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Kongu Mahri



Yes, his set was kinda terrible, and yes, he didn't feel like an Air toa.


But can we all appreciate the fact that everyone else on the team was taking reasonable weapons, and Kongu decided the best course of action was to dual-wield what basically amount to miniguns?


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Say what you want; Kongu Mahri was awesome. Personally, I'm glad that as Bionicle wore on, characters began to become more diverse instead of just being stereotypes of their given element. Besides, Kongu's progression into a gruff military man fits more if you remember his role as a military captain in the MNOG (with Ride of the Valkyries playing in the background, no less).

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I ain't saying that Kongu's a bad character. He was cool, especially when he became Rick Shoothard. I'm just saying he didn't fit the Air stereotype (Aireotype?), and I saw him get a good bit of grief over being a short, stocky air toa as opposed to a tall, lean one.

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I thought the set was cool and, quite frankly, something about him taking two rocket miniguns seemed like something an air Toa would do.


Takuma Nuva

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I thought the set was cool and, quite frankly, something about him taking two rocket miniguns seemed like something an air Toa would do.


It does, doesn't it? :P

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I imagined that when he ran out of ammo, he just used the two guns as clubs. The pieces were thick enough for that anyway.



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I think hitting someone with an empty Cordak rocket minigun would probably do more damage than the actual rockets.

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I liked his look as a Toa of Air. The "Toa of Air are tall, thin, and elflike" stereotype kind of came from nowhere. We had only seen two Toa previously who weren't generically tall and thin (Onua and Pohatu). Perhaps Whenua's short posture as a Turaga counts for something, but in that case Onewa's massive height as a Turaga and Matau's stumpy, hunched posture as a Turaga discredit any notion that Stone and Earth inherently equate to dwarflike stature while Air equates to elflike stature. Matau also had the same height as Onewa and Whenua as Toa Metru.


Overall I think Kongu's somewhat baboonlike posture works just as well for a tree-swinging Toa of Air as any beautiful bishounen with perfect posture. His weapons did seem a bit amusing when contrasted with his teammates, though.

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I think hitting someone with an empty Cordak rocket minigun would probably do more damage than the actual rockets.

So Kongu was dual-wielding artillery and melee simultaneously?


What a guy.

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