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BZPRPG Toa Arete Signup/Discussion

Mef Man


Here is where anyone interested in the new Toa Arete group in the BZPRPG can either sign up or simply discuss the team. Will edit in any needed information as we go.


Currently accepting profiles for all of the different roles.


In need of a few more judges. If you'd like to help, post in the comments.




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I'd like to volunteer in the event of first cone first serve.


However, I think tryouts would be a good idea. And if tryouts are done, the end date should be something like the 20th. Plenty if time for people to bring their a-game.

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I say we do try-outs however that requires judges or else people would vote for themselves. I was hoping for charity or patience.

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The Toa Arete are returning? Glad to see my wonky idea lives on. :headbonk:


I would like to play as Temperance but I see someone already wants that. :P

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Which is why we're holding try-outs but for that to happen, we need to decide on a voting method. Either we find ourselves some judges or we trust ourselves to be honest and vote for the best entry for whatever category.

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I have an idea.


We make sure that no one of us judges the category we enter. All submissions are sent to one person, who doesn't vote. That way no one knows who's submission is who's, Abd nobody can vote for their own.

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And then the person with all the entries posts them so everyone could see, while concealing the identity of the entry's applicant? And everyone votes by PMing that person?

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I think it would be a lot simpler if Mef and another person or two who aren't applying were judges for this...

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So, that's atleast two more judges we need. How about Tyler (if he wants to) being a judge and someone else?



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Sure, sounds good. Once you've rallied judges, let us know and let the applying begin. I think the final day for entries to be posted should be the 20th or a bit past that.


Edit: Cosmic, apply if you want to. There's no "I don't want you on the team"...I think.

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