck--she had disobeyed her Turaga to run off to Hewkii, and just happened to be out of town when the Tarakava attacked. #1 she'd probably be reasonable at, possibly #4 too. #3, I don't really think so. #6, not expecially, and quite likely not #9, even though her disobedience -did- help the Koro. She didn't know that and didn't do it for that reason. Personally, she's also just not that interesting of a character--she's Hewkii's girlfriend, basically, and not much else. She gets a 3.

Tamaru... I just don't see it. He'd probably hold his own at #3, and he too was in the Chronicler's company so I suppose he'd be okay at #5 travel--he also did "leafrun" a lot, which is travel, though as part of his duty to protect the Koro. #9, he'd probably do alright at. #1 though? I dunno, and #8 might be a problem. He'd be another that could do it if nobody else could, but he doesn't stand out for the job. Tamaru does have a lot of #10, and #12, to be fair. He gets 3.

Onepu. No. The one thing he'd be good at is #3, staying alive, but he would fail in #1, #2 (especially #2, with his ego and also his being used to leading troops), #5, #6, #8 in the sense that his ego would grate on people, and #9 as well. He can have #12, to be fair, giving him a total of 1.5.

Kopeke versus Kapura

Okay, so how do the front-runners stack up?

1) Observativeness. Kopeke built a Wahi-wide ice-lense security system in MNOG. He... sees all. :fear: [ominous]He is watching you.[/ominous] Kapura is observative enough--he makes those cool riddles with what he's observed, which is a plus. But ya can't beat a Wahi-wide security system, sorry. ;) This one goes to Kopeke, with, to be generous, a 0.3 to Kapura.

2) Restraint. Silence is a virtue. Kopeke being quite might hurt him on #8, but here it's a strength. Someone who's willing to be quiet is probably going to notice a lot more, and with Kopeke's history of noticing things, I have no doubt he would have a greater understanding when chronicling. I think many people are confusing talkativeness with wanting to write a lot--I disagree, just from how I am. I don't like talking much in real life, but I love writing. Kopeke way ahead of Kapura here. I'll throw in a 0.5 for Kapura to be fair though.

3) Staying Alive. Complicated--Kapura usually stands out as being able to escape with his "travel power". But--for it to work, he apparently has to slow way down. In an ambush, you can't afford to slow down, so I see it as up to battle smarts. Now, Kapura is a fair warrior. Sure. But so is Kopeke. I'd consider them tied, but Kopeke is pushed higher with his observativeness. This one goes to Kopeke, with a 0.5 for Kapura.

4) Alertness. As said above, seems to go best to Kopeke.

5) Desire to travel. Kapura and Kopeke tied here. Both spent tons of time outside Koro when possible.

6) Carving. I've seen no evidence Kapura's the kind of guy who'd want to sit down and carve out records. He'd probably prefer to... practice. But Kopeke carved in ice all the time, including that spy-lense, and carving that key. Goes to Kopeke.

7) Real world parallel. I'm a lot like Kopeke. I'm a reporter. Of course, not sure if that's close to universal, lol, but this is my view I'm talking about, so it counts. That's a Kopeke.

8) Outgoingness. As said above, I disagree to an extent that Kopeke's "aloofness" counts as "shyness", since he seems perfectly willing to do what needs to be done and to say that which is vital to be said. However, we can give this to Kapura for sure. I will give Kopeke a 0.3 to be fair though.

9) Wisdom/Intelligence. Gotta go with a tie here. Kapura illustrates wisdom and intelligence, while Kopeke speaks of his wisdom and hints at in in intelligent ways. What little he says shows that he's not making it up.

Then the half-point "crowd pleasers":

10) Speeches. Obviously, Kapura wins, though Kopeke's speeches are interesting enough. Overall, no justification for a tie, though, so 0.5 for Kapura.

11) Mysteriousness. Kopeke and Kapura are close to tied--Kopeke might not have cool speeches, but characters of few words can be even more mysterious than those with many riddles. Kapura, of course, makes up lost ground with the whole traveling thing, whether it can be in story or not--Greg doesn't even know what it means, XD. So Kapura wins this round with 0.5.

12) Coolness. This one is very subjective, with these two more than anybody. I think Kopeke is a super-cool character, personally, so I have to give this to him, with the possibility of a tie. However, I love the concept of mysterious powers that even mere Matoran can tap into, and we do know this is official, and Kapura also has cool MNOG speeches. That said, if that power cannot be in the official story, his coolness factor goes waaay down, to me, though of course I'd love it for my fanfics. :evilgrin: A Kapura in the story without that is, to me boring--his cameo would probably be nothing better than his one book cameo already, in Metru Nui, which was boring as all get out. For the speeches alone, I have to give him this to for the tie, but if that power -could- make it into the story, I would see that as so rad cool that the value of #12 would automatically go up at least 1 above whatever's needed to beat Kopeke. :P But since that hangs in the balance, this one goes as a tie to both Kopeke and Kapura.

Now for my favorite thing in the whole world. Math.

Kopeke gets a 8.8, overall. And Kapura gets a 5.6. Correct me if I counted wrong--quite possible, XD.

But it's clear that by those criteria at least, Kopeke is a better choice for the job than Kapura. Kapura is only slightly ahead of Hafu, as I'm counting it, in fact.


Recommended Comments

Heh. He's watching you.


Nice catch phrase there. You know, I totally forgot about the security system until you mentioned it in the voting topic...


Go Kopeke!


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A major flaw I see in your grading system- do all of those criteria REALLY make a chronicler? The only two we have really known are:


Takua- who fails in restraint and, to a degree, wisdom. Also, I remember few good speeches from him.


Hahli- She's hard to judge, as we knew her AS chronicler for such a short time. She never showed us much "Staying Alive"- even as a Toa, she has been a bit of a "damsel in distress". We never saw her carve, and she's not much of a crowd-pleaser, lacking both mysteriousness and coolness.


I think Taipu would have been an excellent choice. He has an ENORMOUS desire to travel, and indeed has many parallels to our old friend, Takua. Kapura as well- he is certainly one of the most INTRIGUING of the Matoran, and he excels in all of the categories in my eyes. You left out a great deal of other important traits, such as bravery and endurance, which Kapura also excels in. I voted Taipu, but Kapura still seems a more worthy choice than Kopeke in my eyes. I'm really afraid the win may have been caused by BZPers' common love for Ko-Matoran.

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What about courage as a criteria?

If the matoran is too scared to go on adventures, then it's not going to do a very good job of following toa on adventures. I agree with you, but the list doesn't include everything (that would be hard to do).

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Whatever, you have strong arguments, I think Hafu should have been cronicler.


-God of Noobs

He's one I would have supported too. I was dissapointed more people didn't vote for him. Probably that whole ego thing lowered his popularity or something. He'd fit the job better than a lot of runner-ups who got votes.



A major flaw I see in your grading system- do all of those criteria REALLY make a chronicler? The only two we have really known are:


Takua- who fails in restraint and, to a degree, wisdom. Also, I remember few good speeches from him.


Hahli- She's hard to judge, as we knew her AS chronicler for such a short time. She never showed us much "Staying Alive"- even as a Toa, she has been a bit of a "damsel in distress". We never saw her carve, and she's not much of a crowd-pleaser, lacking both mysteriousness and coolness.


I think Taipu would have been an excellent choice. He has an ENORMOUS desire to travel, and indeed has many parallels to our old friend, Takua. Kapura as well- he is certainly one of the most INTRIGUING of the Matoran, and he excels in all of the categories in my eyes. You left out a great deal of other important traits, such as bravery and endurance, which Kapura also excels in. I voted Taipu, but Kapura still seems a more worthy choice than Kopeke in my eyes. I'm really afraid the win may have been caused by BZPers' common love for Ko-Matoran.

I'm a little confused, Lyichir--where was the flaw? Are you saying that the flaw is, that I did not list every possible criteria? That would be a fair argument--it would have been rather wordy that way though. I felt it would be more concise to include things like "bravery and endurance" under "staying alive" and "desire to travel", etc. However, I said that the criteria for other people would probably be different, so it's not a flaw. ;)


Hahli is hard to judge, I agree there. Both Takua and her appear to fail in many of the aspects, so possibly Kopeke will be in some ways even better of a chronicler, lol. Ultimately, all people, human or Matoran, have flaws, and in fiction that's a good thing as they'd be boring if they were all perfect. :)


Also, as far as bravery and endurance go, both Kopeke and Kapura would be tied in those areas, so not much point in listing them anyways. :) They're also more minor and generic compared to things like staying alive or being observant, which are things directly related to being a Chronicler. Bravery and endurance are generic traits that are useful in just about every important job, so not specifically relevant to Chroniclers.




What about courage as a criteria?

If the matoran is too scared to go on adventures, then it's not going to do a very good job of following toa on adventures. I agree with you, but the list doesn't include everything (that would be hard to do).

As said above, courage is also another generic trait, though I would agree it's more oriented towards Chronicler than many other jobs. Again, the two would be tied, so I don't see the need to list it. I almost did, simply becaue Hafu showed extreme courage in the Bohrok Saga, I felt, so that would go to him over both Kapura and Kopeke, personally. But Hafu wasn't a front runner in the voting. So I decided to count that under Staying Alive, instead, and wherever else it also factors, such as Wisdom, and Desire to Travel.


Have courage, will travel. As it were. :lol:


I still don't see how Taipu may have trouble carving or making speechs. Please explain.(Kopeke was my #2 and I just don't like Kapura)

Not sure what you mean about speeches... Unless I didn't count him for "cool speeches"... *checks*


As far as carving, I stated that in the entry--he seems more oriented to digging than carving, so compared to Kopeke who can easily carve an icicle into a fancy and exact key in only a few seconds, Taipu doesn't have that sort of exact skill. That's not to say he couldn't learn the skill--he could, I'm sure, as could just about anyone. But I'm talking about a love of carving. I think that most people can do just about any job if the need is great enough and they force themselves to. But usually the ones who love doing that job you see evidence of them wanting to do it on their own, such as the Wahi-wide security system. No evidence of that with Taipu, or Kopeke. My point isn't that he would have trouble, but that he might not like the job, and that could affect his attitude towards being a Chronicler in general.


My understanding of Taipu is also that he's somewhat clumsy--more of a "brute strength" kinda guy in terms of physical skills. So carving doesn't seem like the kind of thing he'd like to do. But, I didn't call him either way on that one, remember, so I'm not saying he would definately have trouble or not. I don't think we have enough info to be sure. But with Kopeke (or Hafu), we do.


*finds nothing about speeches*


I'm not sure what you mean about speeches, I guess. I didnt' say one way or another for Taipu on speeches. And anyways, that one is "Cool speeches", not the ability to talk. Just means, how interesting I find the speeches. Obviously, others will probably find his speech interesting enough. I just didn't see it as relevant for him over someone like Tamaru, whose speeches really stand out as cool, or Kapura.


Does that help?

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Many Matoran from Mata Nui have to go against their traditional nature and force themselves to travel. Though most are probably getting over this with the move to Metru Nui, there are certain Matoran, including Kopeke, Kapura, and Taipu, who love venturing out there, so are better for the job in this way.
Kapura and Kopeke tied here. Both spent tons of time outside Koro when possible.


Wasn't Kopeke ordered to go with Takua? If I remember right, he didn't exactly want to, nor did he like it.

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"Courage" and "Staying Alive" should not be grouped together. There are very few criteria that all known chroniclers have had, but one we know is "a willingness to face any dangers for the sake of keeping a chronicle. If you recall, both of the chroniclers we've known well have willingly gone into the Mangaia. Noone forced them to, but they did anyway. I doubt putting yourself at such risk qualifies as "Staying Alive"-- in fact, it borders on suicide.


I admit, Taipu doesn't qualify in the "courage" aspect at all, seeing as he fails to recognise danger. However, Kapura seems very well-equipped for the task.


Also, you said that it is not a job for "crafters and artists," or something along those lines. I'm sorry to break it to you, but Kopeke is infact an ice carver-- very close to those two roles you eliminated. He's more of a handyman than an adventurer.


Also, Hahli had little to no carving experience, so you might as well cross that off your list of criteria.


- :vahi:

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Aanchir, see my reply to Great Being above about carving--you clearly missed the point of that one. ;)


Again, "courage" does not need to be listed here, as it's neither some specific to being a Chronicler nor something either Kapura or Kopeke are lacking in. Adding it in wouldn't change the results, so why bother? ;) They would tie. True, Taipu probably wouldn't do that well in it, but he fails (IMO, and in the vote) in other ways. I could, of course, add a note on it--but it isn't important.


Also, as far as what it falls under, I believe you misread, as "staying alive" is not the only thing it falls under. ;) See my reply to Dust, above. (It would fall under desire to travel more than anything, since this is something that requires first and foremost courage--or just plain silliness like with Taipu, XD.)


As for this:

Also, you said that it is not a job for "crafters and artists," or something along those lines. I'm sorry to break it to you, but Kopeke is infact an ice carver-- very close to those two roles you eliminated. He's more of a handyman than an adventurer.

Again, you seem to be missing the point. Not sure why--perhaps you should re-read, perhaps wasn't worded as clearly. I am almost getting the impression though, that you're being defensive about it. There's no need to do so. :) If you prefer Kapura, that's fine. But on this one, you're grasping at straws. Kopeke is hardly a shopkeeper, sorry. I never eliminated "roles" -- I eliminated personality types. Kopeke is nothing like Okoth, lol. Obviously, the skills of a crafter would come in just as handy as an ice carver--but the personality of someone who simply wants to make products for a living isn't really suited to Chronicler. Kopeke is obviously not like this, as MNOG makes clear.


Also, Hahli had little to no carving experience, so you might as well cross that off your list of criteria.

What makes you say this? I do not recall any evidence for or against this--except that she did work as a "net-mender", which does require some skill at working with materials as well. \


Anyways, you don't seem to understand why it's on the list of criteria--has nothing to do with what Hahli was good at. You don't make a list of what is ideal for a job based simply on one example of someone who had the job. As said already, each Chronicler so far has flaws, and that's actually OK, because stories about perfect people are boring. If you wanted the new Chronicler to be just like Takua, or just like Hahli (or Kodan for that matter) you could not get this, because no two Matoran are alike. :) It's on the list because it's what stands out as something that would be ideal for a Chronicler to have.


Hope that helps...



Slizer--Kopeke may have been ordered to go with Takua, but I'm not talking about that for desire to travel--I'm talking about his traveling out into the Wahi before even meeting Takua. We met him outside the Wahi, remember, if you played MNOG. And he had taken the time to carve the ice-lenses. He appears to spend much time out there. Also, he would not have been chosen for the Chronicler's company if he did not have traits that were ideal for that. That's why Taipu was chosen, for example.

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Also, Hahli had little to no carving experience, so you might as well cross that off your list of criteria.



When did she need to carve when Vakama wasn't telling tales?



Nice. A very good argument. I voted for Kopeke too, so I like the turnouts.

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A good argument, however, we must remember that almost everything in there is dicatated by opinions. Just for fin, I made my own evaluation of K & K:


1)Observativeness. Kopeke has a Wahi-wide surveillance system; I admit you cannot get better than that, but! Remember, he will be in the field, without his cameras. Kapura, on the other hand, does not have anything like that—he had to watch Vakama demonstrate how to teleport. This one, to me, goes to Kapura by a slight 0.5 points.


2) Restraint. Kapura obviously had to have infinite patience, to be training for several hundred years, I am sure. Kopeke, on the other hand, is a Ko-matoran, with a natural tendency toward quietness and other restraining activities. He wins this, earning a 1.0, with Kapura squeaking in with another 0.5.


3) Staying alive. I’ll say it here: Kapura is in the Guard, the most experienced fighting force on Mata Nui. Kopeke is not. Kapura pulls ahead with another 1.0.


4) Alertness. Being the ‘janitor’, in the Latin sense of the word (doorkeeper) of Ko-Koro, Kopeke is certainly good in this area. Kapura, also, must be alert at all times, having trained for years in the Charred Jungle, must be on guard at all times for Rahi attacks. A tie, with each contestant earning a 0.5.


5) Desire to travel. Truly, I would say that Kapura would win this round—if there was not another who exceeded him. Taipu certainly exceeds Kopeke, who mostly sits in his hidden lobby observing the outside world, and also Kapura, who never, to my knowledge, went further than the Charred Jungle, except for an express order from Vakama. Taipu, Macku, and Takua—the epitome of Chroniclerism—were all willing to deny authority to explore or travel. I cannot say how well-advised this was, but it remains, nevertheless. But since these three are not competing, the point goes to Kapura, as a 0.5.


6) Carving. Kopeke exceeds Kapura easily here. He is a renowned ice sculptor. Kapura is not. 1.5 to Kopeke.


7) Real world parallel. I will call this ‘bias’, as What bones wrote seemed to be bias—he likes Kopeke because he and Kopeke were similar. Bias, IMO, has no place in determining the next Chronicler, so no points will be awarded. If I was, Takua would get twenty points . :P


8) Outgoingness. I fail to see how outgoingness is either a good or bad point—nothing awarded here.


9) Wisdom/intelligence. I agree with bonesiii here. A tie, with neither side gaining anything.


Crowd Pleasers:


10) Speeches. One of the best speeches in MNOLG, IMO, is Kapura’s Makuta speech, coming in a close second to Nuju’s Flux speech. In no form of media have I ever seen anything emitting from Kopeke’s mouth (indeed, hardly anything ever does) that equals this famous speech. 1.0 to Kapura because of his profoundness.


11) Mysteriousness. Tie here. They are both mostly quiet, and will reveal things only when asked. However, I am not going to deduct point from Kopeke or award them to Kapura just because Kopeke’s silence is annoying; that’s just me. :P


12) Coolness. I think they tie here: not cool. Jaller’s ‘elite tactician’ mind, to me, was cool: Kapura and Kopeke, not so much. But that’s just me: I’m a tactician. :D


Stacking up:

4 points to Kapura.

Kopeke comes in close with 3 points, if my calculator works right. :P

Gotta love the brother-spellcheck. :D


Just goes to show: Everything varies from person to person.



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I have my doubts, personally, on the specific criteria you included, but I can say that this was one of the best reasons I've seen for choosing Kopeke. With this sort of argument, it's hard for me to find flaws, but since I'm for Kopeke myself, there might be a bias there.

But if restraint is one of the criteria, would it really matter if the Chronicler had a sort of restraint? If Hafu had been Chronicler, wanting to be part of the story himself and wanting attention wouldn't hinder his job that much. It's sort of like where there's a story where the narrator is part of the story and is one of the characters, as opposed to being on the sidelines.

Kopeke would definitely make a great Chronicler in terms of observativeness, and alertness, but in my opinion restraint doesn't count too much in the job of the Chronicler.

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Tha last part was a bit more of an opinion to me.

More of an opinion as opposed to what? Yes, this is my opinion, heh. That's why it's on my blog... :) And I made that clear in the second paragraph. Not sure what else you were thinking of...


Just for fin, I made my own evaluation of K & K:

I assume you meant "fun". :P BTW, I know it was for fun, but I do have some comments that might clarify things further. :)


1)Observativeness. Kopeke has a Wahi-wide surveillance system; I admit you cannot get better than that, but! Remember, he will be in the field, without his cameras. Kapura, on the other hand, does not have anything like that—he had to watch Vakama demonstrate how to teleport. This one, to me, goes to Kapura by a slight 0.5 points.

The ice lenses themselves were not my point--but the character trait that they illustrate. :) A guy who will go to the trouble of making a system like that has to actively want to observe, possibly above all else. More than someone like Kopeke. For the record on what I meant. :P



Kapura is in the Guard, the most experienced fighting force on Mata Nui. Kopeke is not. Kapura pulls ahead with another 1.0.

I don't really see that as a valid argument. First of all, all the Matoran needed to be trained in fighting, especially ones that ventured outside the Koro. Kopeke obviously was, or he never would have been selected to join the Chronicler's company. Second, Kopeke -did- spend so much time outside the Koro, that he must have had runins with infected Rahi all the time. And their experience, though useful, isn't going to help them think on their feet in potentially deadly situations in the future--that takes more mental skills. Again, they're both about equal, but Kopeke seems much more observative, and alert. Also, note that they were fighting mere Rahi, who weren't trying to kill them. For a Chronicler, one obvious method needed to alive is to be able to avoid your enemies. Kapura would, theoretically, be best at this, except that he's got to slow way down to use his "power" (if it is a power). Kopeke, being more observative, would probably see danger coming before it arrives more often and get out of the way, I would think. But mehbe that's just me...



7) Real world parallel. I will call this ‘bias’, as What bones wrote seemed to be bias—he likes Kopeke because he and Kopeke were similar. Bias, IMO, has no place in determining the next Chronicler, so no points will be awarded. If I was, Takua would get twenty points .

Bias would be an accurate enough word for that one, yes--but notice that I'm not just saying he's like me. He's also like a lot of other people who have similar jobs. That's a little less biased. :P Off the top of my head, I can't even think of anyone like Kapura, really, in real life at all, much less a Chronicler-like job, XD. Of course, there are certainly other personality types in reporter-like jobs, but I couldn't seem to connect any to Kapura, so yeah...


12) Coolness. I think they tie here: not cool. Jaller’s ‘elite tactician’ mind, to me, was cool: Kapura and Kopeke, not so much. But that’s just me: I’m a tactician.

Heh. It's amazing how much that word varies. :P




But if restraint is one of the criteria, would it really matter if the Chronicler had a sort of restraint? If Hafu had been Chronicler, wanting to be part of the story himself and wanting attention wouldn't hinder his job that much.

I don't see that it would be a huge issue, no. Takua, of course, was just as bad as Hafu would have been in this category, and he managed. The criteria aren't all listed with the idea "you must have all this perfectly or you fired", but more as things that definately are preferable for the job. Of course, Staying Alive and Observativeness are pretty vital, heh. Those are probably the only two that are absolutely neccessary, IMO.


But trying to be the story rather than tell the story can be a problem. It depends, to a degree--if, in being the story, the Chronicler goes too far... that would be bad. Especially if it got himher killed. For people like Takua and Hahli, it left the job vacant pretty fast, lol, although not through death. They were both so into being the story that they are now Toa. So basically, it depends on why they "be the story." If they're doing it because they can help, and their help is needed, then, yes, they should "be the story" in those situations.


I brought it up more because of someone like Onepu. I have doubts that we would only "be the story" when the situation demanded it. He's a bit prone to needless heroics and such.


It's sort of like where there's a story where the narrator is part of the story and is one of the characters, as opposed to being on the sidelines.

Yes--but if the narrator dies, for example, or becomes incapable of passing on the knowledge through some means, heshe hasn't been the best Chronicler, heh. Even with the Toa example, Takua and Hahli have not been the best Chroniclers, in a sense---compared to someone who may be destined specifically to be a Chronicler, as Kodan apparently was. Ideally, a Matoran would be picked who isn't destined to be a Toa, but can take care of himself and thus won't need to "be the story" in most cases. Think of it like news reporters in the real world, compared to police officers or soldiers or the like--reporters don't do the job of the cops or troops. Make sense?

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I always love your logic, bones.


Personally, I took a different view on how to choose. I asked myself not who would be the best for the job, nor whom I would appoint to be Chronicler; I simply asked, "Who would, in the absence of a Chronicler, want to become one?"


Now, the obvious answer to me was Taipu. He was the first Matoran who came to my mind that would want to, without any outside influence, want to become Chronicler. True, both Kapura and Kopeke went with Takua on that mission in MNOG, and true, both left his respective village to explore his respective Wahi. But who was fascinated by other Wahi and wished to travel with Takua not for the sake of helping out, but for the simple sake of being able to himself explore? Taipu, of course.


Now, this isn't to say that Taipu would be the best Chronicler; he's simply the Matoran most likely (in my opinion) to jump at the chance to be Chronicler. Given your criteria above, which I mostly agree with, yeah, it looks like Kopeke or Kapura be the smarter choice if the Chronicler were to be appointed.

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I really disagree in terms of Kopeke winning. I, personelly would also take Taipu as the chronicler because he actually liked and I repeat, LIKED to go on adventures. In MNOG, when you broke through the tunnels and if you didn't take Taipu, He would sit on a rock...wishing he would have come. Which, IMO, is why Taipu would be best for the choice. Hopefully, my voice was heard. I think this struck an argument. Sooo...I agree with you munkeymunkey, by far.


Bonesiii, in your list of criteria, I think that this is more of your opinion than fact. Or so I would assume. As Wysp said, and I quote, 'Just goes to show: Everything varies from person to person' which I agree with. I so agree with many thing you have listed above, then again, some I don't. Soo I've decided to say, I disagree overall. Im not trying to be mean...its just Im trying to say most was opinion...and some fact.




P.S. I don't remember when Kopeke ever wanted to travel. He was forced. Yeah...I read the posts...and that was a quote...but, its still true. Kopeke was NEVER wanting to travel. He just had to. So Mata- Nui wouldn't fall. ;)


I hoped this cleared some minds. :)

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Bonesiii, in your list of criteria, I think that this is more of your opinion than fact.

Again, please read the second paragraph, lol. I made it crystal clear this is only my opinion. No point in trying to convince me of something I already stated as true, XD.


However, it being my opinion does not disprove it being the most logical opinion. You are certainly correct that Taipu wants to travel, but look what happened when he went with Takua to Le-Koro. He just got himself kidnapped. Future enemies aren't going to play nice like the Nui-Rama. He could very well get himself killed that way.


Also, I've seen several people claiming Kopeke was "forced" to go along, but where exactly is this stated in the storyline or MNOG? I do not recall it; perhaps I need to check again. But it sounds like a rumor to me. I'd like to see proof from the actual storyline, including MNOG, of this assertion. Besides, Kopeke spent most of his time outside the village before going on the Chronicler's company, unlike most Matoran. I fail to see how that does not support him having a desire for travel. Sure, it's not as strong as Taipu's... but then Taipu's intelligence isn't as strong as Kopeke's, lol. Kopeke is the kind of guy who will do his duty, regardless, so even if that was the case, that he didn't like traveling, he still would do the job, and I would still say that overall he'd do a much better job than Taipu, with observativeness, restraint, and staying alive all going in his favor far over Taipu. You gotta admit that, at least, right?


That said, again, you're perfectly allowed to pick your own criteria. :) If, in your tastes, having an eager Chronicler is cooler than having one who's cold, even if he would fit the job better, then that's fine. As I've pointed out before, neither Takua nor Hahli were perfect for the job either, so it's not like the perfect Matoran for the job is an absolute necessity. :) It's just that me, personally, I prefer to focus on who's best for the job, logically speaking. :) You don't have to be defensive about your choice. ^_^


And thanks for the comment, mumu. ^_^

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To be honest, you do have a point there Bones. I just picked Kopeke cause he was cool, but I hadn't thought of those situations that you cropped out.(man you're good! :blink: )


I don't have time to read all of that now so I'm gonna decided to print it out and read it then post a comment tomorrow.



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