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Well that was... mediocre at best.


Beautiful to look at, but the pacing and story were simply not up to Pixar's standards.

I'd save your money on this one guys.


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totally expected this would be the case.


Pixar has been on an unfortunate downward slide since Toy Story 3. I guess that truly was the best they could do.

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I'm tempted to head over to my theater and see Brave and Avengers back to back, but I'm not really motivated to.


I feel UP is still Pixar's best recent movie. If not their best overall.

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<span style="font-family: Tahoma"><span style="color: #483D8B">totally expected this would be the case.<br />

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Pixar has been on an unfortunate downward slide since Toy Story 3. I guess that truly was the best they could do.</span></span><br />

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<span style="background-color: #A9A9A9"><strong><span style="color: #3366ff">Personally I think Brave is Pixar trying to pick itself back up. Granted it may not be on the same level as Toy Story, Up, and The Incredibles, but I think they'll be on their A game soon.</span></strong></span></p>


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The only thing making me want to see it is her eyes. Their distance apart is disturbing, and her head is too short.

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I've really been wanting to see it. I didn't expect it to be one of their hit movies, but more along the lines of Dreamworks' How to Train Your Dragon which I did like a lot.

That's the problem I had with it, it tried to much to be like How to Train Your Dragon, and failed miserably.

It's the exact same story, just not done as well, and without the amazing music.

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totally expected this would be the case.


Pixar has been on an unfortunate downward slide since Toy Story 3. I guess that truly was the best they could do.

Isn't this only their second movie Post-TS3?

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I thought there had been one other that had gotten lukewarm reception, but I looked it up and I guess you're right.


still, between cancelling one I was looking forward to and releasing two disappointments in a row..


here's hoping Monsters University ends up being a winner.

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Hah, I remember back in the day reading the fake news report that said Pixar was getting sued by Hollywood for failing to produce a bad movie. Now there's been two less-than-great movies and everybody's like "Okay, that's it, Pixar's finished."


Brave isn't a must see for me, but it doesn't look like it's that bad, and I will probably watch it as soon as I can rent it on DVD. (And heck, I haven't even seen Up yet with full audio... watched it silently on a train ride once. :P )



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Although having not seen it myself, I did think that they started going downward at TS3, although that was still an okay picture. Favorites have to be the Incredibles, Ratatouille, and Wall-E. Grachics were pretty amazing on all of them...


...Up, on the other hand, was horrid. So depressing that I'd be happier jumping off a cliff than seeing that picture again. I mean, the guy's wife dies, can't do what he wants, and ends up bashing some guy in the head with his cane so he has to pay for that. It just was way too depressing and wasn't up to par with Pixar's usually pictures.


Still, I forget, what was right after TS3? Wasn't it Cars 2? Can't recall.

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Although having not seen it myself, I did think that they started going downward at TS3, although that was still an okay picture. Favorites have to be the Incredibles, Ratatouille, and Wall-E. Grachics were pretty amazing on all of them...


...Up, on the other hand, was horrid. So depressing that I'd be happier jumping off a cliff than seeing that picture again. I mean, the guy's wife dies, can't do what he wants, and ends up bashing some guy in the head with his cane so he has to pay for that. It just was way too depressing and wasn't up to par with Pixar's usually pictures.


Still, I forget, what was right after TS3? Wasn't it Cars 2? Can't recall.


I think it's worth pointing out that depressing does not equal horrible.

Up is (IMO) one of Pixar's greatest films, the story was beautiful, and the visuals were revolutionary.

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I am just flabbergasted that you could say that a film is horrid because it was depressing. That would certainly narrow down the number of good books, films, TV shows and other forms of story-telling that are out there, because guess what, literature can be depressing, very depressing. So can life. Texts shouldn't just be for escapism, it should also be a window into the world. I just...this probably isn't what you meant, I hope, but it just sounds completely absurd that tragedy could be so repulsive to you that it gets in the way of a story.


What made Wall-E, Up and TS3 WAS the underlaying tragedy beneath them, and how they either resolve it or come to terms with it. It was then helped by the visuals and humour, particularly the interactions between different characters.


Topic at hand, Brave looks boring, and I have no faith that Monsters Uni can be any good, certainly not like the original. I'll probably watch them, but I'm not hearing any good ideas on the horizon from Pixar, which is a shame. Cars 2 was sorta like Incredibles except at least the latter dealt with an interesting idea, super heroes having to live out ordinary lives, whereas Cars 2 was mindless and poorly structured, and no underyling message that I could empathise with. The ability to have something I can empathise with is what was crucial to all the previous Pixar films, not evident in Cars 2.


Pixar is serious business.



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Come on, guys, you all know Monsters Inc is your favourite movie. :P Seriously, I´ve watched that movie more often than I can remember and cracked myself up every single time. I think I´ll never love a movie as much, every single second of it is adorable. Maybe I´m just childish, though. :P Okay, and maybe Toy Story can live up to it.


I still have to watch Cars 2 and Brave/Merida. What I´ve seen so far of Merida is fantastic and beautiful environments, but also some silly scenes I wouldn´t have expected from Pixar. >.< The story didn´t struck me as a typical Pixar concept either. I´m going to watch it sooner or later, though.


-Gata signoff.jpg

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I apologize for being rude in any way, I did not mean to offend, I admit I should have elaborated on my point further before incessantly bashing the movie. Not going to bash it further but just explain what I meant, I did exaggerate on it being horrid because of being so depressing. I didn't mean to put it that way at all, I just felt that it being so depressing was the downfall of the movie, or not so much the downfall but the sadness of it seemed to outweigh the pros of the movie, or any happy parts of it.


As with any movie/TV/book, you have to balance the emotions. I agree with Phyoohrii, there are a lot of great movies, television shows, and books that are wonderful because of their depressing theme, because although there is a lot of sadness and/or drama in them, they still can maintain that emotion and add at least something to it that can balance the emotion. In Up, I did not see that balance.


Indeed, they had a wonderful plot and beautiful concept to work with, but I think they didn't try hard enough to make it slightly humorous with the sorrowful side of it. It simply outweighed that emotion entirely, which was my problem with it. The visual of the movie itself was great, but I just felt they could have done better with the picture, as with any movie. It still had good points, but I just feel that it could have been better. I apologize again for offending anybody by calling it horrid.


That aside, I must agree with Gata. Monsters Inc is basically just a fun movie posessing a very interesting idea of monsters in another world that come through kids' closets to scare them, as it's one of those fears that kids have. They spun a funny twist into the details of the movie of it being a job, not a hobby or anything like that, which was what made it so interesting. Maybe it's not my favorite, but it's still one of my favorite Pixar films. ^^

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