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I Almost Titled This Entry " Bronies "



Fandoms terrify me. Even my own.


Come to think of it, especially my own.


You would not believe the screwed up things some Homestucks do.


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Pretty much every fanbase I can think of has its extremists and perverts that stand out and make other fans look bad.


It's sad, but that's the internet for you. :|

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It think the worst thing "us Homestucks" have done is designate ourselves as "Homestucks."







And what Chols said. It's a disease that strikes deep in every major fandom. It's a sad truth.

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It's the difference between obsessive and not obsessive, maybe. Also the difference between obsessive and perverted obsessive. Also boredom? Yeah, it's all weird and disconcerting at times, these fandoms we are [unfortantely] a part of. All exacerbated by the spread of the Internet.



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To be fair, in the Homestuck fandom, I know some very obnoxious and petty "normal" fans, and some very nice, agreeable, non-obsessive perverts. They're crazy things, fandoms.

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Fandoms are a fascinating social construct, at times resulting in incredible growth within their members, in the process acting as a true example of affinity-based learning and skills.


They can also be utterly terrifying. The depths of some rabbit holes are not meant to be plumbed.

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Were you trying to insinuate that only bronies had crazy people?


Good thing you realized that all fandoms had crazy weirdos.

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Were you trying to insinuate that only bronies had crazy people?


Good thing you realized that all fandoms had crazy weirdos.

Uh, no. I'm not that deluded. It's because of the video that prompted this entry, which was another look at the maggot-riddled underbelly of the MLP Fandom.


I mean, some Homestucks tried to use Kickstarter to make a Homestuck film of...Questionable content.

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... maggot-riddled underbelly of the MLP Fandom.
Unfortunately, this is true.

I don't have maggots in my belly. :???:

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