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Jester hats DO make everything better

Taka Nuvia


You know, it's weird. I am absolutely unable to directly approach strangers, i.e. walking up to someone and simply start talking to them. I can't. I worry too much.

But what works, is 'joking along'. Which means, if I somehow happen to be in a group with people that are being silly, at some point I start throwing in some jokes myself. And if that works, great, I might even dare to talk s'more.


In other words, being silly is my method to get to know people. :/ Might sound weird, but hey, whatever works, really. ^^


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I'm the same way, myself. ^^


Actually, just a few years or so ago, I was really really antisocial. In highschool, for half a year, I sat completely by myself at lunch, kept to myself in my classes, etc. Then the next year one of my acquaintances made it to high school. We weren't really good friends (actually our older brothers were friends, so we just knew each other out of convenience at first, really), but we got along. We started talking to each other after that, and now she's still someone I can talk to about anything. She never was in any of my lunches, but her friends were. One by one, I kept meeting more and more people, and it started because of joking around. My friend and I loved to be silly and irreverent (the irreverence was a bit more on my end, though XP).


I love to laugh. I love to smile. I guess I just need to be around the right people who bring that out in me (it's always there, but sometimes it just needs a nudge).


I was still pretty awkward in my classes, though. Every now and then, someone would come up to me out of the blue and say something like "I saw you sitting alone, so I came to talk." It was a very nice gesture, but those conversations normally got kinda awkward... Like, how an average Joe adult would try to cheer up a birthday boy whose friends didn't show up to his party.


I really suck at normal conversations. =/ I don't mean debate or philosophy or anything; I'm just bad at talking about general things.

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My problem is simply not wanting to talk to most people. As long as I'm asking a question of the person I'm approaching, I can talk to them just fine. But when I'm in a group situation where I'm not expected to head the group somehow, I just stay quiet most of the time. My jokes and references are generally unappreciated.



EDIT: I agree with Tekulo too, I just don't talk about general things, whatever the general things might be. And I can barely make small talk about anything that doesn't actually matter to me.




~ :b: :i: :m_o: :m: :a: :n: :c: :e: :r:~

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(I wouldn't say it's that weird as I've noticed I respond the same way. Well, I guess it might still be weird if I do it but at least that means it's not uncommon. I think what it is is that I'm afraid of looking like a fool so in serious class discussions I tend to just clam up and stick to the sidelines, whilst if everyone's joking around I've nothing to fear. :P)

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I'll just add that I'm like everyone else who's commented so far, in terms of communicating with others. Especially with overlord's mention of references and jokes. =P

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