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I Hate Being Sick - It Gets In The Way Of The Dvd



I had so much planned out for this weekend, too... but I lost most of it by being flat on my back with snotrags stuffed up my snout. Indelicate, yet annoyingly accurate. Only last night about 10 o'clock did the fever break and my brain returned to whatever semblance of normal it ever reaches.


And it's not so much being achy and snotty and generally miserable as knowing I've lost a full day of billable work (as a contractor, I don't get paid sick days). That hurt. Fortunately, the week before I had 48 hours, so it came out OK in the wash. But still. At least I'll be able to go in tomorrow.


And all this weekend, I had planned on doing lots of stuff, too. Like getting the BZP DVD-ROM ready. I finally got started archiving and downloading that last night, only to find after 11 hours of downloading that the zip archive was corrupted. It took me an hour to figure out why, but I did, and I'm rezipping everything now and will redownload tonight. For another 11 hours. And that's with DSL. At least I can continue working on the splash screen, and getting the rest of the goodies ready.


Yes, the "BZPower" bricks I showed off last week are going into the DVD-ROM packages. Everybody who orders one will get a BZP brick. These are special limited-edition bricks, done only for this DVD. I have two hundreds bricks pre-made, if there are more orders, I'll get more made.


That's not the only DVD goodie... two of the DVD packages will contain a special original piece of BIONICLE artwork by the BIONICLE designers! These will be put in at random. You cannot get these anywhere, they're both unique pencil drawings on vellum. (Unfortunately one of the vellum pieces is slightly ripped, but you can't have everything. It's still cool.)


There's more... I've spent the last two months working with LEGO to get a special license to include lots of the older Bionicle content that TLG has produced over the years. Stuff like the Rahkshi mini CD-ROM installers, desktop toys, movies, trailers, comics, stuff like that. I'm waiting for final confirmation to include that stuff, but it's sounding good.


And there's yet more... something you definitely won't find anywhere else, an original short story by Greg Farshtey! It's good. Really good. Definitely to the tastes of BZP members, I think.


I hope to have the order form for this finished in the next day or so, so we can begin taking orders. There'll be a 2-week order period, then we'll get the DVDs burned and everybody who's paid will receive their package around the first of April, or maybe the week after that (since this is very close to BrickFest).


On another project, now that LEGOFan has a server again, I need to start putting effort into getting that back up to snuff. But at least there are lots of people willing to help on that one, so I won't need to shoulder the entire burden like I did before. Which is a huge relief.


Boy, I can hardly wait for all this to be done.




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Aw darn, just my luck of being out of money. :P


Hope you'll feel better soon, Binky. They say that a lot of resting helps out a bunch.

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Will you be selling them at Brickfest? That would cut down on shipping costs. :P


Sounds wicked cool. I must get one now...



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The DVD will cost USD$12.95 plus $2 S&H.

*bit late on reading this*


If I run down to Brickfest and you have them, can we skip the $2? :P


I'm definately going to look into getting the DVD now. It'd be worth it, especially when I could then browse old BZP without a busy message.


... Please don't install random Busy Message windows :P -Swert

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Will the DVD be available to non US members?

I managed to find the original poll, however can't seem to find an answer.

If so an increase in postage would be expected and accepted.

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What is this you speak of? When will it be avaliable and what is it? I haven't heard anything about it before. How many are you gonna make? I hope I can get my hands on one...


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Well whenever it comes out I'll be right there in line to pick it up. Should I make that check out to Binkmeister, Binky, Mr. Meister, or Cash?



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You cannot get these anywhere
Doesn't that mean they don't exist?


The DVD will cost USD$12.95 plus $2 S&H.
What exactly is the DVD gonna be about? :???:



Fifteen bucks. :P

Basically, it's an archive of the site with lots of other goodies included.


If you're having any kind of trouble, these probably wouldn't be ready by BrickFest anyway. But I'm sure that would've been nice for attendees.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


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So...How exactly are we to order this. because I know that even if I only have ten dollars in my posession, I wanna buy one. If it costs more, I'll get more!


Yeah. I'm that fanatical about it.


I need a life.



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And there's yet more... something you definitely won't find anywhere else, an original short story by Greg Farshtey! It's good. Really good. Definitely to the tastes of BZP members, I think.


Yeah Binky, we kinda mentioned that in BZPMonthly :P Still, if you can start selling them DVDs by May, I'd gladly purchase one for my birthday :)

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