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Bionicle Has Taken Over My School!

Republic Commando Niner


Ok, so not quite... It has been appearing rather frequently now, just not in the actual Bionicle form.

But a few days ago in class I was writing little random lines of ###### on my notebooks in the Matoran language, and my neighbor noticed this and said what I never would have expected; "Oh hey! I recognize that!"

So we began writing a little conversation in Matoran language, and eventually our other neighbors got curious and asked us what we were doing, so we told them we were just writing in a fictional language and then wrote them up a little alphabet cheat sheet.. And now this week, I've noticed that writing in this language isn't quite so personal now, cause it's spread throughout some of the junior class and is leaking into the other grades as well..

I don't think it'll last long, but it's sure interesting to see it around.. Especially since I'm probably the only few who can read/write it without a cheat-sheet :lol:

I'd post some examples.. But it's hard to find some that don't contain foul language.. -_-


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I wish I could expand more on this.. But I don't think anyone cares about it other than the fact they can make fun of disliked students and teachers... Only my close friends bother listening to what it came from, and I don't think they care... But it's still heck of a load of fun to see it :lol:

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ah, that means you haven't told them (in matoran laungage) to get MNOLG and MNOLG2. not only are there hints, etc. , but it has really fun minigames.

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