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The David Bowie Contest

Kevin Owens


I'm making this public. It's time for a Moderator Challenge!


It has recently come to my attention that not many people know about David Bowie. David didn't really do Glam Metal. He was born before metal was even a genre. He did Glam Rock. I talked with some people a bit off BZP, and they admitted they had no idea who David Bowie was. I honestly thought they were trolling, but in reality it turns they you just didn't know.


So that's why I'm going to give yourself a chance to improve yourself. To expand your horizons. To see what's out there in the world. Since you obviously know nothing about Bowie, you will learn and you will tell us of your findings. There will be three sections to this contest, and each section will be put to a vote. The person with the most votes gets nothing special except the admiration of thous around him.


Remember people, there are no losers here. Each and every single one of you is a winner for taking the time to learn something new.


You have until April 15th to get your entries in!


You may pick one of these three.


1) Dress up like David Bowie


In this challenge, you will dress like David Bowie. It doesn't have to be something that he once wore. It just has to look like something he'd wear. This will be informitive as it will force you to think like David Bowie and look and examine just what his taste in fashion is. You will prove that you have dressed like David Bowie by posting a picture of yourself in the clothes in question.


2) Sing like David Bowie


For this challenge, you will sing a David Bowie song. I don't care which one, but it will be BZP appropriate. You will then host the audio file and post it here. You don't have to have any backing, your simple voice will suffice.


3) Praise David Bowie


In this challenge, you will praise David Bowie and write a 500 word minimum summary of the achievements of David Bowie. You may not copy and paste from any website, and doing so will make your entry null and void and you will be forced to do one of the other challenges. The summary must be a praise article, you must not be facetious, sarcastic, or otherwise demeaning of David Bowie. If you do so, your entry will be null and void and you will do one of the other challenges.


Entry Format


[b]Section Entered:[/b]
[b]Entry[/b][/ code]




Q: But what if we know of/like Bowie?

A: You can still enter! Remember, this is about broadening your horizons. Explore an area of Bowie's accomplishments that you weren't aware of. I'm sure that (most of) you haven't recorded yourself singing a Bowie song or dressed up like Bowie, so those are fair game.


Q: Also do I win the contest if I successfully put out fire with gasoline?

A: Doing so and posting a video of you doing so will net you an auto-win.


seriously though please don't do this




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But what if we know of/like Bowie?


Also do I win the contest if I successfully put out fire with gasoline?

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Not sure if I have anything sufficiently Bowie in the house to wear, but I'll certainly enter the other two.

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But what if we know of/like Bowie?


Also do I win the contest if I successfully put out fire with gasoline?

You can still enter! Remember, this is about broadening your horizons. Explore an area of Bowie's accomplishments that you weren't aware of. I'm sure that (most of) you haven't recorded yourself singing a Bowie song or dressed up like Bowie, so those are fair game.


Putting out a fire with gasoline and posting a video of you doing so will net you an auto-win.


seriously though please don't do this

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I would do all 3, but my limitations in technology and resources say otherwise!


So I will do number 3, as a sort of tribute to the number 3, in which there are 3 options and since I cannot choose all 3, then I shall do what is closest to 3 -- which falls right into my technical knowledge of computers.

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Not sure if I have anything sufficiently Bowie in the house to wear, but I'll certainly enter the other two.


That thing he said.

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*goes to put out a fire with gasoline*


Are there any prizes or just bragging rights?

If you'd read the entry, you'd find your answer.


Also, one week left!

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Gah I am a horrible person for forgetting about this.


Tomorrow's busy, so I won't be able to finish my entry. :(

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