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Teal Toa Wip



This wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Sumiki's Glatorian Kahi MOC. I saw the chest, thought "Needs less flat" and then this came out. Ironically, I think the chest on this is the worst part of the MOC.




I know what you're all going to say - you're going to say "Brickeens?! What's that lime Kanohi doing there? Replace it with a teal or grey one!" But that's not happening, because once I get the necessary pieces, I'm giving this guy lime highlights. Teal and grey is pretty boring and would send me to sleep, so lime highlights all the way. Things will look a lot fresher.


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I think the lime looks good.

But the left leg...


However, nothing could spoil a teal (best colour EVER, except purple) MOC.

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Waist/pelvis area seems a bit too thin. Perhaps adding grey (++) pieces to the "L" piece (one used on 03 matoran legs), on the side that is. Might work.


Otherwise, loving this.

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That is amazing. I always like torsos with angled pieces. It adds complexity and depth.


The knee area is fantastic. Really like how you made it look like a piston.

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This is amazing. I used that teal/light blue colour scheme for one of my older MOCs, but I feel you've done it better. Also is that a teal mata head? If so, I didn't know those existed. Which set's it from?

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@Paleo and Bunda: Thanks!


@Xinlo: Not sure if you just typed the wrong thing there, but this is teal and lime, not teal and light blue. (And of course all that grey.)


Oh lol, the Mata head is actually grey. It does look teal-tinted, though. I guess the light reflected the teal color onto the skull.

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Ah, okay.

I didn't realise you meant WIP. The 'one capital, only at the start of a word' always tricks me on abbreviations...

I just thought you'd misspelt 'whip'. XP

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That's ridiculously beautiful. The very robot-ish look makes it stand out, and it still flows really well. Also TEEEEAAAAAAALLLL


Also, make him a pirate. That way he won't need a left leg. XD

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