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Are You Ready?

Let's Henshin!


For those of you in the school please post here when you're character is ready to be deployed so we know when we can start the academy. Mine is and so is Legolover's.


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My character is ready, I'm just waiting to be able to meet the others.


Further, I think there is room to have epic starts if the founders literally create the school, so instead of "traveling to the school" we're making it from the ground up to start with. Allows for better interaction and development that way. Having it pre-built is cheap and lame.

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Why would there have been a school in the first place? This is Mata Nui we're talking about -- you know, paradise island, not many resources, tribal setting, etc. I can't think of a logical reason for there to have been a school erected in 100 years only for it to have already fallen to decay.

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No, I am NOT ready. Still need to post for Aexias moving to Ga- after starting a new life, post for Knife and Edge doing the same, and finish Naara's bio.


But otherwise I'm ready.


-The Fearless Leader

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I'm ready, I just have to get Krayzikk where he needs to be for this. Speaking of which, where is that?


Ko-Wahi, near the cornering borders with Ta- and Ga-. The climate is pretty mild by most Ko-Matoran standards.


-The Fearless Leader

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Sorry, missed this.


Krohlen is ready.


May I suggest "The Krayn Academy" as a name for our noble institute? We could say 'Krayn' is Matoran for 'Knowledge', or something like that.

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In my opinion we should let the name come to us as our characters build it. It will be IMO more personalized that way.


Is everyone okay if I make the first post say this Sunday?

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Those of us with characters ready should just get together for some nice tea in Ko-Koro. I'll start that post today. Then we can mosey on over to the named location and proceed with the actual foundation of the school.

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I just looked through the list and it looks like, teachers wise, we're only waiting on a response from Mef and KNI. Once they give us the okay we should be ready to post. I'll post a draft of the post here, in order to make sure everyone is satisfied with the look of the school, tomorrow. Then after getting input I'll post in Ko-Wahi Sunday.



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Guys, I won't be able to roleplay for the next couple days at least -- I've determined to take a break from the internet for Christmas. I doubt everyone will be ready by then, but I thought I'd let you all know anyway.

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