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Ccc Critics



Hey guys.


Thank you all for working so hard on the CCC awards this year. It turned out great. However, (I think you will probably agree) There are a couple of things that we can improve on or do better. This will also be a chance for us to get our normal CCC duties sorted out. So this will basically be a round-table discussion about the awards, how you think we did, and how we can improve. I’ll put up a couple of points to start us off.


Communication/Public Relations: This was a HUGE issue during the nomination period. There’s two different aspects to this; communication between critics and nominees, and communication between critics. I’ll address the former first. Communication between us and the nominees is important. Sadly, a flame war from another comedy spilled over to ours when it was nominated for several awards. We cannot deny any nominee a nomination just because we do not like the comedy. The best we can do is keep a neutral stance on the issue, remind posters to keep the argument in the original topic, and decide during the judging. We won’t give our personal opinions on the comedy, even if it’s bad. I might address this more later.


The second thing: Communication between each other. I was never the best at keeping organized, and the forum downtime did not help. We should probably have a back-up system in place should the forums go down again. We could probably use the Comedy Wiki, but not all of our critics are members of that site yet. We also need to make sure the information is getting to everyone. If I don’t send you something, send me about five messages and I’m sure I’ll remember to send it. :D



Nomination Period: I think two weeks was a good time, but there was a lot of confusion as to what comedies could be nominated. There were a couple of comedies nominated that were started after the nominations started. So do we want everything written in between one date and another? Or just Started? what about after the nomination period has started? do we include those?


Locked Comedies: Friar Tuck told us that we should probably not allow locked comedies to be nominated, and he’s right. However, I did not realize TBTTRAH was a locked comedy (Thankfully, it didn’t win any awards so no one could call us on it.) We should not allow locked comedies to be nominated if they broke the rules. But what if they didn’t break the rules? Should we allow them if the author requested it to be closed?


Organization: This one was mostly my fault. I’ve never been the most organized person in the world (but I’m improving) If someone would like to help me keep organized and make sure everything’ going as it should and getting listed correctly, that would be great.


Judges: No, you guys didn’t do anything wrong. The screw-up in assigning comedies to be judged was my fault. I mean making sure that everyone is on board with the awards before we steam ahead. Right now, Doctor Bob and Flynn58 are inactive members of the CCC. I will suggest to Snoopy that they be contacted, and taken off the list if they no longer desire to be critics. I’ve also gotten several messages from members saying they want to be critics, but some of them haven’t heard back from Snoopy. Apparently, Snoopy is really busy with school right now (aren’t we all?) So I will probably take on the duties he usually has until he gets back on track. So I’ll need to sort out who’s been applying and read their sample reviews.


People’s Choice: I kept forgetting this one. They will be put up, as soon as I figure out how to make a poll. And since there were few nominations in these categories, I came up with a brilliant idea: include the comedy of the year, best character, and best author nominations in the poll choices. Great, huh?


One more thing: How are we going to get the actual award to everyone? Mass production? any ideas?



I’ll update this as people think of things we can improve on.


Recommended Comments

For Nominations: Any comedy written in the time frame. I'd say for next year, just anything written from January 2011 to December 2011.


However, I think there should be limits. For instance, ADITLOGF won comedy of the year, but it only received one chapter; now, I hope I wasn't the only other nominee (haven't checked, don't want to sound too selfish), but that seems a little unfair. That should've been nominated for best chapter, or best comedy ever.


Organization: Assuming I'm still as active in a year or whatever as I am now, I might be able to help with that... we'll see when the time comes.


Not sure if there's anything else. :P


~Agent i~

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I agree with ibrow for the acceptable time period being if it was written anywhere between January 1st to December 31st of the year.


As far as how this year's awards went, for never doing it before, I think you pulled it off pretty nicely, Jalina. Granted we weren't the most organized, but it was also our first try. Trial and error is the best way to go. I think the way we did it this year was actually a great way to do it. The only two things that I can think of off hand that could be improved is maybe a moe organized nomination topic next year and possibly (depending on how many nominations we get) having more than just one critic decide the winner of each category. Just so the winner gets to be voted from more than just one opinion.


For locked comedies, I think comedies that the author requested to be closed on account of it ending should be allowed, but any other locked comedy...probably shouldn't be.


But yeah, speaking of CCC topics...time to get to my review.... :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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I think in terms of it being the first ever CCC awards, it went remarkably well; a lot better than I expected. However, the issues you brought up definitely ought to be addressed. In terms of locked comedies, I think that those locked due to rule-breaking absolutely SHOULD NOT be allowed in the awards; I think that should be obvious. As for those locked at author's request, I don't see a problem with nominating them, considering they're just basically inactive comedies with a 'locked' sticker on them.


I also think "Comedy of the Year," in response to iBrow's point, should be divided into "One-Post Comedy of the Year" and "Multi-Post Comedy of the Year." Maybe some of the other awards too. One-Post comedies and multipost comedies are very different from each other and putting them in the same category would be like comparing Glatorian to Matoran. They're two separate things. :P


:mirunu: Lewa0111 :mirunu:

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