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YOUR Opinion: Best and Worst Video Games of 2012



Hey guys! So I'm being interviewed in a few days about the Best and Worst Video Games of 2012 (no idea why the school newspaper's doing an article on that, but no complaints here). So I'm reaching out to gauge opinions.


So, to YOU, what would you rank as the BEST and WORST video games that were released this year? You can have multiple games under each category, I'm just looking to see what you all consider the top and bottom.




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Borderlands 2


Okami HD

Trials Evolution

Mass Effect 3

Inevitably Halo 4, though I've not played it yet.




Joe Danger 2

Assassin's Creed III (well, not really the worst, just a big disappointment)

Kid Icarus Uprising (awful, awful controls for the ground sections)


Probably good but I'm yet to play:

Professor Layton Miracle Mask


Pokemon Black/White 2

Ratchet and Clank/Jak and Daxter HD collections.


KInd of a meh year for games, really. I'm sure I'm forgetting some games, though.


- Tilius

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Borderlands 2


Okami HD

Trials Evolution

Mass Effect 3

Inevitably Halo 4, though I've not played it yet.




Joe Danger 2

Assassin's Creed III (well, not really the worst, just a big disappointment)

Kid Icarus Uprising (awful, awful controls for the ground sections)


Probably good but I'm yet to play:

Professor Layton Miracle Mask


Pokemon Black/White 2

Ratchet and Clank/Jak and Daxter HD collections.


KInd of a meh year for games, really. I'm sure I'm forgetting some games, though.


- Tilius

Just because it's you...


No Mass Effect 3...?



Black Ops 2




....I think that might be the only 2012 game I've played.

Well that's a shame. Especially seeing as I've had some club members give it as the worst game. :P
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Best: Kid Icarus Uprising (Fantastic controls for the entire game and a fantastic and hilarious story)

New Super Mario Bros. U (A great callback to Super Mario World)

Assassin's Creed 3

Nintendo Land (Shockingly a really fun game)

Pokemon Black 2 and White 2


Scribblenauts: Unlimited



Paper Mario: Sticker Star (As a huge fan of the Paper Mario series this one is such a huge disappointment compared to previous games in the series.


I haven't really played to many games this year, there are a ton that I'm looking forward to playing though.

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I listed ME3 as one of the best games, despite the ending which got blown out of proportion.


Really gotta disagree on Kid Icarus having 'fantastic' controls. You can certainly disagree and say they're good, but nobody would ever describe them as fantastic, because they're not. Really. As objectively as you can be with it....they suck during the ground sections. Having to swipe the screen three times just to turn the camera in the middle of a fight is in no way a good control scheme.


NSMBWiiU also seems a lazy game, made from an assortment of levels constantly being designed under the NSMB engine and art style. It feels more of an easy money maker for Nintendo, rathrr than being made with care and ingenuity that forms the best Mario games, like Galaxy. Interesting that most of the games you list are Nintendo exclusives...causes a lack of perspective that makes average games seem good when there is no point of reference to proper classics like Portal 2, for example.


And to list AC3 as one of the best is odd to me, too, as its more of the same, but with a duller story, unengaging main character and padded out with lazily devised sidequests. Haytham is good and naval battled are ok, but Desmond's ending sucked. The series is verging on CoD 'churning out the same game every year' strategy.


Also I second Black Ops as one of the worst games of the year, as CoD represents all that is wrong with gaming today. As do Fifa games.


- Tilius

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Huh. Missed it in the list, that's why I asked. XP


Unfortunately I agree about AC3 on some parts, but my love of the series prevents me from every including it on a "worst" list. Lists like these are built off of personal opinion, so that one's not going anywhere.

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Tbh I mainly include it as an OOER, CONTROVERSIAL one. Its not terrible, but should've been so much better and has horribly obvious problems.


- Tilius

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Really gotta disagree on Kid Icarus having 'fantastic' controls. You can certainly disagree and say they're good, but nobody would ever describe them as fantastic, because they're not. Really. As objectively as you can be with it....they suck during the ground sections. Having to swipe the screen three times just to turn the camera in the middle of a fight is in no way a good control scheme.


- Tilius

It is my list and I have my own reasons for listing it as so.


However to say that you needed to swipe three times to turn the camera already tells me something. The controls in Kid Icarus are extremely customizable, with one slight adjustment it can be fixed. I know myself and quite a few people who found the controls to be very innovative and easy to use. I've corrected a few people on this and they've all been able to improve afterwards. As objectively as I can be, the controls are fantastic.


As for AC3 I've been having a lot of fun with it, so I think it is great.

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Really the only thing that brought AC3 down for me was one storyline part - but JUST one - and that being the ending... And the pretty bad character models. I just didn't find it acceptable that the arms and weapons would be so freely flowing through other body parts or clothing so obviously and frequently in the game. Mostly because of how frequently you see it.


Otherwise I did have fun with it too. I still want to go back and play some more even.

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For me, even if it suffers some character model issues, that doesn't ruin the game. I think it is an enjoyable game, I may not be anywhere near done with it, but I am enjoying it on the Wii U.

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I'll fiddle with the Kid Icarus controls at some point then, see if that solves it.


Also, out of interest, have you played previous AC games? I imagine its excellent if not, but I really felt like I'd played it three times before. And gawd, Connor is so bland, and the Hayden Christiansen soundalike doesn't help. That said, Haytham is probably the best character in any of the games, with a great voice actor and excellent lines, but suffers from such slow missions at the start. His later return is very welcome and makes for the best sequences in the game. So I dunno. More of him and I'd like the game a lot more.


- Tilius

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I very much hope that the next [console] game is.... Errr. Spoilering....



Haytham's story, telling about how he turned from the Assassin's and his life in the Templars in England.


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I listed ME3 as one of the best games, despite the ending which got blown out of proportion.


Really gotta disagree on Kid Icarus having 'fantastic' controls. You can certainly disagree and say they're good, but nobody would ever describe them as fantastic, because they're not. Really. As objectively as you can be with it....they suck during the ground sections. Having to swipe the screen three times just to turn the camera in the middle of a fight is in no way a good control scheme. And to list AC3 as one of the best is odd to me, too, as its more of the same, but with a duller story, unengaging main character and padded out with lazily devised sidequests. Haytham is good and naval battled are ok, but Desmond's ending sucked. The series is verging on CoD 'churning out the same game every year' strategy.


Also I second Black Ops as one of the worst games of the year, as CoD represents all that is wrong with gaming today. As do Fifa games.


- Tilius


Actually, I think the controls are sorta acquired. I had a bit of trouble in the beginning, but now they don't bother me. So I dunno.


Anyways, I haven't played any games I think are bad, but I do like Kid Icarus: Uprising, and Pokemon White 2. Only games I played from this year, really.

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I'll fiddle with the Kid Icarus controls at some point then, see if that solves it.


Also, out of interest, have you played previous AC games? I imagine its excellent if not, but I really felt like I'd played it three times before. And gawd, Connor is so bland, and the Hayden Christiansen soundalike doesn't help. That said, Haytham is probably the best character in any of the games, with a great voice actor and excellent lines, but suffers from such slow missions at the start. His later return is very welcome and makes for the best sequences in the game. So I dunno. More of him and I'd like the game a lot more.


- Tilius

I have not actually, I've wanted to get a PS3, but that still has yet to happen. I've been playing this on in my spare time. The only reason I we have the Wii U (and games) is because they were preordered and paid for before Sandy hit us. It might also be because I've been enjoying all games right now after what we have been through.


I might have to express my disappointment with Sticker Star further at a later date though.

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Haven't actually played enough to say the "best", but the worst...


New Super Mario Bros. 2. That thing is the ultimate cash-in, and I hate Nintendo for doing that. Also, the release of this ruined, blotted, and stained pemanently the release of New Supr Mario Bros. U, which by all accounts appears to be fantastic.

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Halo 4 (Spectacular story, stunning visuals, great Multiplayer)

Forza Horizon

Minecraft XBL

Sleeping Dogs

Madden NFL 13



Mass Effect 3 (The whole thing felt rushed and seemed to deviate from the series-established gameplay)

Prototype 2 (Excessive swearing and gore lead to a less than enjoyable experience, overall gameplay was disappointing)


And there is my list for your consideration.

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From my limited gameplay of 2012 games ... Borderlands 2, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, and Halo 4 are the best. Can't say anything about anything else.



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Best for me is Kid Icarus: Uprising. However, I know a lot of people had difficulty with the controls (I didn't), so it's probably not the best when taking everyone's experience into account. Also, I haven't played many new games this year, so I don't have the widest pool to choose from.

Can't even choose a worst, on account that I do know of other specific games that have gotten uniformly negative reactions, but none of the games are ones I've played myself, so I can't know which of these bad games were the worst of the worst.

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ALSO I suppose Arkham City Wii U counts as a new release, so that.


And is Rayman Legends out yet? If so, then probably that as well.


- Tilius

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The best...Hm, I'm honna have to say Darksiders 2 so far is the best of them all. It really took me by surprise in how good it was. The combat was amazingly well-flowing and the soundtrack was superb. Unfortunately it lets itself down in it's repetitiveness but that doesn't make it awful. Just slightly annoying which is something I'm willing to overlook.


The worst is...Well, I'm going to say Black Ops 2 but I'll admit I don't own it. I've played it at a friends and I just hate how it hasn't changed a single bit since I got Modern Warfare 2. And I hated that for it's stupidity too.


Actually, looking back there really wasn't that much interesting released this year. The reason my "worst game" is a game I haven't actually played all the way through is because there aren't that many games I've bothered with playing. And the ones I have played haven't been bad, they've just been...well, meh.

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Just want to say thanks to everyone who posted here. I was able to incorporate some of your arguments into the reasonings for good/bad games. Overall I think it went well. :)

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