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Easter is the day we celebrate the discovery of the sylvilagus pascha, commonly called the Easter Rabbit. These elusive creatures are notable for their brightly colored eggs and peculiar nesting traits. Every year, around April, the Easter Rabbits leave their habitats to visit their nesting grounds and lay their eggs. Their preferred nesting grounds are the habitats of humans. However, this leaves their eggs vulnerable to their most dangerous predator, the human child, so the Easter Rabbits lay their eggs in hidden places to increase their chances of survival. But the human children are excellent hunters, and will spend an entire day seeking out the hidden eggs. The humans enjoy the eggs most when they are young, and the yolk is still brown and sweet. They will not stop until all the eggs in their territory have been stolen and devoured. Such vigorous hunting tactics have put the Easter Rabbit on the brink of extinction, as fewer and fewer Easter Rabbits are born each year.


This is why we celebrate Easter, to spread awareness of this fascinating endangered species. I hope you have found this completely factual message to be enjoyable, educational and enlightening. Happy Easter!


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It's true, I have never seen a real Easter Bunny before. Only the rare eggs that few others find now a days. It's a tragedy, and you forgot to mention the Save the EB Foundation.

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I just ate some eggs for lunch. They were absolutely delicious.


Then I sniffed out their mother and found her hiding in a cardboard box covered in cellophane. A cunning creature she was, but still no match for my tracking skills. She was devoured swiftly.


Next we shall celebrate the bountiful spoils of our hunt by painting the remaining eggs in rich, vibrant hues.


I love this holiday.

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