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I Always Knew You Were Different, But, A Tablet?

Takuma Nuva


So, we got up this morning with the intention of getting to the convention center by 9. I had my alarm set on my phone but forgot to switch it off "vibrate only". :lookaround: Luckily I happened to be awake and noticed it going off. We slammed some breakfast (Instant Quaker Oatmeal FTW) and head down there. Already the line was insanely long and I'm SO glad we're exhibitors. :blink: The majority of the morning/early afternoon was just dancing to the music behind the tables and rummaging through the prototype pieces. I grabbed a Glatorian helmet that was dark blue and gold (don't remember whose helmet). My cousin got a piece too, even though he isn't on BZP. Don't worry though, guys! When he gets home he's gonna make an account. Just keep an eye out for a new member going by "Apollo Mahri" (that only took, what, 3 years? xP)


Also, I wore my Doctor Whooves shirt today. I'm not even kidding THE WHOLE DAY I had people approaching me about it. I seriously cannot recall how many brohooves I got; it was a LOT. Sometimes people would actually stop and talk to me about how awesome it is, ask me questions, point me out to their brony friends, etc. I even had somebody ask if they could take a picture of my shirt. :lol: There was also a small dance party to "Discord" by The Living Tombstone with the BZBronies present. Seriously, for little while there, it was totally BronyFair in our little corner and it was awesome.


Laughin'Man/Orino was there today. So glad I finally got to meet him. He hung out with us during the public hours. I bought all of the Bionicle Legends books I was missing off him so I'm really happy. Now I must acquire all of the Bionicle Adventures ones, but they can wait a bit.


Around 2 in the afternoon, the thing I feared most happened: We went out to lunch and missed both JMJ and Kothra. Words cannot express how distraught I am right now. :cry: We even passed down probably our only chance to visit the LEGO Store in order to make sure we didn't miss them. I hope and pray that someone is still planning on going.




Anyways, lunch was definitely interesting. Sisen lead myself, Architect, Disky, Spink, my cousin, Avohkah Tamer, Laughin'Man, and Bionicle Raptor to a restaurant he knew about that was SUPPOSED to be opened, but wasn't. Laaaaaame! Anyways, we made our way back to Arby's. My legs were already incredible sore from lazah tag last night and all the walking DIDN'T HELP ANY! I'M IN SO MUCH PAIN! But we still had fun cracking jokes and talking (sometimes at Sisen's expense :P). It's kinda sad that we were gone for nearly an hour and all we did was grab a bite from a fast food near the expo. :annoyed2: But what can you do? On the way back Architect and I talked a little about MNOLG comics, Gerlicky's comics, etc. I really want to do comics, guys, but there's so much stuff to do and not enough time! ;.;


My cousin, like a fool, decided to take a "nap" for a good part of the afternoon some time after lunch and missed a lot of fun.


I did wander through the yard sale, but didn't see much of anything interesting to me. Especially not for the price some people were asking.


Otherwise, we just kept hanging out in our little BZP corner of the Bionicle area. Oh gosh, the antics! I'm not going to spoil it all, but we got lots of awesome idea for stuff we want to do (and even started on some with plans to do more tomorrow). Some of it is long-term stuff too. What I will say is you guys can expect another Steak Boy comedy soon. But this time it'll (hopefully) go WAY beyond the others. We're gonna get Brickeens, Zatth, and Architect in on it (AT and Sumiki too if we can force them in somewhere :P). Seriously, you guys, we NEED TO DO THIS!


After hanging out and having the time of our freakin' lives, Tom finally came back to the land of the living to get some dinner. He, AT, and I meandered over to Taco Bell for a quick dinner and went back to the convention center. Unfortunately, Adult Swim had started and that meant that not everyone was allowed inside anymore (21+ only). That's okay, we don't need no stinkin' Brickfair! We went to McDonald's with Brickeens, his dad, Sumiki, and his parents. Sweet Celestia, we were in FITS of laughter! Talking about accents, crazy customers, and other stuff. Some of the best moments were when Sumiki and I were simultaneously quoting SPIRIT's old PSAs. I wish that had never ended.


Seriously. Brickeens. Sumiki. You're my bros for life.


Then we went back to our hotel room. We re-watched all of SPIRIT's old PSAs again to refresh our memories and I SERIOUSLY think we need to record a sing-along of one or more of the songs tomorrow.


I can't believe there's only one more day of Brickfair. It makes me sad just thinking about it. The fancy staff dinner is tomorrow night but I honestly may very well skip it. It depends on who is left to hang out with. :P


I want to say that more awesome stuff happened today, but I just cannot for the life of me remember it right now.


Brickfair. Worth every penny and more.


Takuma Nuva


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So tomorrow we will have an orchestra singing to SPIRIT's songs? This sounds like a brilliant plan, good sir.

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Extremely thorough entries like this are why I haven't blogged about BrickFair yet. Nothing left for me to tell!





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Extremely thorough entries like this are why I haven't blogged about BrickFair yet. Nothing left for me to tell!



I'm sure there were crazy things that you remember that we don't, or crazy things that you did when you went off with Laughin'Man all over the con.

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Man, I got stuck at Adult Swim to take my dad home after impaired speed build, so you guys have fun without me? >:[

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