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Vacation :)



Yay, I am on vacation for a week ... :) Seven days of baseball, Playstation baseball, and WoW ... :)


Finished Bionicle Legends #8 on Easter Sunday, so am going to try not to do any LEGO writing this week, other than answering questions on BZP. (Yes, I will still be here.)


Had a good day today -- went up to Renbrook School in West Hartford and spoke to a few classes of fifth graders. One of the students there (who is also a BZP member, I believe) had sent me a letter a while back as part of a class project. When I saw where the school was (not very far from me), I wrote back and told him if his school would like, I would drop in for a talk.


So today was the first of two visits for me there -- great looking school, nice bunch of kids, good mix of questions from them. Next week I speak to the fourth graders. The school seemed very pleased I did not ask them for money to come visit -- I told them it's for young people, I don't expect to get paid to do something like this for them. (They did give me a nice gift, though, which was sweet of them -- restaurant gift cards.) The school personnel were really appreciative and nice to me, and that makes it a pleasure to do things like this. Really recharges my batteries, you know?


Anyway -- after this little break, it is on to EXO-FORCE #7 and BIONICLE Legends #9. In the meantime, my Draenai hunter is up to level 25 and has a chalice and some tainted wood to find, so I better get back to that :)




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Yes have a good vacation, you need to relax from all work.


And I wish good luck with BIONICLE Legends 9, cant wait for some spoilers.


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I also hope you have a great vacation. A person like you who has a busy life, having to go all the way to Denmark and all, really deserves one. Hope you enjoy it. :) I also think it's great that you're going to a school near were you live. I always dreamed of that happening to me, but Hartford is about 3 and a half hours away from New Hampshire.

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I'm glad that they liked it. Good that there weren't any pranks. :P

I knew you played WoW, but I didn't know you were a Draenei. Nice.

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Yay, BIONICLE Legends 8 is done :happydance: .


Thanks for all your hard work that you put into Bionicle and BZP Greg, you deserve a vacation after doing all of that. Hope it doesn't fly by too fast for you.


- :t::l::h:

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hope you had sweet day!

my dad's intrested in WoW......maybe he could sign and play with you.....

*thinks about how my dad would be playing WoW with the bigest person on here as a posibility*

uhh,maybe not............

you play video games?

can't wait till' i get it!


off topic:bionicle world is sweet!i just got this weekend!nice job!

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I'm jealous of those 5th graders who got to meet you, Greg. What did you talk to them about? LEGO? BIONICLE? EXO-FORCE?


He probably spook on his carrier as a writer, what he loves and hates about his Job (if you can hate anything about it :rolleyes: ), and with his words of wisdom encouraged those kids to reach for the sky, fallow their dreams, and Always, Always, play with Lego.




Anywho Hurray for vacation. :happydance: It's awesome to get out and do the fun stuff. Have the time of your life Mr. Farshtey! You finished another book?


Wonderful! Oh here is what you got to do know…Go walk, bike, or drive to the nearest corner store and get yourself the Largest Slushy available. After consuming it find yourself a little forest, field, or Park and run around in circles for no apparent reason. Then sit down and watch the clouds go by. It's the best reword and it's insanely fun. Or you can just do what you were planning… but do treat yourself to something special!

Have fun!



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I'm jealous of those 5th graders who got to meet you, Greg. What did you talk to them about? LEGO? BIONICLE? EXO-FORCE?


Yeah, I'm jealous too. And...what did you talk about?

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Wow, so it sounds like lifes being pretty nice to you huh Greg? Me to! But, that's another story story. Baseball you say?


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What team? Since you're in Conneticut (right?) I assume The Mets, Red Sox, or Yankees.


Hey, maybe you could make some MOCS on your vacation. :P

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You play WoW? Wow... :D


I prefer Strarcraft though. It's got cooler stuff. I might be getting Heroes of Might and Magic though.


One week of Vacation? You diserve much more Greg! You really do. Like... 2 Weeks. Ok, that's not MUCH more, but still...


And... Stuff. Can't think of a closing note. Bah.


The Disousa



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