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Gotta Loooooooove

Taka Nuvia


... my class 'mates'.

Superficial, full of prejudice.


Because, if someone has top marks, it means they don't have a life, right? It is impossible that someone has top marks because they're good at it, righto? Nawww, they must sit around at home studying all day. No contacts, no friends, no life.




HATE. :burnmad:


... but hey, in 2 weeks regular classes are over. And within a month or two, I won't have to see any of them again. EVER.


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I perfectly understand what you mean, although that pretty much ceased two years ago when everyone started caring about marks. :P There are many horribly superficial Karzahnis in my school, too. You know, there is a girl I (and pretty much all my friends :D) are befriended with who has slight halitosis (which doesn´t even have to be her fault!) and the only thing those tomatoes (self-censored :P) can do is make nasty remarks about her when she is not around. It makes me mad especially because she is a really nice and fun person. :( But it´s their own fault, they´re missing a lot if they are so superficial about people. I´ll be pretty glad too when I won´t have to see many people in my school ever again, especially one guy who is so horribly snooty and thinks he´s better than everyone else just because he´s rich or something that it´s really a pain to even look at him. It makes you wonder why he even has a girlfriend.


Rant over. :P


-Gata signoff.jpg

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Most of those people are generally superficial, and unless you fit into their group, their going to make fun of you. The term for those type of people and those who befriend them are clicks - the people that befriend the most popular or the most arrogant do it just for status. Clicks are also people who make fun of someone just to be popular among their friends - don't let it get you down.


That's all these people are doing. By being irritated about it, your revealing a weakness, and they'll continue to hit you because they know how you're going to react. If they make another comment about you, hit them back. Even if you aren't that type of person or if you aren't used to doing that, it's the only way to let them know that if they push you, you're going to push back even harder.


Maybe that's just me, but that's the only way to get them off your back. Gata's point makes a lot of sense - to me, by being so superficial, they're missing the point of having friends. You're just showing a weakness if you react strongly about it - don't let it get you down. :)

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I never really payed other people much mind. If they wanted to be total meany-pants-dumb-heads (self-censoring can be FUN! 8D) then that's their problem. I was too busy with my own issues to care, honestly, and I made friends with people who were awesome.


What? That group of people think Mary is a Mary Sue Nerd? Pfft, let them. Mary's too busy being awesome to care.

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Solution: homeschool. xD


Although I'm reentering traditional school this coming school year, so that'll be interesting. Fortunately I have had many years to hone my powers of apathy. :P

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Yeah; that's not fun... But, try not to let it get you down; they might just keep trying to bug you because of that, as has been mentioned. Really goes for anyone who tries to make jokes at you expense; don't let it bug you, they'll eventually lose interest. It might be annoying, but just remember it'll eventually pass. Especially with those comments you're talking about; you know that it's not true, so if they think it's not for some silly reasons, just let them. People like that would either realize it themselves eventually, or never realize it, and probably get themselves into a mess because of it later on. =P

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Hey, don't worry about it, as you said you wont have to see them ever again soon.

That's actually one of the best things about finishing school and going into higher education, I find. All the [cool-dudes] drop out and everyone who's in higher education is there because they want to be and they want to achieve, and they're much more serious about it. Of course there's still always gonna be other prejudices, but compared to high school, it's nothing.

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The good news is, from my experience, is that college is almost nothing like that.

Everyone I've met at my college is understanding, and totally awesome.


It does get better! :)

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I believe the proper word is actually clique.


Sorry! DX


Anyway, forget those losers. If they can't recognize that you're an awesome, fun person, nothing they say matters.


- :burnmad:

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The good news is, from my experience, is that college is almost nothing like that.Everyone I've met at my college is understanding, and totally awesome.It does get better! :)

As much as I hate the homework, college is actually nice place. The people are friendly and welcoming, and my college has a ton of games they play, all run and organized by the students. :)

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My high school must be really weird then, because I'm not looking forward to leaving in two years. I'm home sick today and I wish I was there.


Of course, it is a small school on an airport. I already knew it was weird.

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Yeah, like others said, once you get to college, people will be much nicer. It can be tough some days, I know that from personal experience, but once you're out of there, you'll see how very little the things they said matter.

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I actually have a friend who is kinda like that... However, what she lacks in natural ability (which isn't much) she more than makes up for by being an extremely responsible student. Her "lack of a life" is due more to having nearly twice as many classes as the rest of us and having to spend most of her time doing homework as a result. Although in this case, she's one of the more popular people in the class because she can almost always be counted on to have finished the homework and be able to help you with it. :D


But seriously, anyone who would judge somebody's social life by their grades has a few problems of their own. After all, there are people like me who simply don't want an active social life and instead spend most of their time on the internet. Yeah... as I typed that out I lost a bit of my enthusiasm... :P


And by the way, way to go on getting top marks!

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