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Good Grief

Takuma Nuva


I keep forgetting that tomorrow is Saint Valentine's.


Discuss, before I bring out the next entry tomorrow or so containing a rant.





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Isn't it wierd that it's a holiday after a priest who was executed in rome? not to me; I feel like it makes sense the most annoying holiday had to have some wierd and/or stupid reason

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I thought it had to do with single soldiers fighting better than married soldiers or something like that. Either I stopped liking Valentine's day after middle school or something, because in high school you kinda needed to be in a relationship to celebrate it. That I stopped getting Valentine's day cards after middle school.

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It's hardly the most annoying holiday. I don't know where you get that from.


Also, Saint Valentine's isn't about celebrating relationships. The modern world just twisted it that way.

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Isn't it wierd that it's a holiday after a priest who was executed in rome? not to me; I feel like it makes sense the most annoying holiday had to have some wierd and/or stupid reason


It's funny because martyrdom has long been seen as highly important and symbolic for many religions--especially Christianity--and St. Valentine was hardly just "a priest," being someone who was beaten and beheaded over his religious beliefs during a time that what we know now as the world's most practiced religion was heavily persecuted in Rome. That's hardly "stupid" to me.


Do you find it "weird and/or stupid" that Easter comes from the story of the supposed resurrection of Jesus? It certainly has floated from being a religious holiday into being one about bunnies and eggs, just as St. Valentine's Day has become one about candy and hearts. Hey, I guess we'll just have to blame Chaucer for that one.


Also, there were 14 Saints named "Valentine," FTR.


(And I'm not even Christian!)


Furthermore, I'm tempted to ask why Valentine's Day is "the most annoying," but I have an odd feeling it would cause a good deal of bad emotions, so I'll just leave that one alone. (Plus, I get that some people can get very irritating when this time comes around, so yeah.)


Regarding not being about relationships: While that is true, I'd say that that's just about as correct as saying that Christmas isn't about gifts--for many people (and the overall mindset that most encounter), it is.

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Despite it having interesting/weird origins, I like using this day as an excuse to make cards and give my family members little presents. Tomorrow is going to be the first Valentine's Day that I actually get to spend with a significant other, so I'm pretty excited. X3

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Valentine's Day came to be associated with romantic love because of a poet who memorialized the betrothal of two monarchs, who he wrote were betrothed on Valentine's Day (though he was probably referring to a different Valentine whose day was May 2nd). Things just kind of moved from there. Nothing wrong with that, and the cynical "Valentine's Day is DUMB" approach is heralded almost exclusively by those who feel left out and feel it just reminds them that they're single. Yeah, being single sucks, but once you find a Valentine's Day come around where you're not single, you'll change your tune. We all do.

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