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They're just prototypes...but I think the legs and feet are awesome though...I just don't like the end of the torso thing were the two ball point things and the Hordika head is though...doesn't look like it can support the upper torso very long.




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They're just prototypes...

Today we bring you some images straight from Lego of this year's upcoming Bionicle sets. They're not final, but they're pretty darn close, so don't expect many changes from this point on.


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Those gaps bothered me also. Granted this thing is supposed to be a robot but still, it just looks, bad. I like the size, posability and tools but those gaps are real eyesores.

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Gee, isn't the basic premise of Bionicle being re- and de-constructible that you can build your own versions or sets if you don't like it? I like the sets much better than when we had those Toyfair pics...
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DV is made of win.



Finally somebody else who shares my opinion on these new "sets." I spit at the term - They can't even be called sets.

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Gaps just leave room for ReMOCs, something I know many BZPower's MOCists are famous for.

Gee, isn't the basic premise of Bionicle being re- and de-constructible that you can build your own versions or sets if you don't like it? I like the sets much better than when we had those Toyfair pics...

Action figures you build yourselves and can take apart is no excuse for lazy and sloppy set design. The Bahrag were sets you built and took apart. They were awesome. These are not.


Also, GregF has stated numerous times that MOCists don't count when designers design sets. We don't even get a mention. Which is fine. So using MOCing as an excuse, especially when most BIONICLE fans don't even MOC, is silly.



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To each his own, of course, but guys, come on. They're biomechanical creatures. What argument can there be that gaps don't work for Bionicle? Aesthetically, this speaks to your preferences, which is fine. Personally, I doubt most fans care about a few gaps in sets of creatures who would naturally have gaps, since they aren't just biological. Doesn't even matter that Max is a robot; gaps in biomech. creatures are also to be expected.


But as for the idea that Max "can't even be called a set" just because he doesn't appeal to your guys' tastes, that to me makes no sense. The definition of set has nothing to do with whether you like it, and besides, there's nothing un-Bionicle about gaps in sets. Especially pointing to the Technic-style pieces that some of you guys yourselves have said you miss? I don't buy that argument--gaps are in fact more reminiscient of the old style you have been wishing we could return to, DV, haven't you? Remember these:


IPB Image


IPB Image


IPB Image


Those are chock full of gaps. Most far bigger than the tiny little things you circled. And that's titan-sized; remember canister sized too. All the original Bionicle pieces had gaps, like between the pistons, etc. Look at the old Toa foot, for example, or the Tohunga head. Were those unacceptable too? I really don't see why. It's not the gaps that matter, but the actual plastic, lol. Boils down to Max just being a style that doesn't appeal to you.


For the record, I don't like him as much as Axonn or Brutaka myself. But there's nothing about him that's "unacceptable" lol, in my tastes. Of course, sales will be the final judge... Still, I really don't see how these gaps can be thought of as horrible, or at least, as the worst aspect of the set...

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Well, when you said it spoke for itself...


It's not the gaps that bother me so much as it looks like a previously-made set with differently-used pieces.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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bones, gaps in sets != unacceptable gaps.


We've come too far to be making the same, forgivable mistakes. Additionally, the Rahi have one more thing that separates them. They were good sets for their time. Lego shouldn't be putting out sets like that anymore.

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To each his own, of course, but guys, come on. They're biomechanical creatures. What argument can there be that gaps don't work for Bionicle? Aesthetically, this speaks to your preferences, which is fine. Personally, I doubt most fans care about a few gaps in sets of creatures who would naturally have gaps, since they aren't just biological. Doesn't even matter that Max is a robot; gaps in biomech. creatures are also to be expected.


But as for the idea that Max "can't even be called a set" just because he doesn't appeal to your guys' tastes, that to me makes no sense. The definition of set has nothing to do with whether you like it, and besides, there's nothing un-Bionicle about gaps in sets. Especially pointing to the Technic-style pieces that some of you guys yourselves have said you miss? I don't buy that argument--gaps are in fact more reminiscient of the old style you have been wishing we could return to, DV, haven't you? Remember these:


Those are chock full of gaps. Most far bigger than the tiny little things you circled. And that's titan-sized; remember canister sized too. All the original Bionicle pieces had gaps, like between the pistons, etc. Look at the old Toa foot, for example, or the Tohunga head. Were those unacceptable too? I really don't see why. It's not the gaps that matter, but the actual plastic, lol. Boils down to Max just being a style that doesn't appeal to you.


For the record, I don't like him as much as Axonn or Brutaka myself. But there's nothing about him that's "unacceptable" lol, in my tastes. Of course, sales will be the final judge... Still, I really don't see how these gaps can be thought of as horrible, or at least, as the worst aspect of the set...

I liked the part where you said 'to each his own, of course,' and then proceeded to tell us why we shouldn't each have our own.




1- Gaps in the pieces themselves =/= Construction gaps

2- That was 2001, and as people keep telling me, things aren't supposed to stay the same

3- I think it's time you got off the 'it's just your preference speaking' high-horse. Cool, your preference is one that's being dug right now. Fans are in. Sweet. I'm glad for you. But I'm tired of having not only my preference, but the preferences of many other members and fans out there belittled because it's potentially not the majority preference. We get it Bones. As long as it sells you'll keep buying it. Understood. And that's fine. You want to like wrinkly, busy, over-simplified set designs, go ahead. While you're at it, pick up some new MEGABLOCKS sets. Can't hardly tell them apart from Bionicle nowadays.

4-What it boils down to here, is that it's 2007. Maxilos is not only the same old thing we've seen for the past two years now, but is a step down in overall design. He's pretty much a solid poster-boy for what's wrong with design nowadays. He's gappy, he's busy, he's got the same old designs all over the place that we've been seeing for years now. He's unoriginal. And dear LEGO: please, for the love of something greater than ourselves, STOP GIVING US HUMANOID 'TITANS'. Let's try something new.


If there's one thing I have a right to criticize as a MOCist, it's actual set design. Design is what I do. Critiquing designs is what I do. This isn't a preference, it's laziness. Sure, many fans'll buy him. Why? For the same reason fans keep buying. Because they're fans. It's what they do.


Yeah, I miss the 'old days'. I miss a story that makes sense, and doesn't sound forced from a DC comic book. I miss characters actually being unique and individual. I miss smooth textured toa sets. I miss masks. I miss the noble bearing of toa. I miss simple and awesome masks. I miss having sets that were unique.


I miss having sets that were unique. Bahrag, Exo-Toa, Boxor, Rahi, Gukko bird, Ussal Crab, etc. Those were all things we got as boxed sets back in the day. Nowadays? One set with an 'animal' on a chain. Check. Two humanoid 'Titans' to offer special plot device to save the day. Check. Woohoo. Call me when we get something new again.



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Yeah, I miss the 'old days'. I miss a story that makes sense, and doesn't sound forced from a DC comic book. I miss characters actually being unique and individual. I miss smooth textured toa sets. I miss masks. I miss the noble bearing of toa. I miss simple and awesome masks. I miss having sets that were unique.



I miss all of that too.


However, I'm not too bothered by the gaps. The sets are meant to be biomechanical, so gaps for pistons and things like that are fine, but only if that's part of the design. If the set is full of holes because the designers were too lazy to fill them in, that's bad. But if it's part of the set design, I'm fine with it.

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Oh please, is there nothing you can't complain about, Darth Vader? If you really miss the old days and think that these news sets stink, why are you still on BZPower? Isn't BZPower for Bionicle lovers? Yes, I know you like old-Bionicle, and I can kinda see why (not really though), but why do you keep on complaining and whining about everything that Bionicle is doing over and over and over again? It's really getting annoying, IMO. <_<


As for the gaps: LEGO always has had gaps, and they always will, no matter how long you wait. It's just something you have to deal with. And if you can't, then please, go play with something else and leave BZPower to the people who like Bionicle. Personally, the gaps don't bother me, besides, I'll just buy him and revamp him anyway if I don't like the gaps.


As for Maxilos: I thought you would be happy that LEGO is making a set with an unbelievable ammount of articulation. But no, you have to go and complain about it.




Okay, so that was a bit harsh, and I admit that. It's just what I was feeling at the moment. And I don't mean to be mean to you personally, this post also goes out to all the other members (usually old ones) who don't like the way Bionicle is heading either.


So yeah, read this post with a grain of salt, would you? :P




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I actually really do agree with DV, though... I liked the Barraki better to be honest... If it weren't that I have the habit of cannibalizing my more recent sets to see what I can make, I doubt I would be interested in the Titans at all... I'm picking Kongu up just out of habit, and maybe another Toa. And then a month later they'll be dismembered so I can have fun building.
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Oh please, is there nothing you can't complain about, Darth Vader? If you really miss the old days and think that these news sets stink, why are you still on BZPower? Isn't BZPower for Bionicle lovers? Yes, I know you like old-Bionicle, and I can kinda see why (not really though), but why do you keep on complaining and whining about everything that Bionicle is doing over and over and over again? It's really getting annoying, IMO. <_<


As for the gaps: LEGO always has had gaps, and they always will, no matter how long you wait. It's just something you have to deal with. And if you can't, then please, go play with something else and leave BZPower to the people who like Bionicle. Personally, the gaps don't bother me, besides, I'll just buy him and revamp him anyway if I don't like the gaps.


As for Maxilos: I thought you would be happy that LEGO is making a set with an unbelievable ammount of articulation. But no, you have to go and complain about it.




Okay, so that was a bit harsh, and I admit that. It's just what I was feeling at the moment. And I don't mean to be mean to you personally, this post also goes out to all the other members (usually old ones) who don't like the way Bionicle is heading either.


So yeah, read this post with a grain of salt, would you? :P



Because TRUE fans don't complain, eh? TRUE fans take everything as awesome and perfect. TRUE fans don't go on sites they've become established on, and hang with people they like, while enjoying the community. TRUE fans are mindless, taking everything that comes their way.


So here's the deal. I like the BBC. I sometimes chill in GD. I read the news stories. I buy sets for pieces, but I originally bought sets because they were awesome. I like BZP. I like Bionicle, or at least, I like what it used to be.


And as a fan, I have EVERY right to complain about things I don't like. Because I want to see the line I loved succeed.





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Because TRUE fans don't complain, eh? TRUE fans take everything as awesome and perfect. TRUE fans don't go on sites they've become established on, and hang with people they like, while enjoying the community. TRUE fans are mindless, taking everything that comes their way.
What I meant is that you seem to complain over every, single, little, tiny, thing. Sure, fans can complain (that seems to be their job nowadays), just to an extent. But when it seems like you're complaining every single day about everything, that just gets annoying.
So here's the deal. I like the BBC. I sometimes chill in GD. I read the news stories. I buy sets for pieces, but I originally bought sets because they were awesome. I like BZP. I like Bionicle, or at least, I like what it used to be.
Yeah, that's fine, but I honestly don't see how the Bionicle sets have gotten worse. Remember, we started out with super-stiff Toa with a gear that moves their arms up and down, but now we have waist articulation, bendable knees and elbows, and realistic movments, please tell me, what's so bad about that?
And as a fan, I have EVERY right to complain about things I don't like. Because I want to see the line I loved succeed.





Yes you do, but my point is is that it's getting very annoying, and not just from you, but from a whole lot of BZPower itself. I'm just so sick and tired of it! Why aren't there more topics about how good Bionicle is getting, huh? That's what I want to know! And don't tell me I'm wrong (yes bonesiii, I know, it a matter of tastes), believe me, if we had anything close to what we had back in '01, I would have left Bionicle a long time ago.






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I totally aggree on the leg hole and foot hole. The first thing I noticed was how horrible the leg hole looked.


I think a couple of others can be forgiven a little. But I think the arm hole could have been prevented with the same piece without that bar.


Oh, why doesn't the leg armor look good? Because armor is supposed to protect, and if it's a foot (scale speaking) above the body, that's not too safe, now is it?


Good blog entry.



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Why aren't there more topics about how good Bionicle is getting, huh? That's what I want to know!

Because it's not.


I hate to say this, but I think 2007 is gonna be the year I come out of the closet as a 2001ist.


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What I meant is that you seem to complain over every, single, little, tiny, thing. Sure, fans can complain (that seems to be their job nowadays), just to an extent. But when it seems like you're complaining every single day about everything, that just gets annoying.

He didn't force you to come to his blog or read his posts. You did that of your own accord.


Yeah, that's fine, but I honestly don't see how the Bionicle sets have gotten worse. Remember, we started out with super-stiff Toa with a gear that moves their arms up and down, but now we have waist articulation, bendable knees and elbows, and realistic movments, please tell me, what's so bad about that?

Last I read, he doesn't want Bionicle Sets to return to the quality of 2001's designs, nor are any of the naysayers. In fact, common concensus seems to be that 2003 was tops in most AFOL's books, not 2001. And what was introduced in 2003? Articulation. So it looks like you and DV agree.


Yes you do, but my point is is that it's getting very annoying, and not just from you, but from a whole lot of BZPower itself. I'm just so sick and tired of it! Why aren't there more topics about how good Bionicle is getting, huh? That's what I want to know![/b]

DV just explained it to you why there's so much discontent. Reread this article. And then some of the others. And finally, read this News story by Bionicle Rex. It should tell you something.

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I liked the part where you said 'to each his own, of course,' and then proceeded to tell us why we shouldn't each have our own.

DV--I have no idea why you've been acting so combative lately, but point to the part where I said that. That's a Straw Man fallacy there, my friend. ;) "To each his own" means that I'm not saying you should share my tastes. How many times do I have to say this?


Your tastes are "I don't like these gaps." Calling them "unacceptable" is going beyond that, DV, as you well know. What I am objecting to is you or anyone else turning a dislike (or a like) of something into an absolute rule, in what you say. This is the second time this year you've tried to defend your own "absolutism in taste" argument by accusing me of doing the same thing. Nice try, ain't flyin. ;)


And with that out of the way, please take a deep breath, calm down, and realize there's no reason to be so combative. We can disagree on what we like and still discuss whether it actually works in the set intelligently. :) There's no reason to accuse me of things I did not say. It makes you seem desperate, as if you know you've lost an argument and won't admit it--and besides, anybody can just read my post to see what I actually said, lol.




bones, gaps in sets != unacceptable gaps.

I'm objecting to the use of a minority personal preference as the claimed definition of what's acceptable and what isn't. ;) Besides, the Manas gaps are with some of the exact pieces DV circles as "unacceptable" in Maxilos.


I think it's important to have a good understanding of what actually sells and what doesn't; that's what I'm saying. I see zero evidence that gaps hurt sales, lol. It's the pieces themselves that make or break the set.



"We've come too far to be making the same, forgivable mistakes. Additionally, the Rahi have one more thing that separates them. They were good sets for their time."


That's purely subjective. Most fans saw them as poor sets, which is why they didn't sell well. This is old news here--why is this myth that the Rahi were great still going around? In 2007? They sold poorly, guys. To most fans, Max is way higher quality than any of the three I pointed out. Point being, don't just assume something is a mistake just because you don't like it, or a buncha people on BZP don't like it. We're a minority here, as has been proven over and over again.






"Lego shouldn't be putting out sets like that anymore."

Careful with the "should" opinions--can you explain why they should not? This is a matter of preference, so you'd need to show that your preference on this one is a majority among the Bionicle fanbase (not just BZP). Doubtful. ;) Have you considered that there's a good reason LEGO is still using this element? They don't just do things at random, lol.











Sure, many fans'll buy him. Why? For the same reason fans keep buying. Because they're fans. It's what they do.

Come on, DV, that's silly. They buy what they like. That statement completely ignores market reality as seen for seven years now; sets that haven't been liked by most fans have sold poorly. You make it sound like they'll buy anything, so might as well give them what you like. That's pure fantasy.


If it was true, the Rahi should have sold well, the Bahrag should have sold well, the Kal should have sold well, the Vahki should have sold well, etc. But they didn't.





If there's one thing I have a right to criticize as a MOCist, it's actual set design.

You absolutely have the right to criticise design that doesn't please you, especially on your blog.


My issue is when it appears that you're going beyond just defining why you don't like it, and saying that it's a universal rule that must apply to everybody, whether they like it or not. Look at my "Ruthless Elegance" entry in my blog for example; I make it clear at the start that it's only a matter of preference and shouldn't be mistaken for a universal rule. (Although, yes, in general that style does seem to be popular, but that's not my fault. :P)


Remember these are toys here, not machinery with a purpose. If you wanted to say that a jackhammer had to have certain technical specifications, and as an engineer you could define them, that's one thing. But a toy need not have any technical specifications. It simply needs to please most fans, so that makes everything about it a matter of taste.


(Besides things like child safety of course, but that's not the issue here.)









Pennywise: "You might work for LEGO if [y]our fans know more about set design than you do."

In most cases, the opposite seems to be true; that LEGO knows more about what works in set design than many BZPers, lol. Look at gears, for example. BZPers were wrong on that. They've been wrong on Technicism, etc. etc. It's really just minority preferences being different from majority preferences.







"1- Gaps in the pieces themselves =/= Construction gaps"

Then why did you circle a few examples of that? Four of the eight circles in your image are gaps in the pieces. Two of them the same pieces as in the Manas, ironically.





"2- That was 2001, and as people keep telling me, things aren't supposed to stay the same."

Thank you for stating that. :) We agree there--but you also have to understand why things should or should not change. You can't just change everything to any old thing and expect it to sell. Look at the Hordika.





"3- I think it's time you got off the 'it's just your preference speaking' high-horse. Cool, your preference is one that's being dug right now. Fans are in. Sweet. I'm glad for you."


I'm glad to see that--and I would be happy for you if things were switched, as I was in 2001 (not you personally, but anyone who liked the Technicism style, which I just assumed must have been popular). :) You're on the right track here. Consider, though, avoiding wording things like "unacceptable" if you want to convey the impression that you are OK with others differing from you. :) Words like that don't give the idea that you're glad for them.


As for a "high horse", I'm not going to stop being logical, sorry. I'm going to put everybody to the same standards of logical analysis equally, because this is important. I want Bionicle to do well, and if there were good reasons beyond your personal taste for LEGO not to do this, then there'd be a real problem here. That is why it's vital to point out where arguments seem to be based on individual taste alone and where there seems to be more to it. :)






"But I'm tired of having not only my preference, but the preferences of many other members and fans out there belittled"


Show me one instance of it being "belittled" by me. Some members on my "side" have done that, and I have been the FIRST to chastise them, DV. And the loudest voice doing so. In fact, since I'm being objective about it, I'm one of a few who can do so with credibility.


As for me, what I have done is pointed out that (at least on some things) your preference is in the minority. That is not belittlement; that's a statement of reality. Real world market forces dictate how LEGO then has to react to them. I don't blame you for being tired of the real world forces, believe me. I am tired of excessive homework even though I know I must do it, etc. I get that. But don't take it out on me, please.




"We get it Bones. As long as it sells you'll keep buying it."

Then you definately don't get it, XD. I buy what I like, plain and simple. Remember that I was one of the few who actually liked the Kal, and bought a few. I've been in the minority. But this isn't about me. You make that mistake many times, I've noticed; assuming that I'm talking about my preferences when I talk about what LEGO should do. No. If I do talk about what I want, I make that clear off the bat, and I wrote a whole giant guide about not basing "should" opinions on individual preferences. :) By now, that should be crystal clear, XD.





4-What it boils down to here, is that it's 2007. Maxilos is not only the same old thing we've seen for the past two years now, but is a step down in overall design. [Emphasis mine.]


Now you're hitting the nail on the head, as I see it. Maxilos does seem to me to be a step away from the "coolified" look that Brutaka and Axonn sported, yes. That worries me, because my understanding has been that most fans prefer that. 2006's overall results prove that, in a general sense. At this point, I have to consider, though, that with the titans there might be a difference again between me and most fans, okay? It's possible LEGo found that Axonn and Bruty were overdoing it for most fans and decided to step it back a little. I dunno; we'll see. I just see no evidence of that, given 2006's great success.


My point is, gaps seem to be irrelevant to that. I'm talking about the pieces, not the air in between them, XD.



If you'd posted a blog entry saying that the picture speaks for itself and foregone the circles and had the text say "A step down in overall design" I'd be agreeing with you (though likely for different reasons). That isn't what you did though.



As for "same old thing" that you didn't define in this sentence, that's probably either the humanoid complaint or the coolified look complaint, which of course I cannot agree with (except the part mentioned elsewhere about the humanoid complaint). As far as the coolified look goes, Max is pretty strong in that category (and especially Spinax!), in body design and tool design. The foot design, head, and Cordak blaster are the main problems, I'd say. Not sure if that's what you meant though...




"And dear LEGO: please, for the love of something greater than ourselves, STOP GIVING US HUMANOID 'TITANS'. Let's try something new."



Gadunka. Fenrakk... O_o


In general, that idea is OK, for variety's sake, but keep in mind that even among MOCers the humanoid shape seems to be the most popular. Just glance through bshelf sometime. For roleplayers, they can identify with that shape better too. There are good reasons to have humanoids. Variety is fine too, but it seems to me that one non-humanoid titan a year is probably variety enough. Though I'd agree that it would be nice to see two again, like MOL, as an experiment.








"Design is what I do. Critiquing designs is what I do. This isn't a preference, it's laziness."


Possibly, but possibly not. I tentatively agree with that generalized statement, but not about gaps...


But please realize, DV, that your critique still seems to be coming from how to design a set that would please you, or the tastes of an engineer. All I'm saying is, it's fine for you to critique in terms of what would please you; keep it in that context, but you didn't seem to do that with this entry.








"I miss having sets that were unique. Bahrag, Exo-Toa, Boxor, Rahi, Gukko bird, Ussal Crab, etc. "

Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Missing or wishing for what you don't have is not a crime. I would feel the same way if things were reversed. But I wouldn't take that too far into a "should" opinion.







"I miss a story that makes sense, and doesn't sound forced from a DC comic book. "

Lol. That sounds like a fascinating conversation starter. Please explain. :P













"And as a fan, I have EVERY right to complain about things I don't like. Because I want to see the line I loved succeed. " [Emphasis mine.]


Whoa there, DV. You've just summed up your mistake. Both statements are great, by themselves. But you combine them to make it sound like what you don't like will harm Bionicle's chances of succeeding. By now, surely you have learned that isn't true?





BTW, DV, you could really lose some of your cynicism. It isn't helping your arguments any when you open your replies with some accusation about ulterior motives. ;) There's no need for this paranoid "Oh, and I suppose true fans don't complain, eh?" business. Let's define it crystal clear right here:


A fan is someone who overall likes whatever he's a fan of.


Plain and simple. Nobody has any right to say you aren't one. A fan is someone who just wants to enjoy what he likes. There's no such thing as "loyalty" or "blindness" or whatever you want to call it in being a fan. Why? Because entertainment's job is to please. If it fails at that job for each individual, they are perfectly within their rights to point it out.


If there was such a thing as a "true" fan, it would simply be someone whose tastes happen to coincide with what has made the franchise successful, but it is misleading to use that word, because it implies those who do not happen to be like that have committed some sort of crime. Totally false.


And it goes both ways, DV. For you to accuse a fan that does happen to like just about everything of being "mindless" is totally false as well. Sheer nonsense. People like what they like, and they have every right to. You should want to see most fans saying "it's all good", because that tells you LEGO is doing a good job of appealing to majority tastes (yes, that IS their job). Unlike the Kal, unlike the Bahrag, unlike gears, unlike clones etc.


With those, the core fanbase was complaining. If not with their words (though definately many did!), with their wallets.



Aaaanyways.... Point is, no need to be so paranoid, DV. :)


















I actually really do agree with DV, though... I liked the Barraki better to be honest... If it weren't that I have the habit of cannibalizing my more recent sets to see what I can make, I doubt I would be interested in the Titans at all... I'm picking Kongu up just out of habit, and maybe another Toa. And then a month later they'll be dismembered so I can have fun building.

I agree. Both the Mahri and this year's titans are going away from that coolified look. That's worrisome. Although of course, with the latest high-quality pics, BZPers have already started the annual "Oh I was wrong and these are awesome" parade, XD. But frankly, I don't even think that matters anymore. It's just BZP being BZP; the real test is going to have to remain sales. We'll see....








SZ: "I'm just so sick and tired of it! Why aren't there more topics about how good Bionicle is getting, huh? That's what I want to know!"



Understandable, SZ. Please realize, though, that this is human nature. People usually don't go into a lot of detail about what they like, although arguably they should make some effort to. But when they see what they think could be a problem (usually, when they don't like something), they're worried about it and they think it's time to make an exception and go into detail or speak up when they normally don't, to point out the possible problem. Nothing wrong with that; it's healthy for a fanbase. :)


The unhealthy part is when they can't understand the difference between a real problem and what they don't like.


However, I would agree that complainers would have more credibility if they would admit it when there are positives as well as negatives. Objectivity and balance are going to make a complaint far more convincing then what comes across as constant negativity.









Why aren't there more topics about how good Bionicle is getting, huh? That's what I want to know!

Because it's not.

You would know full well that's not true if you had paid much attention at all to BZP over the last few years. And besides, many things that BZPers have been whining about have been fixed in recent years and those same BZPers have been silent. Given that, why should LEGO listen to this complaint, if you guys won't be grateful that they listen?


Bionicle's been getting better since 2004 (after going down from 2001's medium heights into the pits of 2003), and just last year, did excellently. And yet those were the times when BZP was making the biggest noise about how awful it was, XD.


It's not the quantity of complaints that matter, but what type (quality, if you will, though that's a vague concept). When you see a lot of minority taste people saying "I don't like this" it's often actually an indicator that Bionicle is getting better (for most fans).


It's when you see them saying "I'm bored" that we usually see sales go down.


That said, you cannot look at "I don't like this" complaints as a measure of success, XD. Because we -do- have some aspects in common with the majority here, and we can be useful, like with clonism. The Hordika are another good example; a hero group that sold well... as a villain group. Complainers were right on that one, though often for the wrong reasons.


Our complaints are useful when they reflect reality among the Binoicle majority fanbase. So that's the test, every time. Does each complaint do that?


I think the complaints I'm making about the Cordak Blasters, Mahri, and Titans, do reflect that, so I'm worried about those issues. 2007 might be going downward a little, though there are also so many positive signs far and beyond even 2006, that hopefully it will maintain that year's strength. Barraki especially; Gadunka, and the coolified aspects of the Mahri (Hahli's wings! Etc.).






Oh, why doesn't the leg armor look good? Because armor is supposed to protect, and if it's a foot (scale speaking) above the body, that's not too safe, now is it?

Notice your mistake here. You began by asking about taste--why it doesn't look good. Then, you did not answer that question, but instead switched to an answer to the question "why doesn't the armor work in practical terms?" Easy slip to make, but it's an equivocation fallacy nonetheless.


The real answer to why it doesn't look good (to DV, you and others) is that it doesn't please your tastes. :) This does not prove that most fans won't be pleased by it, or that it doesn't look good to them. ;) And it also explains why others have to ask--because it doesn't annoy their tastes, and all individual tastes are equal.


As for the practical considerations, three things. 1) It's irrelevant; this is science fantasy and Bionicle purposefully differs from real world rules often to heighten that sense of a different world.


2) Playing devil's advocate though... I almost don't even know where to begin. It's a set, not the storyline form, for one. Real Bionicle characters don't have holes all over them either, nor do real humans have seperable legs, arms, and head with a LEGO stud on the top of the head, XD. Sets are representations of the characters, not exact storyline replicas. You can't look at set design and assume that you can then apply storyline logic to it. If you could do that, then Rhotuka are a very strange kind of energy that mimics matter, and protodermis is plastic. :P


3) But going even further with devil advocacy, pretend the gaps were actually there in the storyline form. They're biomechanical, so the question is, what is the armor, and what is the muscle/organic tissue being protected by it? Where did you get the idea that the foot was the armor and the other pieces were muscle? That does not fit with what we've seen in the past; the LEGO pieces are almost always the armor/metallic components, and the muscles either aren't shown in the set at all, or are the rubber pieces. I don't see that any of the pieces you're claiming are not part of the armor are rubber. So seems like a moot point on all counts to me....




"I hate to say this, but I think 2007 is gonna be the year I come out of the closet as a 2001ist."

You prefer Technicism? Then why haven't you embraced your preference all along? You should not be afraid to like whatever you like, Pennywise. 2007's sets are irrelevant to whether you liked things like Rahi or gears in 2001. Or even gaps, XD. After all, 2001 was the year of gaps....

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