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A Few Thoughts On Elitism

Taka Nuvia


It's the main reason why I don't want to be associated with any group. Because I'm against elitism.

Yes, this sounds pathetic. And superficial. I know it seems like I'd be saying that all different groups of people involve elitism. I am not, but it's something I've experienced quite a few times.

And it annoys me every time. *rant ahead!*


For example, if I talk about a band I enjoy, and someone goes all like "not that genre" "ridiculous" "this is a bad band and you're a bad person for liking them". Fair, friendly and tolerant, thanks.

Because being judgemental about others is normal.


I mean, I don't think bad about some of my friends because the music they listen to is not "true". Heck, I don't even know what "true" metal/gothic/punk/whatever is supposed to be. Should I hate something because it's popular? No, just like I shouldn't like somthing only because it's popular.

Should I judge others because of the music they genuinely enjoy? Sure No.


So why do they do it to me, then?


I have nothing against education. Maybe suggesting 'better' bands, if you must. But bringing the hammer down on everything that's not the way you think "true" whatever is, well, that's horrible.

But yeah, tear me apart based on my interests.




Passive-aggressive much? Maybe. BUT SERIOUSLY. >:/


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And who cares if everyone else has an opinion, mine is obviously the best for each individual and the human race as a whole! :burnmad:


- :burnmad:

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The wonderful side effect of not listening to any current music is not having to deal with this sort of thing.


As a general rule I only listen to music by artists who are either dead or foreign. :P

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@Valenti: thanks :3




@Ddude the Insane: ... but how does that protect you frome elitism? What is your secret? D=


@Bionicle Raptor: Awww :(

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@Taka: If someone's better than you at something you don't care about, does it really hurt you too much? :P Take for example tennis. Do you like tennis? If you don't like tennis, and I say i'm better at it than you, so what? You don't lose anything from it.


Basically, don't communicate with anyone who's better than you at anything. I have the distinctive honor of being terrible at everything, so I avoid all contact with the outside world. :P

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I know how you feel. All of you guys. :P

I can just say that I've learned to tolerate it. Doesn't mean I like it, but I tolerate it. People judge others for being different, but we want others to be different at the same time. We don't want everyone to be the same, but when they're not the same as us, we harshly judge them.

I try hard to judge others only as I would want to be judged by them.

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If this was sparked by your recent posts in the metal topic, just know that elitism is kinda' joked about there because Metal is famous for it. Everyone in that topic is all "your bands suck bro listen to real music" in the expectation you'll say the same. But it can get annoying, I agree. But real elitism is infuriating, and I try my best to be tolerant even of tastes I despise.


Oh, and edit: being judgemental about others is normal, in fact. It's an engrained human quality to always want to make ourselves feel better by putting others down. It's just the length you go to control that quality that matters.

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@Burnmad: okay, that's it! IMMA START A REVOLUTION!!!


@Ddude: Okay, I see...


@Dragonfly: This. SO much this.


@Xinlo: well thanks for telling the newbie. :/ *sigh*

Ah well, I guess it's never wrong to address that kind of topic, though.


Just because being judgemental is normal, doesn't mean it's good, though.

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Totally get where you're coming from. It's human nature to think everything you like is the best that ever was, and it's important for people to learn how to accept the thoughts of others. (But Spoiler! Most people don't! :D )



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I've had this happen to me before, mainly because most people I know have never/will never listen to Electronic Dance Music (Dubstep, Drum and Bass, etc.)


But my group of friends tends to be lighthearted, so it's alright. My advice is if someone happens to be "bringing the hammer down", to just take it at face value and not take it as an insult. (Or do basically what Dragonfly said and tolerate it.)


oh jeez that was longer than I thought it would be >.<

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