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I Saved The Pumpkins



I beat Trine 2 today. It's one of the most beautiful games I've played, for sure. The art direction is great and the lighting is just spectacular. The gameplay was a little disappointing; there were too many similar puzzles and combat still only consisted of mashing mouse 1. The biggest disappointment though was the length: a measly 5 and a half hours. Regardless, it's the type of game that makes you want to play through it again eventually.


Next up is Darksiders, which I will be starting shortly after posting this entry.


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I know, I know, it's a game that copies from a lot of other games and mashes them together, but it does it rather well IMO (well, except for the portal bit).


«Takuma Nuva»

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I've only played the first level so far and it certainly shows promise. The combat is a bit repetitive but I imagine it will be more enjoyable once I get more stuff to play around with.

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In the beginning of the game there's some giant pumpkins and one character says "There'll be pumpkin pie for dinner tonight!" and then at the end of the game the narrator says "They saved the kingdom, and the pumpkins"

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What pumpkin?
No, no, it's "What pumpkins?"

I'm quite sure that there are no pumpkins anywhere in this entry and never will be. Frankly, the notion is absurd.

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