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BrickFair and Brave: Awesome Day to Be Had

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I am just popping in to give you some post-visitor day feedback of BrickFair, which I was there by the way. I did not officially meet any BZPers though because I am a coward.


But I did see Mister Black Six at some point during the day at the BIONICLE table when I passed it by a few times during my visit. I roamed there aimlessly a lot actually. Mostly because I was debating about saying hello and stuff. Ultimately I was too scared to do anything, so the only BZPower related thing that I did was signed my name in guestbook before leaving for the movies with my friend around 3 PM something.


I also think I might of seen Mister Aanchir watching over the awesome Ta-Koro stuff, but I could be wrong as I only glance at the name tag. *shrugs* But anyway, I got about 221 pictures from the event itself (A lot of them are bad though since I have shakily hands. The Bionicle table had quite a few bad pictures by me. I might ask to get some of my friend's photos since he got about 260 photos taken.) and 13 LEGO in motion videos. I might show what I took here, although they are not the greatest quality, so you probably be better off waiting for someone else.


I also brought nothing from the vendors since I was scared by the crowds mostly. I was tempted to buy some old BIONICLE sets there though. And again since I was a coward, I did not get to buy a BZPower shirt while I was there as I was too scared to ask anyone anything. So yeah, if you did not see me, that's the reason why. I am sorry, folks. :(


But anyway, my friend and I had a lot of fun during this trip and we would loved to do again sometime, so we might be coming back during another public day next year (Most likely a lot earlier than 11:30-ish since the line that stretched around the center was not a fun wait considering how hot it was at the time.). Not making any promises though since next year is a long time from now.


Also if there is a next time, I probably should of taken a picture of myself before I left for the day trip because I imagine people did not get what I meant by a Penn State shirt exactly. I guess that's not surprising since I was pretty vague about though. But basically I meant this shirt. Again, I am sorry about that.


Oh, and after our BrickFair visit, we watched the Pixar movie Brave at an AMC in Virginia somewhere, which was good movie in my opinion. I almost cried a few times watching it actually since there was a surprising lot of emotional scenes in it, which really knew how to tug at my heartstrings. The only thing that I did not like is watching it in 3D (I hate 3D stuff with a passion since they annoyed my eyes. That and I have to wear their glasses over my own glasses since I can't see anything without them.). But like I said, outside of that little detail, I liked the film.


Alright, that's all. Again, apologizes to those that might of wanted to meet me there. I hope you guys had a good day without me though and that you have a great final day tomorrow (I will not be there since I am back in good old Pennsylvania now.). Good Night, BZPers.


- JMJ 2012


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Aw, you should've approached us! We were dancing and breaking MOCs here and there.


But, oh well, c'est la vie. At least you got to go, and that's what matters right?

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Aw man, we must have passed by you on our way back from lunch! A couple of us connected to your 3DS via Streetpass (I'm David, Blue Mii, with the pirate hat), but we couldn't find you at the con when LM and I went searching.


I'm glad you enjoyed the convention and the movie afterwards, though! Just be sure to say hi to someone next time. ;)



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@Zatth: I am sorry, sir, for not doing so...


And yeah, you are correct. I am happy that I was at least able to go to the event for a bit.


@AT: Hm...I thought that Mii was yours. But then again, I thought I passed you much earlier than 3 o'clock though as I thought I saw you walking with someone to the BIONICLE table. *shrugs*


I'll try to next time, if there actually is a next time that is.


- JMJ 2012

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Well, it can be scary to approach so many clearly insane people. You might get murdered or something. If you're quick like me, though, you can get out with almost unharmed, if you're lucky.

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Well, it can be scary to approach so many clearly insane people. You might get murdered or something. If you're quick like me, though, you can get out with almost unharmed, if you're lucky.

And thus the legends stated that Lego Obsessionist met Sumiki and lived to tell about it.

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@Sumiki: I actually did not see that. Most of the time I was there, quite of a few people, I saw there, were playing with tablets. *shrugs*


I saw someone with a Fez speaking with the person, I believe was Aanchir (I could be wrong though.), before we left though. But outside of that, I did not see any of that stuff you speak of.


@Lego Obessionist: lol I would not say that exactly the reason for my fear of approaching you guys since you all did seem pretty nice.


I was more of afraid of how I introduced myself since I know from experience that I am awful at social interactions. After all, this entry here is proof of one such failure social interaction of mines at my college.


- JMJ 2012

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:kaukau: Brave was awesome and totally worth seeing on the bigscreen. There were certain shots that really don't have the same magic on a television set. Personally, I wouldn't have minded seeing it in 3D the second time around since there were also certain shots that would have looked interesting with added depth, such as looking through the branches, and would have felt even bigger, but alas, seeing it a second time and literally standing in front of the screen was still a good experience.


Oh, and congratulations on making your way to brickfair. I don't think I ever will. Although it surprises me that you would have any reason to be shy. Nerds should never be shy of their fellow kind.



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@Merida: Considering I have never met or talk to a lot of people there in real life, I feel my shyness is kind of justified, dude. Not only that, but I do have a track record of being awful at social situations because I can not wrap my mind around how to act with people a lot, which is why I only have like one real life friend (Who at times, I think is too good for me.).


*shrugs* So yeah, forgive me, if I am shy around my own "kind" as you put it. I can't help it.


But anyway, I am glad to see you like Brave too. I can't say I agree with you about it being better in 3D though, but to each his own, I guess. :P


@Aderia: Yup, I am from Pennsylvania. :)


And yeah, it is possible that you saw me there. lol You could of been that girl I bumped into the Space section that my friend say look like my sister for all I know. XD


But anyway, I wouldn't know though since I did not hang out at the BIONICLE table enough to meet people really. I should of though and I will try to next year, if I can make it again. We'll just have to wait and see.


- JMJ 2012

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