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Back in a Bit

Black Six


So the military base I work at is closing tomorrow because of the hurricane. If it's that bad, then at the very least I'm expecting to lose power at some point over the next few days. So my presence here may be a little scarce. As it is, here's my plan:


  • Go to bed tonight.
  • Wake up tomorrow, work from home for as long as I have power.
  • Edit the Powercast while I have time.
  • In the event of a power failure, break out the dead tree books for some reading.
  • Hope I don't lose power for too long.
  • Repeat.


Depending on if/for how long I lose power, the next episode of the podcast may be delayed. I've got everything recorded, I just need to edit it all together, master it, and upload it, which is probably about three hours worth of work at least. Between battery backups and my wireless hotspot, I should be able to stay connected for a while even if I do lose power, so I'll do everything I can to get it up on time.


I hope everyone stays safe during the storm and that damage is minimal.


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By finish up the powercast, you mean you'll have a giant partycast.



Hey if anyone wants to bring some food, board games, and flashlights/candles, we can totally have a hurricane party.

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But ...


Who's going to order us around if you lose power? :o

That's why Jen lives on the West Coast. We keeps the admins split up so one catastrophic doesn't take us all out.

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Sumiki, on , said:


But ...


Who's going to order us around if you lose power? :o

That's why Jen lives on the West Coast. We keeps the admins split up so one catastrophic doesn't take us all out.


Jen secretly used her queenly powers to plan this storm all along.

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Jen secretly used her queenly powers to plan this storm all along.

It all makes sense now! How nefarious. I will not go quietly into the hurricane!

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