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Apparently I Am Not Feminine

Taka Nuvia



Long story short:


I was checking the timetable of a friend in the hallway (at school), when I heard some people talking behind me, and suddenly someone said "He almost hit you!" to me. No voice I knew, so I just quickly glanced over my shoulder, and saw a group of children, maybe 11 years old. Yeah, so the child almost hit me, yay. Nothing too much out of the ordinary.

So I just decided to ignore them, when I suddenly overheard a kid (I think the almost-attacker) go all like "Well at first I thought it was a boy, but in the last moment I realized it's actually a girl!"

Um.First reaction:


...from behind. with my long hair and stuff. Right.


Second thing that surprised me was that obviously that kid was about to hit someone (with a bag, but still!), a complete stranger. Just because.

Seriously, what the Karzahni :wired: I can't stress enough how much this confuses me.


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That excuse sounds more fabricated than not to me.


Also, the drawing's right arm seems small, but otherwise I like the drawing and coloring. Is that actually how you look, minus the artistic stylization?

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hey, dont blame little kids for not knowing the difference between a male teenager of the human species and a femal teenager, they both have long hair and when all you can see is backpack theres no veiw of the frontal characteristics for any specific *brainfail* DANGIT i keep forgetting words, well there goes my eidetic memory!

i have long hair, but no one calls me a girl (maybe its because i have a moustache and sideburns lol)

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@OmiShad: That's okay ^^


@Legolover-361: It possibly was. ^^ And yes, it indeed is a (heavily) stylized rendering of myself. ^^


@Grant-Sud: Hee hee ^_^


@We Are _G.R.I.D_: Weeell... I do expect common sense. And there are many things that give away whether the person in front of you is male or female. (Or maybe it only seems to me like that because I'm an artist?!)

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Uhh. Something is weird about the kid's end of the event - maybe it's missing something, like sanity. Or normalcy. Or something.





:b: :i: :m_o: :m: :a: :n: :c: :e: :r:~

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So the kid would´ve actually gone through with it (...said he´d have gone through with it, that is...) if you´d been a boy? I´ll be the first to admit that I´m a bit touchy about that sort of thing, but I don´t see any excuse for either gender not to be insulted. ;)


Still, kids are just adults with their sensibility not fully grown. They´ll forget about it quick enough, sort of like pets. =)

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imagine being a slightly well-muscled, somewhat shorter-than-average guy with hair that's shaved down on the sides, and fairly short all about, and being confused for a girl.

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