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Pity: Party Of One

Takuma Nuva


Ever have those days when you can't help but feel excessively sorry for yourself?


I hate my job. I hate my boss. I hate that my money is getting tighter all the time. I hate that I can't get a different job. I hate that I can't figure out what I'm going to go to college for. I hate that I really don't know the first thing about going to college. I have friends who are sick. I have family that's being nothing but a bunch of--


*sharp inhale*


I hate working on Sundays. I hate when I feel like I'm nothing but a joke to some people. I hate people that act so stupid it stupefies me. I hate seeing something wrong and being powerless to help. I hate feeling guilty about things I shouldn't. I hate being older than seven. I hate politics. I hate trying to break bad habits. I hate hating people. I hate rambling on for hours and feeling like a moron when I realize it....


But I don't hate you guys. When I feel like the whole rest of the world is against me, you guys here seem to think that I'm all-so-great and it's one of the few things that keeps me going. God bless you all.




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Just trying to cheer you up.


Also, just as a side note, I think you're actually the only staff member here that I actually like at this point.

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We're all there at some time or another. Eventually you get better at managing it and make some changes in your life. If I had an approval I'd give it to you.

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I hate being older than seven.


Ah, that age when one is still surrounded by the cradle of childhood innocence... I'm sure all of us teenagers and young adults wish we could be that young again.


(To think, I'm typing that while I'm still only fifteen years old. :lol:)


But, yeah, good luck with life and such.

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