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Possibly one of the better days within recent memory

The Dark Chronicler


Well, today has gone surprisingly well for me.



I got to view the inside of a NASCAR car, which was rather awesome, though it started raining and they quickly had to put it away in its trailer.


I got information that Nintendo has repaired my 3DS and has sent it back. Thankfully, it was not my own fault for it breaking, and I did not have to pay for the repairs.


I received my prize from the Twelfth Category in the Short Story Writing contest: The Computer Programmer Minifigure.


I had some orange shaved ice, that wasn't horribly lacking in flavor or downright foul. It's sad that good orange flavor is so hard to find.


I spent some time with my grandparents, which is always fun. Plus there's nothing quite like losing at crazy eights to your grandfather.


I'm currently acting as a boss fight in the Kid Icarus: Unanswered Prayers RPG, and going to beat up some mortals as the God of Doom.


A RPG concept that Cadias and I have been working on is nearly complete, and turning out quite well.


And now I find I have this blog usable for a week because of BZP's birthday.



So... anyone have anything good happen to them today?


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