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Some Random Thoughts On Bionicle



Here are some random thoughts on BIONICLE, because I can say them. Mostly about the sets. Get ready for a random mess. And opinions.



-The Toa Hagah were the best Toa to use the Toa Metru build.

-Remove the Hydruka from 2007 and put in 4 more Mahritoran, rather than the two we had. I understand that there were not many Kanohi to choose from that would be stable on the Metru head, asides from the Kiril, Kaulsi, Rode and Lhikan's Hau. The latter two would have worked.

-What happened to large sets such as Brutaka, Axonn or Vezon & Fenrakk Once we got to 2007, large sets seemed to just be bigger versions of canister sets. Hydraxon is an example of this. We had the rare example of Takanuva, the last good large set. After that, we only got vehicles or poorly built large sets. Not saying the Vehicles were bad.

-2009 should have had two less vehicles and two more large sets. Remove the Baranus and Kaxium, and replace them with two large sets.

-For 2008 in general, we should have had less grey, less black and less silver as 'secondary' colours.

-The Vahki should have had a different build in my opinion. Not one that was almost identical to the Rahkshi.

-For 2003, there should have been 2 Bohrok-Kal as 'special edition' sets. The regular canisters to replace them should have been something similar to empowered Rahi, or something. Anything would be better than the Bohrok-Kal.

-For 2005, the Hordika should have been replaced with all 6 of the Toa Hagah.

-For 2006, I can't really think of anything. 2006 was a really good year for BIONICLE in terms of sets in my opinion. Piraka were great and so were the Inika. The Matoran were pretty creative. Axonn, Brutaka and Vezon & Fenrakk were absolutely great large sets. The only let-downs were Umbra and Irnakk.

-in 2007, the first half was great. The Barraki were some of the best canister sets for 2006+ without resorting to mostly plain Inika and Piraka builds. (as a few Toa Mahri and quite a few of the Toa in 2008 did. And some Glatorian.) In particular, Ehlek, Takadox and Pridak were great. Also, Nocturn was a great large set in my opinion with a great colour scheme.

-Some of the Barraki had new armour pieces... which weren't used much. Come on, you could have found some uses for them, LEGO.

-The second half of 2007 was not as great as the first half. It's as if the first half was full of successful experiments, then the second half was full of failed experiments. Hewkii Mahri was a mess and so was Nuparu Mahri. The rest of the Mahri were okay. Karzahni was a mess. Lesovikk was okay for Lesovikk himself, not so much the sled.

-In the first half of 2008, the Makuta sets were good. Most notably Antroz, Vamprah and Mutran. Chirox and Icarax were pretty bad. As for the Toa, Kopaka and Lewa were plain. Pohatu and Toa Ignika were pretty good. The Matoran... well, I've got nothing to say about them. Big and oversimplified.

-In the second half of 2008, Krika was good. Onua was fairly decent. The rest of the canisters weren't that good. Takanuva was great and the last good large non-vehicle set. The vehicles were pretty good.

-In the first half of 2009, Gresh and Strakk were fairly decent. Malum was just below decent. Tarix was terrible. Skrall and Vorox were great. The Agori were terrible, as they were rehashed Av-Matoran. Fero & Skirmix... Skirmix was just a rehashed Kikinalo. (seriously. The leg structure is very, very similar.) Tuma was pretty bad.

-In the second half of 2009, we have some fairly decent canister sets, despite the plain builds. It's probably the colours that set them apart for me. Toa Mata Nui was terrible. The Baranus and Kaxium weren't that good. The Cendox was probably one of the most amazing and well-built Vehicles BIONICLE has ever had. The Thornatus was also pretty good despite several people saying it was the Jetrax on wheels. Skopio was also pretty good.

-In 2010, the Stars tried to make the Av-Matoran build look good and succeeded somewhat. Not the best. If I had to pick the stars, there would be 6 canisters, 4 small sets and 4 large sets. Canisters: Tahu, Takanuva, Rahkshi, Nektann, Skrall, Ehlek. Small sets: Vakama, Ahkmou, Balta, Solek. Titans: Mata Nui, Teridax, Brutaka, Keetongu.

-Best Sets of BIONICLE: Lhikan & Kikinalo, Tahu Mata, Exo-Toa, Takanuva (2003), the Toa Hagah, Brutaka, Vezon & Kardas, Nocturn, the Barraki, Toa Ignika, Takanuva (2008).


This has also made me realise how often mutation is used in BIONICLE's story. Seriously.


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I bought most of both your least favorite AND favorite sets, all for pieces. :P


I pretty much agree with everything you said though, except I thought the Kaxium was a neat idea and the Skopio was incredibly hard to repurpose anything from.


Also BIONICLE was ending early in the year, so I think there would only have been six canister sets anyway.

(And for those, incidentally, I would have chosen Gali, Takanuva, Takadox, Fire-Resistance Rahkshi, Nektann, and Tarix. :P I decided on Tarix for the list so that the set designers would have a chance to do more justice to the character the second time around.)






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I...I bought most of both your least favorite AND favorite sets, all for pieces. :PI pretty much agree with everything you said though, except I thought the Kaxium was a neat idea and the Skopio was incredibly hard to repurpose anything from.Also BIONICLE was ending early in the year, so I think there would only have been six canister sets anyway.(And for those, incidentally, I would have chosen Gali, Takanuva, Takadox, Fire-Resistance Rahkshi, Nektann, and Tarix.

:P I decided on Tarix for the list so that the set designers would have a chance to do more justice to the character the second time around.)



I agree. I have my own design of what Takadox would look like as a Stars set.


Anyhow, I have to agree with the list, even though I only have a few items on it. But Vezon & Kardas was worth it. (I found it on sale in December 2006 for a third of its price! Best. Christmas Present. EVER)

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(And for those, incidentally, I would have chosen Gali, Takanuva, Takadox, Fire-Resistance Rahkshi, Nektann, and Tarix.

:P I decided on Tarix for the list so that the set designers would have a chance to do more justice to the character the second time around.)


I agree. I have my own design of what Takadox would look like as a Stars set.


Yeah, he really should have been a Stars set. He was too cool not to be, even if they would have butchered his design.







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