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I Need To See This

Queen of Noise


I love Moby-Dick by Herman Melville, because it is a beautiful masterpiece of literature and it inspires me.


I also love really awful movies, because they are hilarious and I laugh at them.


Thanks to Gail Simone's Twitter feed, I've discovered something that seems to be made specifically for me.




My god where can I find a copy of this?? I need to see it, and own it. I know it will be so horribly bad.


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I love how the cover is a complete rip-off of Jaws, only with a ship instead of a girl and an island-sized whale instead of a shark. Could this be from the same "talented" people who brought us Transmorphers and Snakes on a Train?

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I guess I asked I asked a question I already knew the answer too.


What with all the terrible movies being made nowadays.

Terrible movies have always been made, this isn't specific to our current time.

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I think it's streaming on netflix.


You will not be disappointed.

I'm don't have Netflix. D:


I found a couple places to order it online though! Gonna grab a copy next week.

It seems there are more now then usual though.

No, you just forget the ones that used to be.


Are you sure?

Positive. It's just that collectively, we tend to only remember the good films - history glosses over the duds. The same will happen to today's movies - seven decades from now, people will remember films like Schindler's List and The King's Speech and forget the rotten ones.


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