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Rant Ideas



Seeing as the last one I wrote is apparently too political or controversial, I can't think of anything to write about that would be protected by BZPower's rules. :confused: Any advice?


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I like how you seem puzzled over it being too controversial when you called it yourself the "most controversial rant ever posted on BZPower". Which it wasn't. I've seen worse.

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OmiShad: A rant against rants would be hypocritical. I don't want to become that which I dislike. :P


The problem about the subject of rudeness on forums is that there's nothing to debate -- politeness is a rule of thumb. That, and I have had little experience with such problems.


So thanks, but no thanks.


Takuma Nuva: But then, why is mentioning the subject allowed if you aren't allowed to discuss it?


Laughin'Man: 'Twas a joke.

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Rant about the rules. :P


There aren't many rules with which I disagree enough to assemble an entire rant, though. :P


Rant about Bring Back Bionicle-ness. For or against.


- 55555


I just might do this.

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Lhikevikk: Maybe.


Cherixon: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- no thanks. :P


Raz: Eh, "ask" comedies have been rather overdone. If you can disguise the question-and-answer segment using a different format, it might work.

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Yeah-- The rant wouldn't get any responses... they'd all agree with the 10/10 verdict.


If you don't want any super serious debates... there is always waffles vs. pancakes, or cold pizza vs. warm pizza. :P

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