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I'm Commander Shepard, And This Is My Favourite Moral Dilemma On The Citadel



ME3 spoilers below. Obviously, you have been warned, since, well, spoiler tags.



Additional text here is filler to serve the purpose of taking up space with pedantic, overly-long run-on sentences, because I know sometimes tags don't work on the dashboard, and do not wish to unintentionally reveal any specific, sensitive, important plot details of the third game in the Mass Effect videogame series for those who have not played it or have not reached this point in it yet.


There, that should be sufficient.










So, heading to the Shroud to cure the Genophage. However the Salarian Albatross just contacted me with her whole offer about tricking the Krogan and all that. On the one hand, I'm basically destroying what hope is left for a dying race, and personally I believe she's being an ignorant ##### assuming they'll try and kill everything again. Kill some things, yes, but that's a needed risk when gigantic metal cthulus in space want to kill the entire galaxy.


On the other hand though, the Salarians are a gigantic resource. I need all the resources I can get, and while the Krogans being cured by the Genophage will only help if the Reapers are killified, the Salarian armada helps now. I don't like betraying Wrex, but if it saves the galaxy, it's a small price to pay.


So, short and sweet, does Wrex find out if I double-cross him, what resources do I lose/gain with each choice, and can I trick the Albatross into thinking I did what she wanted, since again, there's no way of knowing until years from now?


Also will the Krogan still support me(doubtful)? Because losing them means losing the Turians. Turians + Krogan > Salarians. And do I have to shoot Mordin to do it? Because if so deal's off right there, I plain can't shoot Mordin.



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No, Wrex does not find out. I don't think the war assets make a huge difference, especially since some Salarians join you anyway (the STG gives their full support, especially if Kirrahe survived). And not sure if you're just saying Albatross to make fun of her, but it's Dalatrass. And no, you can't trick the Dalatrass.


Here's what I would do without saying anything: Do the paragon thing for this mission, then look up a video of the renegade option. You will be so glad that you did the paragon version.




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No, Wrex does not find out. I don't think the war assets make a huge difference, especially since some Salarians join you anyway (the STG gives their full support, especially if Kirrahe survived). And not sure if you're just saying Albatross to make fun of her, but it's Dalatrass. And no, you can't trick the Dalatrass.Here's what I would do without saying anything: Do the paragon thing for this mission, then look up a video of the renegade option. You will be so glad that you did the paragon version.




It was a bit mocking, but more than that, because I had trouble remembering her actual name, other than that it sounded like albatross. Either way, one for Paragon.


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Oh wow, I was just looking up some videos, and I found out something.


Wrex does find out. And he is angry. I think you can figure out what happens.



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Well, mission finished, and



Went with the Paragon path. Not worth risking the Krogan support, which would also risk the Turian support, or having to kill Mordin, which seemed to be implied by the Dalatrass.


Speaking of Mordin,




Going up there to fix what he himself worked on, and all the while singing that song...I genuinely did cry. Kudos to Bioware - I generally keep to the MST3K mantra, few pieces of art/media/entertainment/etc. can bring me to tears. I am genuinely, provably more emotionally involved in Mass Effect than most films I've seen, or books I've read, et al.


It probably helped that I loved Mordin, too - managed to dethrone Garrus as my favourite, and with one less game, too.


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I saluted the screen. No, I saluted Mordin Solus,the very model of a scientist salarian.

He helped save species turian, asari, AND batarian.

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