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Messed up book summaries (and books) #1

Scanty Demon


Hello everyone and welcome to "Messed Book summaries (and plots/books)" where I post a messed up book summary that is just plain weird. While normally I can't say if a book is good or bad, the site where I found this book said it was bad. Why? Well you'll find out at the end. Today's book is "Twisted" by young author and artist Miranda Leek. Any way here's the summary:


What Happens To Amusement Park Rides Once They Are Put Into Storage Or Destroyed? They are magically transported to a place only know as "Amusement Park Between", a park that co-exist within any other and is only accessible by those who are of its blood. There are no limits and no humans. The only residents are the RIDES. However, they are much different from our own. Amusement Park Between's rides are ALIVE, having both the characteristics of man and beast. Amusement Park Between was once merry and joyous, but for the past several years it has spiraled into turmoil. An evil tyrant known as Ironwheel has taken control, casting a dark shadow over Amusement Park Between, and whose evil intensions endanger both their world and our own. The rides only hope is the key to their prophecy, "The Red Will Defeat The Black". That perticular key is the only ride that was created differently. The red roller coaster, Railrunner. And This Is His Story.


I couldn't make this up if I tried. Oh and I'm quoting the site as to why it's so bad:

This is the story of a scarlet-red talking rollercoaster named Railrunner. Along with his ragtag bunch of talking amusement park ride friends, he goes on grand adventures throughout the mystical land of Amusement Park Between, a land of talking rides where clichés rule and everything is an informed attribute. Everything. Railrunner’s one goal in life (or the closest thing to a goal as one so passive as himself could have) is to slaughter everything that gets in his way and crown himself supreme ruler of everyone and everything in Amusement Park Between.


Oh, did I mention he’s supposed to be a good guy? And that he’s a Black Hole Sue?


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Railrunner’s one goal in life (or the closest thing to a goal as one so passive as himself could have) is to slaughter everything that gets in his way and crown himself supreme ruler of everyone and everything in Amusement Park Between.


Sounds just like Mata Nui from the Legend Trilogy :P .


But yeah, that book sounds freaky and bizarre, but like V1P2 said, it also sounds interesting, albeit in its own strange way.



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Railrunner’s one goal in life (or the closest thing to a goal as one so passive as himself could have) is to slaughter everything that gets in his way and crown himself supreme ruler of everyone and everything in Amusement Park Between.


Sounds just like Mata Nui from the Legend Trilogy :P .

Except when Mata Nui does it, he's just that awesome (plus its funny). This is supposed to be taken seriously.



I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. Please tell me this was vanity published.


From what I found the book was published by some company called Authorhouse. Supposedly they "help" self publishing authors, so this is most likely Vanity published, I can't imagine any sane publisher reading this and thinking this is the next Ernest Hemingway.

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