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Taka Nuvia


So, um, today I was rather surprised by a happening. Remember when, about a week ago, I made a blog entry complaining about how other students assume that those who have good marks have no life?


Well. Today, in art class, the only students who were there were, you guess it, me and the person who said that. And of course the teacher had to bring up the topic again.


I could not hold it back, and had to go all like "OH right that was when you had that perfectly sensible and true idea that those who have top marks have no life which I totally agreed with because it's sooo true". [sARCASM, OF COURSE.]


then the other student looked at the teacher and said


"I don't see a problem with that. See, she agreed with me, too!"


And it did not sound sarcastic. Not even in the slightest.


Now I am confused Dx




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I know you know this, but some people are always going to try and bring out points to break other people down, because it makes them feel secure. You "know" that high marks in grades doesn't mean you don't have a life (actually it means you're preparing for your life). You have your own beliefs about things, and you know they are good ones, so just let comments like that role off your shoulder, and when necessary, stand your ground in a calm demeanor. Maybe you'll even help this student be a little more confident in her own grades and life, which she may be having trouble understanding right now.

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@Tekulo: I wish I could be sure that it's trolling. But from what I've seen in school, both are possible, and the latter probably is even more possible. Dx (totally loooviiiing the average student at my school ><)


@The Great Grant in the Sky:

Pfft. I'll be the last person to help people like this. Simply because 1) those people never want to listen 2) I doubt anyone takes me seriously ("What are you talking about, your grades are always perfect anyway") 3) I used to give a lot and ask for nothing, help, advice, whatever, and I have always only been taken advantage of.

So yeah. May seem bitter... but that's my opinion. I'm no knight in shiny white armour. (although I wish I were Dx)

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Taka: More odd that the person seems serious. xD Though, who knows. It could be someone looking to troll, or literally is being serious. I don't know what's worse. xD

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Solution: Kill the person.


It is an established rule of anime that any foe whom you kill will inevitably admit to you some horrible truth with their dying breath. :P

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Solution: Kill the person.


It is an established rule of anime that any foe whom you kill will inevitably admit to you some horrible truth with their dying breath. :P


Ddude, you just made my day. :lol:

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Besides Ddude's superior option, pretend they are a pillow. Get a baseball bat. Go outside. Proceed to beat the living karz out of it. You might feel better, if if the pillow might not be recoverable. XD


Seriously, though, I try to be nice to everyone and then vent my frustration silently. feel free to scream at the air once you get home, it might help. =P


Also, be a Knight in Sour Armor, then. If you don't know what that is, then you aren't a troper. XD

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I meant more like, if you don't let comments like that bother you and you're confident that what they say doesn't mean that much, then it might as a side effect make the student back off. ^^

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How odd and slightly worrisome. My school is primarily populated by apes, and even they understand sarcasm.


I myself grasp sarcasm all too well, making rather too much use of it. I also experience a scathing amount from my "friends," namely the female ones. Ouch. ><

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