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Taming A Street Teenager (Warning; Very Long Story)



Earlier this year I created my own chatroom. Not long after, a street teenager from Queensland started to frequent the chatroom seeking freedom and redemption, and I willingly took him under my wing.


Over time the former wild child soon became calm, friendly and open, and the two of us would become as close as brothers. He showed me his natural talent for rap music, and was even able to record a song! However, his past life in a gang war continued to haunt him, and dominate his entire life.


In his town there are two gangs: the east gang and the west gang. These gangs are so deadly that the police are powerless to stop them, and have even become too afraid to try! After my friend helped the east gang with something, the west gang marked him for death.


At this point, my friend had moved in with his girlfriend, but she was a member of the west gang, so she betrayed him for her own protection. She hit him with a crowbar, knocking him out, and then went to juvenile detention for 2 weeks. Her parents spent the entire time away from home trying to free her, leaving my friend home alone with no food. It was during this time that the home was invaded by west gang members, who had come solely to kill my friend. He fought back and was able to hold the gang members off for a while. However, he began to lose faith and consider letting them kill him next time they came. However, I managed to use my words of wisdom to convince him to keep fighting and not give up. He fought back when the gang returned, and managed to kill one of the intruders before he was overcome, and dumped in the family pool. However, he survived, and was rushed to hospital after another girlfriend called an ambulance.


Over the next week, my friend was in hiding. The west gang thought him dead, and had plans to retreive his body later and burn it. When they arrived, my friend hid on the roof and was able to avoid notice. However, starvation began to kick in, and he began to have dizzy spells. Thankfully, he was rushed to hospital again. But on the way, he yelled out profanities against the west gang, who, realising he was still alive, pursued the ambulance, with the east gang, who had also heard him, following.


When they arrived at the hospital, a fight inevitably broke out, and my friend joined in. Eventually both gangs decided to have my friend fight west gang members one-on-one. My friend constantly won each fight, fuelled by pure hate and rage. When he nearly killed a member, the west gang fled, and the gang war ended.


Afterwards, my friend was operated on for his dizzy spells, and nearly died one night. However, he was saved, and it was revealsed that he had a low blood sugar level due to the starvation. The next day saw him eating nothing but pies and coke all day to increase his blood sugar level to a safe level. After 2 weeks in hospital, he returned home to a hero's welcome!


Despite that, my friend was beginning to slip into Depression. Only my words of wisdom were able to keep him going through this entire ordeal.


The family my friend is currently living with has plans to move interstate because of how dangerous the neighbourhood had become. Last I heard, they plan to move away at the start of next year.


However, my friend was still in danger, and 3 months may be too long. West gang members still want him dead. Just recently, he was attacked by west gang members, but was saved by a man. This man, however, had killed his parents 10 years earlier and had tried to kill him too. He still wants my friend dead for god knows what reason. He pretended to have been my friend's uncle, and even let him live with him for a few days. However, it was revealed just yesterday to be a ruse to kill him. My friend escaped to an abandoned house, but was able to remain hidden despite the killer looking for him.


The killer soon rounded up some other people who also want my friend dead. Even now they search for him with plans of murder.


I realised that my friend would have to go to school today, and made some suggestions to get him to school, and to his adopted family's home, safely. I also tried to get him to convince the family to move TODAY, since he could be killed at any moment, and that puts immediate targets on their backs too.


I can only pray that he is able to survive his ordeal, and find a happier life as the rap star he is destined to be. I also hope I can help him in any way I can, even if all I have is online chat.


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..no offense, but I find it very difficult to believe that most, if any, of this is true. It sounds so much like the plots of a bunch of movies and TV shows just stitched together.. heck, I can think of three MacGyver episodes off the top of my head that mirror at least half of this. Not to mention, frankly, it's just so self-glorifying..

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I'll be honest and say that even I find some of it hard to believe. However, if it was all a lie, he would've moved on from the story by now.


As for how he has Internet, he takes his laptop everywhere with him to keep in touch with me and a couple of other friends. He also has a wireless Internet USB with free Facebook. with his credit exhausted, Facebook is the only way he can contact me now.

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I am leaning towards agreeing with laughin'man. This is either an extremely strange actual thing, or this friend of yours is an excellent troller.

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I wish he could send me more proof that this is legit. I keep asking for a certain photo he took of some poster calling him a hero, but he never uploaded it.

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Yeah, I was thinking the same thing as Laughin'Man. Especially the winning the fights by pure rage and hate thing, I can't believe this.

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If this is true, he has have my deepest sympathies and I sincerely hope he makes it out of that situation okay.


HOWEVER, there are a number of red flags in this story leading me to believe it's fabricated. Whether you're making it up or he's making it up, I am very sure all or most of this is fiction.


Just one example:

You mention that the doctors operated on him for his dizzy spells. What kind of surgery, exactly, did they use to try and diagnose his chronic dizziness? Brain surgery?


And why is it that only AFTER they performed surgery did they discover he has low blood sugar levels? I'm pretty sure it's general practice to check a patient's blood chemistry before performing surgery.


I'm sorry, but this just really, really sounds completely made-up.



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I don't remember exactly what happened at the hospital, mainly because I wasn't there. iirc, the low blood sugar level thing was actually my own assumption. Before the surgery (this is something I neglected to mention), we both had assumed that the dizzy spells had come from him falling off the roof of his house and hitting his head after the west gang stopped looking for him. Whether or not that was at all a factor, I don't know.

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Why is it that so many towns have an East/West gang rivalry? Couldn´t they be more creative and divide themselves over coordinate graticules.

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Even it is fake, you should still keep helping him, on the off chance it could be true. That way you can rest with an easy conscience.

That's the exact reason why I'm playing along. Better to believe and look stupid than to not believe and see someone killed.

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