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Star Wars Episode VII

Laughing Man


please don't suck please don't suck please don't suck


also if it's a continuation from the original trilogy and not something entirely new and different, please overwrite some of the more meh expanded universe stuff but keep the cool parts like Mara Jade


I'm trying to be optimistic, being a massive Star Wars fangirl literally since the age of 2, but god I have a terrible feeling this will suck


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Mara Jade is awesome. I kind of hope she's not in this next one just because that way there's no way for her to go horribly wrong.

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I wish Star Wars would just be LEFT ALONE. It's a great 5 movies (episode 1: *shudders), and I wish the story had stayed simpler.

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the way I see it


no matter how this turns out


we can at least take comfort in knowing that it'll never be as bad as the Star Wars Holiday Special or the made-for-TV Ewoks movies




..well, unless they decide to reboot the original trilogy with Shia LaBeouf as Luke Skywalker and Nicolas Cage as Han Solo..

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I wish Star Wars would just be LEFT ALONE. It's a great 5 movies (episode 1: *shudders), and I wish the story had stayed simpler.

I couldn't help but read this in the voice of the "Leave Britney alone!" guy.

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:kaukau: Let's just hope that they don't go with that lame "Palpatine returns from the dead" story. I also hope that the Sith stay dead, because I didn't like it when Darth Krayt revived the order. My thoughts were that if they were meant to stay dead they were meant to stay dead.


Obviously, I hope for the best, though. I mean, I have to remain optimistic for Star Wars. I enjoyed the prequel trilogy, so here's hoping that the sequel trilogy works out.



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:kaukau: Let's just hope that they don't go with that lame "Palpatine returns from the dead" story. I also hope that the Sith stay dead, because I didn't like it when Darth Krayt revived the order. My thoughts were that if they were meant to stay dead they were meant to stay dead.


Obviously, I hope for the best, though. I mean, I have to remain optimistic for Star Wars. I enjoyed the prequel trilogy, so here's hoping that the sequel trilogy works out.




Yay! I'm not alone!

I've always thought the prequels got a lot of undue hate, especially considering that even if they didn't quite reach the artistry of the original trilogy they were still passable at worst. They're no "The Last Airbender", that's for sure.

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