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Oh You Have To Be Kidding Me



So, I finally have a good, big, HD TV. I have the money to buy an Xbox and both Mass Effect games again. I have time to play the games through on at least the two playthroughs I was adamant about.


So of course now my basement has flooded, half the carpet is going to need to be torn up and replaced, three new bookcases need to be bought and assembled to replace ones that have been rotted by the waters and are unstable, and there's an ungodly amount of stuff that needs to be moved from where it's wet and on the bookshelves covering the couch and blocking the TV, the one place that didn't get wet, and all-in-all it'll be a miracle if I get it all back to a semblance of normalcy with a month of time to play through both games at least twice.


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I hear you regarding floods. We still don't have things in order here from Hurricane Irene. >_<


I wish you luck in getting things back to normal though.

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ugh, I know how that feels. last year we were sacked by at least three floods D:


It will probably be a while before things return to normal, but be sure to avoid any further water damage and pump out any remaining water.

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Oh man that really sucks. We don't have a basement here, or floods, but I can see how undoubtedly terrible that must be like.

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Got a flood problem?


Call in the Master Chief.


But in all seriousness, hope for the best for ya man. Not a good thing to have happen to someone, especially an awesome guy like you.

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Oh, ouch. Hopefully the water damage isn't bad enough to necessitate replacing the floor under the carpet. I had to do that once, and tearing out chunks of flooring with a screwdriver is not a fun way to spend a day.

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Thanks for the well-wishes guys. Outside of when I'm watching football or playing guitar, it's been about all I can do to keep in good spirits(Especially since the weather has made it hard to do anything outside), so it means a lot to me, even if it's over the internet. :)


On the bright side, so far, other than the pain that's going to be taking care of the bookcases, and some mold on one of the wings of a little $5 die-cast TIE fighter - which should come right off without permanent damage since it's hard for mold to hurt metal, especially if it's the titanium the model purports - it doesn't seem like much of anything worthwhile got damaged, so once the fans dry the concrete, it's mainly going to be the back-and-forth to take all this stuff and the moldy carper/pads to the dump, sorting through what stays and gets thrown out, and moving everything not-damaged back into place that's going to be the headache from here-on. That, and replacing the couch, which is abut 30 years old and has all the support of a beanbag chair, without the comfort.

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Ah, concrete. Lucky. My house had, basically, plywood. Plywood and insulation and then material resembling trash bags and then the space under the house (and then dirt).


Glad to hear that most of the good stuff avoided damage.

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