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At least there's a kernel of truth in all this - that you can't imprint it on your memory. There's also a bit of preference going on with these puns - but as long as we don't byte off more than we can chew, I'd say that we'd be fine. We would all be better off elsewhere, such as learning BASIC Apache, or painting a wall COBOLt blue. There's GNU way out of this - it's a deep, dark pit a Google feet down.


Really, I'm getting well off script. Looking out the windows, I saw my motherboard with making Mac and cheese with Spam. (I remember vividly that she was wearing Perl earrings while the birds were tweeting.) She was previously tasked with this after making puns, and I don't want to quit what I do for that Trojan horse. There are too many worms out there, and I might catch a virus. Now I have to zip out of here, yelling "Yahoo!"


After all these puns, I'll have to travel from Java to outer space to get a drink, at my own personal space bar. But no worries, I will be able to monitor what's going on here, even if the place has a mouse infestation. The only way I won't enjoy the display here is if I get a terminal illness. But leet's not get too far ahead of ourselves - as I've asserted, let's enjoy the rich puns present here.


(C what I did there?)

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I really should have an Apple on my desk, since I have such an array of puns at my disposal. Having a good repertoire is the backbone of pun creation, it's in a class of its own. Compressing them into a small area takes real control, and sometimes you have to leaf through the ones you don't like and cut them, so you don't get a syncing feeling that it's just a blob of puns. This can span a long time if you avoid undoing the body of your work. As long as you don't default on your cache or get bitten by a Python with a Bluetooth, you could go all day. Sometimes you have to copy some puns from earlier, but most of your audience will feel pasted anyway, so it doesn't matter.


There is no way to put all pun strategies on a tablet, or even on a column. It might burn - and quite graphically, might I add. Dock them away - put them on your dashboard, hibernate on them, anything - just don't put them in the trash or recycle bin. It might Paint you in a bad light.

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(Please, spare me one more pun-laden comment - this time with the theme of programming languages.)


The Euphoria of a good pun does not last long - it is a fleeting Icon or Logo in the Scheme of the mind. However, if you get on a roll, you can Snobol the effect of the puns, going Forth with them - so long as you don't pun so much as to get a Lisp. I've also found that listening to the tunes of Eiffel 65 can help, but not if you are one that likes to HyperTalk.


Piloting your puns along can be like using Occam's razor. One has to frame the puns with a good Prolog. Accenting your puns with italics, as I have done, can sometimes be used to make an Arc from pun to pun, as long as it doesn't have too much Babbage. Once in a Blue moon, though, a pun will come back to hit you like a Boomerang, like a Chef with great Charity and Charm. But CHILL - it's all good Clean fun.


With Joy and Hope, Flex your pun muscles and Dart around like a Falcon, for that is an important Factor. It's Nice to have a Kaleidoscope of Escapades, but do not let this Nickle and dime you. Puns come in many Flavors, just like Pizza. Don't let your Id inhibit you - if you did, you'd be a two-faced Janus, singing Octaves - Plus, you want to knock the Rust off of the pun Modula of your brain, which can shine like a polished Emerald, Opal, or Ruby. But be warned - too much punning can make your brain turn to Magma, or might whisk you away to a turnPike in Oz. (Some think that this is what happened to Euclid, Pascal, and their friend Miranda.)

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Sorry for not responding to your message sooner. =( I'm so sorry, I was busy today. Not a good excuse, but I'm still so sorry. *hugs*

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