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My Bro Brickeens

Takuma Nuva


He really, truly is one of the best guys on here. One of those rare few people that I can really talk to about whatever's on my mind and know he's listening.


He deserves so much better than what he is dealing with right now. :(


So here's to you, Birks. God bless ya. B)








[9:24:28 PM] Takuma Nuva: I still remember when I met Sumiki.

[9:24:41 PM] Takuma Nuva: We showed up at the convention center shortly before bingo ended.

[9:25:05 PM] Takuma Nuva: So I was like, "Let's just stand here where they're all gonna drop off their cards until somebody notices us!"

[9:25:26 PM] Takuma Nuva: Needless to say, Sumiki did a double-take when he noticed the name on my brickbadge. d=

[9:25:36 PM] Takuma Nuva: He seemed speechless for a moment.

[9:25:40 PM] Takuma Nuva: Then he started singing. xP

[9:25:50 PM] Brickeens: he started singing?

[9:25:54 PM] Brickeens: I wish I was there

[9:25:56 PM] Takuma Nuva: "Evil Blog Master"

[9:25:59 PM] Brickeens: oh

[9:26:00 PM] Brickeens: of course

[9:26:02 PM] Brickeens: I should have known

[9:26:04 PM] Takuma Nuva: He did it again later with Zatth on kazoo.

[9:26:12 PM] Brickeens: brilliant

[9:26:19 PM] Brickeens: and yeah, bingo was where I met you

[9:26:46 PM] Brickeens: I had been away and when I came back I found sumiki and was all 'is takuma here' and he was all 'yes' and pointed you out

[9:27:31 PM] Takuma Nuva: And then you were all "OH MY GOSH, I DIDN'T KNOW HE WOULD BE SO BUTT-UGLY! AAAAAAAAAHHHHH" *birks runs away*

[9:27:36 PM] Takuma Nuva: d=

[9:27:50 PM] Brickeens: what no

[9:27:58 PM] Brickeens: I actually had a vague idea what you looked like because

[9:27:59 PM] Brickeens: well

[9:28:21 PM] Takuma Nuva: because well what? d=

[9:28:31 PM] Brickeens: Takuma%20Nuva%20staffbio_01.jpg

[9:28:40 PM] Brickeens: there sorry, I was just looking for the pic

[9:28:46 PM] Takuma Nuva: Ah yes

[9:29:10 PM] Brickeens: but yeah, I was slightly disappointed that you weren't in a humongous metal powersuit, but whatever

[9:29:11 PM] Takuma Nuva: The one where I photoshopped Cyclop's shades over my face, my head on Section 8 armor, and I didn't have my facial hair. d=

[9:29:16 PM] Takuma Nuva: xD

[9:29:25 PM] Takuma Nuva: Yeah, I left my powersuit in my other pair of pants.

[9:29:31 PM] Brickeens: right

[9:31:14 PM] Brickeens: and man now I'm triggering all sorts of brickfair memories ;_;

[9:31:39 PM] Takuma Nuva: OH THE FEELS


[9:32:54 PM] Brickeens: man it was so sad leaving

[9:33:00 PM] Takuma Nuva: I wanted to cry. ;.;

[9:33:15 PM] Takuma Nuva: But I haven't cried in....as long as I can remember actually.

[9:33:30 PM] Brickeens: you gave me a brohug

[9:33:39 PM] Brickeens: the only other person who gave me a brohug was sumiki

[9:33:45 PM] Takuma Nuva: That's what bros do.

[9:33:49 PM] Brickeens: yes

[9:33:54 PM] Brickeens: and I like brohugs

[9:33:59 PM] Takuma Nuva: And I don't give brohugs to just anyone.

[9:34:14 PM] Takuma Nuva: These are exclusive, limited time only, special edition brohugs.

[9:34:38 PM] Brickeens: quick, where's that internet blush webpage you had a while back

[9:34:42 PM] Brickeens: that's sometimes blue

[9:34:59 PM] Takuma Nuva: http://www.sometimesredsometimesblue.com

[9:35:00 PM] Takuma Nuva: ?

[9:35:17 PM] Brickeens: because you know, you're making me blush

[9:35:22 PM] Brickeens: and hey, it's red

[9:35:28 PM] Takuma Nuva: SAME HERE

[9:35:33 PM] Takuma Nuva: It's a sign!

[9:35:35 PM] Takuma Nuva: of

[9:35:36 PM] Takuma Nuva: um

[9:35:38 PM] Takuma Nuva: ...

[9:35:43 PM] Takuma Nuva: idunnolol

[9:35:54 PM] Brickeens: yeah, me neither




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