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I've Discovered My Super Power



I can subconsciously sense when someone leaves the television on when no one else can.


Now I must don a cape and fly around the city, using my super senses to turn off unattended television sets and save the world from the impending energy crisis!


*Flies away*


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@Swert Oh nuts now you have me thinking up comic book ideas darn it


@XCCJ I guess it's more like falling through windows, turning off the TV, then falling out another window


@Eeko You can be my sidekick!

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HD TVs don't make that sound, I've noticed.


I know several other people (one of my roommates) that can hear it too, but it seems fairly uncommon.

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We (I and my brother) can sense that, too. It´s the CRT, which is why it won´t work with flat-screen TVs.


-Gata signoff.jpg

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Yeah I am powerless against this new technology :<


The humming noise always irritated me though, so I am glad we've replaced all our monitors with LCD/LED. We could use a new TV though.

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I have a similar power: I can tell when unnecessary lights are on in my house. I feel compelled to turn them off, but it'e be so much easier to ignore them..:



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:kaukau: My superpower is to turn television set on. At a distance!


It's called a universal remote, but to a person from the 1940's I'd be Iron Man.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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I have that power, but it acts like Hahli Inika's mask. It's a constant source of annoyance and frustration until I turn it off, and no one else in my family can hear it as well as I can.


I prefer to watch movies on my comp so I don't have to bear that awful grating noise.

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I'm clairvoyant to many extents (if you believe hard enough). Can I join your environmentally-friendly group?

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