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Taming A Street Teenager Part 2



A while back I told the story of a friend of mine who had been plagued by gangs and killers for 10 years. Last time I posted, he was hiding in an abandoned house. Well, the news only got better from there.


He was able to escape the house and make it to the library, where he knew no-one would look for him. From there, he was able to make it home.


I then showed him my last blog entry on his life story. He understands everyone's doubts. He knows this sounds too dramatic to be true. But it is true.


A day or two later, the man who had killed his parents 10 years earlier attacked someone else. When my friend found out, rage came over him. He grabbed his knife and went out to confront the man. In a fierce fight, my friend killed him!


After it happened, the first thing that came to his mind was fear. The police had told him in the past that if he killed again he would be going to jail. Naturally he was freaked out when they showed up, to the point where he passed out! He was taken to hospital overnight to recover, where he was given the news.


It turns out that this man was a serial killer, a wanted man by the police ever since that day 10 years ago. So, the police let my friend off with community service.


With the killer dead, the west gang members that had sided with him dispersed, and now that entire gang ceases to exist! No longer does anyone pose a threat to my friend! Therefore, he and his adopted family will not be moving away after all. Plus, my friend is now free to pursue his career as a musician, specialising in rap music. Currently he is working on recording an album, so listen out for it!


At this stage I don't know if he's been given a nickname like what most rap stars have, but if I can find that out, I will post it on my blog so you know what to listen out for.


I wish my friend the best of luck in his career. He worked VERY hard to get to this point, and he deserves success!


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Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, BaMB.


Now, while I'm not saying I believe this 100%, I'm happy for your friend. Glad he made it out okay.

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This has inspired me.


Maybe, after months of silence, I shall finally tell the world the totally legit true story about my vampire space cowboy friend and the time he discovered a colony of mutated Jamie Farr lookalikes living in the sewer system under the White House.

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The police had told him in the past that if he killed again he would be going to jail.




I'm sorry, what?


Didn't you know? The first time you commit murder, they let you off with a warning!

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The police had told him in the past that if he killed again he would be going to jail.
>againI'm sorry, what?
Didn't you know? The first time you commit murder, they let you off with a warning!

He has been to juvenile detention before. Hated it.


Plus, the police in his neighbourhood are too pathetic and afraid to take action on these gang wars, allowing all this to happen.

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He has been to juvenile detention before. Hated it.Plus, the police in his neighbourhood are too pathetic and afraid to take action on these gang wars, allowing all this to happen.

Regardless of the crimes that the man was wanted for, your friend taking matters into his own hands and killing him was quite literally first-degree murder (willful and premeditated). Police don't just pat you on the back and let you off with community service for that sort of thing—ESPECIALLY when you've got another murder on your past criminal record.


What's your friend's first name, by the way?

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