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Than the Moa


First off, I want to thank everyone at the staff who help contribute to the skin! I know I was probably a pain to deal with sometimes, but hey, we managed to get a skin done! Special thanks to John for jumping in from time to time and making some changes, and to Andrew for giving us the opportunity to work this.


Now then, if you have a problem with it, come at me. I'm the one that made the majority of the skin coloring decisions. I wanted it to evoke the classic BZP style while being able to evolve upon that. The base gray used in the background was selected for it's non-eye searing quality, something that is always important to consider in web design. The blue-gray tones blend well together and make for a sleek visual approach that is not gaudy or distracting. The dark red jumps out immediately, and are used on items that are meant to catch your attention. Yellow is used as a highlight across a number of places as well, especially as an indicator color to inform you of what items you are currently targeting with your mouse.


If you don't like the skin, that's alright. There will be a couple avenues for you to use. You can offer constructive criticism, but it needs to be constructive. I can't improve anything if all you want to say is "I don't like it" or "it's bland and generic". Those statements don't mean anything to me, I can't design a skin around "make it not bland and generic". There will also be a potential for member driven skin development. We haven't decided what form this will take, but it does seem likely that we'll go the contest route. Stay tuned. :)


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Now then, if you have a problem with it, come at me.


I don't like it, it's bland and generic and it sucks and I hate it and I hate you too :angry: :angry: :angry:

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I admit that the color is much easier on the eyes than the default skin, the gears to the side of topics are nice, and Takua! His presence on the blogs is welcome.


But for some reason, I'm bothered by the red on the links. It's probably a side-effect from wikis.

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Now then, if you have a problem with it, come at me.


I don't like it, it's bland and generic and it sucks and I hate it and I hate you too :angry: :angry: :angry:



yeah this you suck >:( >:( >:(

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We need a VahkiPower skin.


'Nuff said.


I totally agree with this.



I like the skin although the red just catches the eyes a little too much in my opinion. I get easily distracted by it so it makes me forget what I was reading. I doubt its the color though, it might just be because I'm not completely use to it yet.

I also feel that Takua in the blogs is a little cool but also a little odd. The way he stands near the title and description of the blogs at the top is pretty cool but at the same time it also makes the blog seem a little serious because of his serious 'come at me bro' body language. I've seen quite a few blogs with humorous names which I find entertaining, but when you add an overly serious takua to it, it just sucks out any possible emotion that was suppose to come from the name. I know it isn't really a big deal and that he was put there to since he is the chronicler and a blog is a chronicle of your life and so on, but I think it just feel that its very plain. Might I suggest changeable premade images of other Bionicle characters or the possibility of having Takua become the default icon of the person's specific blog and have it changeable like an avatar. I know this sounds really unnecessary but still its nice to consider ideas even though they might sound very worthless.

I will commend you on the new quote box as well as that fancy blue color. I actually really like the color choices (red is a little too eye catching as I said before though), they work well with eachother and give a awesome new look to the place. Very awesome. The quote boxes are also pretty spiffy if I do say so myself. In total this was an awesome update and although I personally have some tiny issues with it, I feel that it is still magnificent in appearance. Really gives it that new site smell.



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Might I suggest changeable premade images of other Bionicle characters or the possibility of having Takua become the default icon of the person's specific blog and have it changeable like an avatar

This is not possible the way the board is set up. Everyone gets the same icon, it's just the way things are written by IPB.

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I don't really like the Takua in the blogs. I just don't feel the MNOG style matches the aesthetic of the skin, and it has a "plastered on" feel compared to the way Tohu is integrated into the main forums. Perhaps if we just saw part of Takua's face, like Tohu's, it would be better.

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Since I'm too lazy to make my own blog post, I'll just post my thoughts here.


I love it. I really do. I love everything about it. The background, the red colors, Takua, Tohu, and especially the little gears (it's so much easier to see where I've posted now).


I for one think you did an amazing job. Keep up the great work!



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I like the skin although the red just catches the eyes a little too much in my opinion. I get easily distracted by it so it makes me forget what I was reading.


I'm seconding this opinion. It's a bit unsettling since a similar red had been used in the previous skin to point out new PMs and such. Perhaps something in the vein of the old pinkish red would work better?

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Soran, on , said:


I like the skin although the red just catches the eyes a little too much in my opinion. I get easily distracted by it so it makes me forget what I was reading.


I'm seconding this opinion. It's a bit unsettling since a similar red had been used in the previous skin to point out new PMs and such. Perhaps something in the vein of the old pinkish red would work better?

The dark red was used for many things other than just pointing out new Premier Members (which happened on the home page anyway :P). It's our main accent color (again, see the home page). It's not going anywhere.

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For clarification, I mean Personal Messages and--I think--notifications. The last time I went to the home page was weeks ago. :P (Every time I see the search button now, I think "Who's PM'd me?") Anyway, if you don't want to change it, that's fair enough. I just thought that the old pinkish color might be better on the search bar and for page numbers (where it was used before).

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