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My Friend Wrote A Song About Me!



A while back, my friend (yes, the one from my infamous "Taming a Street Teenager" entries) wrote a song about me and how I saved his life. Sadly, that song was lost when his laptop's hard drive blew up. However, he has since written another one!


Just as a heads-up, his spelling and grammar are sub-par as a result of his hard life.




I remember back in day before I meet you

Sleeping in the streets rooting there

And then you me helped to get up on my feet and

Learn life so good I didn't be leave it then

But now I have learned the truth because for you

So I am trying to sell my songs

But that is not really dream the only thing I want is just to meet you



I know you're going to be there why I become a star

I know you're going to be there like family

Mum and dad are gone so all got is you

You're not even my bother but it feels like that to me


Sitting here righting this song remembering all the run we have had

And the best thing I am remembering is at the moment is meeting you



I know you're going to be there why I become a star

I know you're going to be there like family

Mum and dad are gone so all got is you

You're not even my bother but it feels like that to me


I would of never thought that I would smile like this

I was scared before I really didn't know what to do

You was like a map you took me in like a bother and you didn't even have to

But because you're that kind you did and you saved my life


[Chorus X2]

I know you're going to be there why I become a star

I know you're going to be there like family

Mum and dad are gone so all got is you

You're not even my bother but it feels like that to me


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uh, ive been kinda confused if this person is real, because of the sceptisism of the commenting people. is he actually real? if so, how did his hard drive explode?

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You know, this still is dragging on, honestly. Not to sound harsh, but I still can't really believe this story. For all we could know, you might have written the song. But I don't believe you would have the intent to lie, but this still seems unbelievable. The guy had been stabbed in the heart and is writing music already - that would be something that would take a long time to recover from, honestly. =/

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Finally I can send comments!


@Bambi and Bulik: My friend said he was just calmly using his laptop when his hard drive randomly went "BANG". I'd say it happened because he uses it so much. That laptop is like the world to him.


@Peach 00: Do you think I would be imaginative enough to spell like that with those lyrics? As for being stabbed in the heart, he may have actually been stabbed somewhere NEAR the heart. However the pain was so excruciating that it felt like it was in the heart.


@Laughin'Man: He's only young. In his early teens. Go easy on him.

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Hard drives don't just go "bang" because you use them so much. You're talking to a person who lives on his laptop. Five or six+ hours every day. Hard drives don't just go bang.


As for whether or not you would be imaginative enough to spell like that? i don't know. This whole story, assuming it's false, is pretty imaginitive. It's not hard to spell wrong and screw up on purpose.


Of exampul I it do all he time.


Point in fact, and not to offend, but this whole story series looks to me like just one huge attempt to boost your ego and make you look good.

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MoZ, being stabbed 'near' the heart is still something you don't walk away from. Being shot near the heart is actually better than being stabbed. A knife wound -and I'm assuming a decent sized knife here, though even a butterfly four inch knife could do the trick- causes serious damage, especially when sharp, which I'm assuming it was considering he was stabbed. That region of your body is one giant block of critical functions. Being stabbed there means you die; those who don't die receive prompt medical treatment, and always, always, have things that sit with them from the rest of their life, like difficulty breathing, being inable to do hard workouts, things that get you pulled out of active duty as an officer.


Also, my dad runs internet servers off of computers older than I am. The hard drives in those things are used 24/7, and all of them have lasted eighty years of nonstop use. Laptop hard drives typically aren't as good, but nonetheless, he'd need some serious time on it to make it go 'bang'. Which, you know, hard drives don't do. As a computer nerd and mechanical engineer I must point out that hard drives are extremely carefully balanced things; if the spindle or platter comes undone, by some sort of insane accident, then you aren't going get a bang, you're going get a dead computer.

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