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I think a quote block would be an interesting addition to my blog. The only problem: I need quotes.


And that's where you come in. Have you made any quoteworthy posts lately? -- perhaps showed off your incredible powers of sarcasm, humor, or both? Post 'em here and I'll most likely put them in my soon-to-come quote block.


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Both of these made it in different blogs, so maybe they could reside peacefully here, too.








if you were true fans to bionicle you would support it's return you are not fans if you don't want it to come back even if you followed the entire story and loved them and bought every set and had joined a website with a large fanbase for them and made tons of friends and talked about bionicle every day and then when it ended you moved on to hero factory and don't want bionicle to come back you aren't a fan then because you thought it was going downhill and didn't like every single little aspect of it and you don't want it to come back and you aren't petitioning lego like mad and throwing temper tantrums left and right and aren't carrying on bionicle's revolutionary legacy means you are all traitors to those who want their most favorite toy back we know our fantasy will come true because we are here we are waiting and we want our bionicle and if star trek fans had as a group said no point in talking about this anymore it's never going to come back it never would have come back and lego is pushing their poorly designed and overpriced hero factory in little kids faces bionicle didn't need it so we have evidence to prove that our toy line which we simply cannot live without is going to come back because we will hold our breath and storm denmark if we don't get our way which we will because we always get our way and get what we want even if it comes back in ten years we can ask for the entire new line of bionicle for our thirtieth birthday and when bionicle comes back we'll have plenty of money to buy them because we didn't betray bionicle and buy hero factory like you all did you annoying little black hearted meanies who call yourselves fans when you're not you stinky shoe wearing snobs who don't agree with the movement to bring bionicle back
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"What are eggs and bacon?"


"Eggs are white rocks with a kind of yellowy stuff in them that you can cook and eat. Bacon is delicious."

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"You'e seian what?"

-- Me talking to a friend about DBZ...


"It takes a long time to hone skillz like mine."

--Me, after failing miserably at writing my own name in Japanese

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Dude, all you need to do is look at my profile right now, and you will become so excited that your brain will burst. NOT KIDDING. GO THERE. NAOW.


-The Fearless Leader

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"The problem with quotes on the Internet is that you can't verify whether they are correct.

"--Abraham Lincoln"


(Forgot the source.)


~ BioGio

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You must include the lemon rant.


Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your ###### lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!
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I heard this one today and loved it so much I plan to print it out and put it on my wall:


“Crushes are kind of like a good thing or a bad thing… they kind of go up and down like a stock market.” – Alec Greven

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"Look, we have a serious problem."

"Yeah, I was really looking forward to a muffin."

~Teresa Lisbon and Patrick Jane, The Mentalist


"I'm a killer salesman. I'm not a killer."

"Ask yourself if this is the right moment for humor, Mr. Atwood."

~Mr. Atwood and Kimball Cho, The Mentalist


"Aren't we all part of the Justice League? Do you think Aquaman would give Batman a ticket?"

~Patrick Jane, The Mentalist


"I hate the internet."

~Grace Van Pelt, The Mentalist


"Tea? It's a hug in a cup."

~Patrick Jane, The Mentalist


"When you tell me boring things, I set them free immediately. It saves on overcrowding."

~Patrick Jane, The Mentalist


"Gus, don't be exactly half of an eleven-pound Black Forest ham."

~Shawn Spencer, Psych


"Life is not fair. Sometimes dreams do not come true, sometimes you're not the hero in the story of your life, and sometimes, people die before they're supposed to. Life is not fair. But fair has nothing to do with who you are inside, what you dream about, who you love, and what you stand for. Life cannot touch that. War cannot touch that. Doctors... Dark, dark doctors... Cannot. Touch. That."

~The Narrator, The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers (The LXD)

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"Why do we contradict ourselves all the time? We tell are children to grow up yet we also say that imagination is something to cherish. Childishness is immature yet also innocence. We say get a good well-paying job, yet we also tell them money is not the only thing in the world. Is not our only requirement of them is that they make money. We say that killing is evil regardless of the reason, yet soldiers are heroes. Why do our eyes seem so closed to the contradictions in life? What is right and what is wrong? Is there a right and a wrong?"---Me


Also anything by Richard Bach.

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