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Humble Indie Bundle 6

Takuma Nuva


So, the new Humble Indie Bundle is out. Of the six games offered, I have 3, so I figured I might as well give brief reviews on those for the wondering among you.


Shatter: Pong with 'Tude, I like to call it. There's a million block-breaking games out there, but Shatter is easily my favorite. There's a few things that set this particular title apart. First, you can suck/blow air in order to change the "balls'" trajectory making it possible to snipe that last block that you can never seem to hit. Also, how many block breaking games do you know of that have round stages? Yeah, not many. Boss battles are fun too. I'm not gonna lie though, one of the biggest pulls for me is the soundtrack (which comes with the HIB). Good gracious, Mata Nui. I can't get enough of it.


Space Pirates and Zombies: I have not finished this title yet, but it is enjoyable. You slowly build a small fleet of ships and take them around a procedurally generated galaxy while upgrading to better gear. Lots of little RPG-elements in there. It's good, but I wouldn't say it's amazing. I play it in spurts.


Torchlight: Basically, it's a Diablo-esque game and I have enjoyed it much. There really isn't much more to say about it that would be concise. Worth noting, though, that the second game is coming out quite soon.




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Rochard, Vessel, and for those who beat the average price, Dustforce.


Picked up my bundle earlier today. Can't wait to see what other games get added later this week!

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I've played 3 worlds of Shatter (got it during a sale a few days ago) and so far it doesn't wow me. The whole pull/push thing rarely works out in my favor, though maybe I just need more time to get used to it. Reaxxion is my personal fav breakout game.

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I've played 3 worlds of Shatter (got it during a sale a few days ago) and so far it doesn't wow me. The whole pull/push thing rarely works out in my favor, though maybe I just need more time to get used to it. Reaxxion is my personal fav breakout game.

No, Shatter certainly isn't a "WOW!" game, I'll agree. The soundtrack is though. :P


Never heard of Reaxxion...


Takuma Nuva

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