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Everyone Else Is Doing One...

Takuma Nuva


So, my two widgets on Meet the Pyro... (mild spoilers)


In and of itself entirely, it was mildly entertaining. But as a Meet the Team video?


VALVe, I am disappoint.


I'm really having trouble wrapping my head around this right now. Meet the Medic was bloody brilliant (if you'll pardon the pun) and I just can't believe they went from the absolute best to rock-bottom.


I mean, all the previous videos were funny because of the common style of humor revolving around bloody, gruesome things. Then this last, final video comes along and suddenly they decide to do a 180? The heck is with all that? It would have been okay, in my opinion, if it had been only a glimpse and they'd just left it at the sunshine, rainbows, and flowers. But when it kept going and suddenly they're adding baby versions of every class, giant lollipops, some weird balloon unicorn, and all that? That's just going too far.


Yeah, VALVe has every right to do as they wish with their own projects, but I'm certainly not going to fore-go my right to be disappointed.


"Vhere did ve go so wrong?"


«Takuma Nuva»


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Well, I see where you're coming from and I understand why you'd dislike it. I'm not an enthusiastic fan of TF2, so to me I thought it was pretty funny and laughed the entire way through. What I find interesting is how your biggest criticism is how they toned down the violence. But really, I'd say Meet the Pyro kinda upscales it by offering such jarring cuts between happiness and out and out mass murder. I'd agree the shots of the aggression were commonly too short, but I'd say that given all the previous "Meet the X" videos were about comedic acts of violence, to swap things up a bit was sort of a pleasant breath of fresh air. And to show two very contradictory scenes playing back to back, it really emphasised just how psychotic the Pyro really is.


...I'm getting a painful death in your Call of Evil epic now, aren't I...?

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But really, I'd say Meet the Pyro kinda upscales it by offering such jarring cuts between happiness and out and out mass murder

I agree, and I think it was too violent to the point where it was distasteful.

Previous entries had more humorous and cartoony violence for the most part, this was downright brutal at times.

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That's what the Pyro is, though- he's chaotic, brutal, cruel, and clearly 100% insane, because he looks like, from his view, he's actually the nicest guy ever.

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It was completely unfitting. But I guess I should've expected that since the TF2 team is so out of touch with their own game.

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I had no problem with the Quentin Tarantino levels of violence in the short. It was the pure stupidity of Pyro-vision that ruined it for me.

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I agree with most of you guys. I'm sure the guys at Valve were really wanting to freak people out.

I would file in a letter telling them that a freaky baby version of the Heavy was the most disturbing thing I've seen this year.

HOWEVER!! The actual game update is awesome. I love the new game mode (the weapons are just plainly weird). And I'm also glad that when you wear the Pyro's goggles everyone else has a hilarious edited voice. (the heavy's is the best one, especially when he laughs)

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