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Tempted To Change Avvie



I'm beginning to get tempted to change my avatar to a pic of Vezon to reflect my new low in sanity. But Machop is so cute! I can't find it in my heart to get rid of such an adorable avvie!


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in·san·i·ty [in-san-i-tee]


noun, plural in·san·i·ties.

1. the condition of being insane; a derangement of the mind. Synonyms: dementia, lunacy, madness, craziness, mania, aberration.


2. Law. such unsoundness of mind as frees one from legal responsibility, as for committing a crime, or as signals one's lack of legal capacity, as for entering into a contractual agreement.

3. Psychiatry. psychosis.


I don't think people understand what being insane really means.

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Dude, you probably don't have low sanity. Maybe a little immature sometimes, yeah, but not insane.


But Vezon is cool. I'd be fine with whatever you do.

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in·san·i·ty [in-san-i-tee]noun, plural in·san·i·ties.1. the condition of being insane; a derangement of the mind. Synonyms: dementia, lunacy, madness, craziness, mania, aberration.
I don't think people understand what being insane really means.

I have craziness, lunacy, madness, and occasionally aberration. Am I still not considered insane?


And I know I'm getting worse. I can feel it.

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I suppose deluding yourself into thinking that you have a mental illness is, in and of itself, a form of insanity.


When you believe the lie, what's the truth?

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You say you're insane, while in your profile you also claim to be "analytic" and "cunning." That sort of contradicts your insanity claims.


I don't really have a problem with you calling yourself "insane", but I don't think you should give yourself negative labels when you don't display any signs of genuine insanity. :\

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Personally I like the Machop avvie he looks like he saying "they said I'd never make it in life but look at me now I have successfully convinced everyone that Bill Gates runs Microsoft." All silliness aside I don't think you should change your avatar because you think you've got "low sanity". I think you should change your avatar when you feel like.


Plus the only time you can say you're insane and people will actually believe is in court.

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Nothing at all, It's just I've been seeing that same picture since forever. If you want my opinion (I don't know if you do, but what/ev) I think you might want to try something new.


At least a different image of Machop.

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Nothing at all, It's just I've been seeing that same picture since forever. If you want my opinion (I don't know if you do, but what/ev) I think you might want to try something new.At least a different image of Machop.

I haven't had this picture on BZPower for that long, have I? I don't change my avvie that often anyway.


I think Machop is only my third avatar! Before Machop, all I had was Lhikan, and a white kitten before that iirc.

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