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Rise of the Rockets: Character List



*taking advantage of Premier Perks to republish this*



All right. I figured that, with the old blog entry essentially being obsolete, and with the difficulty people have had in the past with finding out information on characters in RotR, it would be beneficial to create a new character list in which to organize things.


So, here's how this is going to work. Everyone needs to post their characters' profiles in comments; from there, if you update anything (catch a Pokémon, change a move, modify a character's appearance, etc.) you need to update the profile.


Simple enough, yes? Then let's begin.


UPDATE 12/9/12: All right. As there is not nearly enough room in this for everyone's profiles, instead we're going to have to use a different system. Basically, whatever comment you put your profiles in needs to be updated with new developments. The way people are posting things right now should make finding stuff fairly simple, so it should work out this way,


UPDATE 2/22/13: Refrain from using spoiler tags in your comments. Instead separate the profiles for individual characters using the horizontal slash code. ( This code: [ hr ] with no spaces.)


Team Liberty

--Sonja Baron

Username: Parugi.

Name: Sonja Baron.

Faction: Team Liberty.

Hometown: Karakusa Town, Isshu.

Age: 17.

Appearance: Here. Sonja stands at 5'8". She has slightly tanned skin, standard for those from Isshu, long brown hair, purple eyes and a beautiful face. She usually wears regular, blue jeans, a white hoodie and a black shirt underneath that, as well as white sneakers. She uses a white bag to carry her supplies in.

Personality: At first glance, it might seem odd that someone like Sonja is a member of Team Liberty, or taking part in the war at all, for that matter. Kind, intelligent and friendly, she doesn't seem like the kind of person who would want to battle against anyone. However, she has a strong sense of justice and freedom, making her perfect for the team. Due to her relative unwillingness to fight, she does not get assigned to a large number of mission; however, she is more than willing to travel with other Team Liberty agents to Isshu so as to show them around, as well as provide pointers to keep them out of trouble with the Isshu government -- something that, unfortunately, she has had to do far more recently than she used to. Overall, Sonja's a very happy and kind individual, and is more intelligent than she appears.

Background: Sonja was born in Isshu, and lived there until the age of fifteen. While there, news about the war in the other regions was scarce, as was any general information about the world in which the war was taking place. She spent most of her time exploring with her partner Pokémon Loki and Gaia; in doing so, she managed to learn whatever she could about the war from those individuals who had not been hushed. Eventually, she stowed away on a boat headed for Kanto, and joined Team Liberty as an Isshu guide, following several missions that did not go quite as well as Goldhawk and the others had hoped, mostly due to Sonja's age and gentle nature. She was assigned to the current Soil Colossus mission following Silvermind's second kidnapping, acting as a guide to the Isshu region, a job she was mroe than happy to accept; she was also given an extra Pokémon for protection, in the form of Ares.

Pokémon: Druddigon (Ares; 5) Gurdurr (Loki; 8,) Petilil (Gaia; 6,) Chinchou (Poseidon; 5,) Pidove (Athena; 1,) Totodile (Neptune; 2.)



Species: Druddigon.

Nickname: Ares.

Trainer: Sonja Baron.

Appearance: Virtually the same as a standard Druddigon.

Personality: Ares is very rash, recklessly charging into battle and always eager to fight; Sonja is slightly unnerved by this, though she respects Goldhawk's decision to lend the Pokémon to her, and believes that he may have done such to help tame the Dragon Pokémon. Ares has a tendency to pay little attention to Sonja, due to having spent such little time on her team, though would still probably do whatever he could to save her if she were in trouble.

Ability: Mold Breaker.

Specialty: Ares is a strong physical attacker; he is also quite fast, giving him an extra edge in battle.

Known Moves: Claw Sharpen, Leer, Bite, Dragon Claw, Fire Fang (Egg Move,) Superpower.




Species: Gurdurr

Nickname: Loki.

Trainer: Sonja Baron.

Appearance: Same as a regular Timburr.

Personality: True to his nickname, Loki is quite impish, always ready to pull a prank at a moment's notice. He is also a bit of a show-off, striking dynamic poses for no particular reason and always attempting to add an extra flair to his attacks in battle. Usually, he has reason to do this, as he actually is quite skilled in battle, though some tend to get rather annoyed with this -- personally, Sonja finds it funny, though she doesn't usually show it. Loki is not very keen on the idea of evolving, considering himself too good looking for his evolutions, though he acknowledges the pros that would come out of evolution.

Ability: Guts.

Specialty: Loki is most skilled when it comes to physical attacks; however, his relative lack of speed takes a toll on his abilities in battle. Nevertheless, he is a tough opponent, and has a tendency to take his opponent out with him.

Known Moves: Rock Slide, Bulk Up, Low Kick, Wake-Up Slap, Focus Energy, Dynamic Punch.




Species: Petilil.

Nickname: Gaia.

Trainer: Sonja Baron.

Appearance: Gaia looks like a regular Petilil.

Personality: Gaia is one of the most gentle Pokémon you will ever meet: She does not like to battle, and she does not get angered easily. She can usually be found outside of her Pokéball, carried by Sonja. Gaia is incredibly friendly towards everyone she comes across, even her trainer's enemies, though this has caused some trouble in the past due to suspicious folks...

Ability: Chlorophyll.

Specialty: Gaia is mainly a support Pokémon in battle, inflicting status problems on her opponents so that others can take them out. If the need arises, she will fight, though she prefers not to.

Known Moves: Synthesis, Stun Spore, Mega Drain, Growth, Magical Leaf, Sleep Powder.




Species: Chinchou.

Nickname: Poseidon.

Trainer: Sonja Baron.

Appearance: Poseidon looks like a regular Chinchou in appearance.

Personality: Poseidon is very quiet, never really speaking unless spoken to and never causing a scene for no reason. He isn't as fond of Sonja as she would like, but she understands why that is so, considering the seemingly random timing of Poseidon's capture. Luckily, he seems to be warming up to his new trainer rather quickly. Poseidon also seems to have a liking for shiny things.

Ability: Volt Absorb.

Specialty: Poseidon is best when it comes to nonphysical attacks, as well as Special Defense. He is not of very much use on land due to his nature as a fish, but in water he is incredibly strong, as well as surprisingly fast.

Known Moves: Signal Beam, Bubblebeam, Thunder Wave, Discharge, Supersonic.




Species: Pidove.

Nickname: Athena.

Trainer: Sonja Baron.

Appearance: Almost exactly like any other Pidove, although Athen has a few scars on her body.

Personality: A very careful Pokémon, Athena has lived almost exclusively as a defensive fighter; since she was born into an area known for its Pidove-family wars, she, like others, was essentially forced into either an offensive or defensive role. She tends to be fairly cautious in battle, knowing her own limits, and doesn't take kindly to newcomers due to trust issues. However, once you gain Athena's loyalty, she will fight to her last breath in your name.

Ability: Super Luck.

Specialty: Athena's primary specialty is in support and tactical moves. Her main use is in dodging and tiring out an opponent; Athena developed this tactic due to her lackluster defense capabilities and less-than-impressive attack power. However, she makes up for it by being too quick to hit... usually.

Known Moves: Roost, Detect, Featherdance, Quick Attack, Air Cutter.




Species: Totodile.

Nickname: Neptune.

Trainer: Sonja Baron.

Appearance: Same as a typical Totodile.

Personality: Though it may come as a surprise to some, Neptune is a very gentle and loving Pokémon--he loves being around people, jumping up and hugging them as soon as he sees them and very rarely being intentionally harmful. Even so, he is a strong battler, capable of holding his own in most situations, and is willing to do whatever it takes to win a battle--save for dirty tactics, of course.

Ability: Torrent.

Specialty: Neptune specializes in physical attacks, and has more endurance than most other Totodile, allowing him to better handle physical defense.

Known Moves: Water Gun, Ice Fang, Scratch, Dragon Dance (Egg Move,) Headbutt.]


--Kyle Eston

Username: Parugi.

Name: Kyle Eston.

Faction: Team Liberty.

Hometown: Fuchsia City, Kanto.

Age: 18.

Appearance: Here. A young trainer, Kyle has shortish, wavy, dark brown hair and slightly oval-like, blue-gray eyes. He has a mid-sized nose, which his friends jokingly describe as beak-like, and a rounded jaw. Kyle has a small scar on his upper right lip, from a cut he received as a child. He is very slightly tanned, not quite enough for people to notice, but it's still a tan. He is of rather average build, not too muscle-bound, though not extremely lean, either. His outfit is fairly simple. It consists of black pants, belt and shoes, and a dark, navy blue button up shirt, which he usually has tucked in. He also carries around a white, fedora-like hat, though rarely wears it, and sometimes wears a white vest over his shirt. He uses a black bag to carry around his supplies while on missions, and his Pokéballs always line his belt.

Personality: Despite his age, Kyle is a very mature and intelligent trainer. In school and during Team Liberty training, he achieved very high scores on his tests and preformed at the top of his group. He never let this go to his head, though, as he knew that to dwell in his own pride would not only stop or diminish his skills, but that it would also expose a huge weakness to his enemies. He is very kind towards others, especially his Pokémon, and is completely loyal to Team Liberty, even if he does sometimes question their motives. He spends most of his time thinking and planning, preparing for any possible situation in battle, and his periods of thought are marked by his continuously flipping a silver coin that his father gave him.

Background: Kyle was born in Fuchsia City to Kimberly and Richard "Richie" Eston, right after Team Rocket's takeover. From an early age, his father taught him the workings of Pokémon training and battling, while his mother dealt with the standard subjects, like math and history. He excelled at both regular school and Pokémon training, managing to catch a Spearow at the age of six, which was later released. As he continued to train, his father was contacted by a group of refugees, who planned to start an organized rebellion against Team Rocket. Despite having doubts about it, Richie accepted, and his family prepared to leave Fuchsia within the week. Word of their plans leaked to the Rockets, and the Estons soon found themselves under attack. They managed to escape, though not without serious injury to Kimberly, who went into a coma shortly after the three were picked up by Team Liberty. Now branded as traitors, Richie became an official Agent of Team Liberty, and Kyle was put into training, where he received his Sandshrew. The two have trained for quite some time, and Kyle recently managed to catch his Magnemite, Kitheus; they have been picked to participate in Team Liberty's Project R.A.L.L.Y., along with many other Agents.

Pokémon: Magneton (Kitheus; 15,) Sandslash (Daiga; 13,) Charizard (Jaeda; 20,) Gligar (Ruji; 11,) Axew (Lyxek; 1,) Dewott (Kovian; 9,) Mienfoo (Sanshou; 5.)




Species: Magneton.

Nickname: Kitheus.

Trainer: Kyle Eston.

Appearance: Kitheus is exactly like other Magenton. However, the blue and red sections on the top Magnemite's magnets are darker; this particular Magnemite also happens to be Kitheus's Magnemite body.

Personality: Due to bonding with a pair of wild Magnemite, Kitheus has become much less quiet and far more rash, acting on random impulses. He is doing his best to quell these new influences, though he has yet to fully succeed. He is more analytical than before, due to his increased brain capacity, which has helped balance out his new "wild side." Kitheus is also slightly more cold than he was before, barely reacting to others when they try and interact with him. Finally, he has found that he now has advanced skills when it comes to interacting with technology, though has yet to fully explore these.

Ability: Magnet Pull.

Specialty: Kitheus's main specialty still lies in special attacks. Due to his evolution and power boost form bonding with two other Magnemite, he has also increased the probability of his move inflicting a status condition on his opponents.

Known Moves: Metal Sound, Supersonic, Thundershock, Lock-On, Tri-Attack, Discharge.



Species: Sandslash.

Nickname: Daiga.

Trainer: Kyle Eston.

Appearance: Daiga is essentially the same as any other Sandslash. However, his eyes are brown as opposed to black, and his spines are a darker shade of brown than those of the average Sandslash.

Personality: Little has changed sine his evolution; Daiga is still a very jolly Pokémon, never letting his spirits drop. Though he now possesses more power than he did as a Sandshrew, Daiga still is not terribly fond of battling, though he will still do whatever he is ordered if he is needed. His appetite has grown exponentially since he evolved, which is saying something considering how much he ate as a Sandshrew. Daiga tends to act as a mediator on Kyle's team, breaking up fights between his other Pokémon. He gets on well with Ruji, due to the Gligar's Ground-Typing, as well as the fact that it was through a battle with him that Daiga finally managed to evolve.

Ability: Sand Throw.

Specialty: Daiga's specialty still lies in hit and run attacks, striking at his opponent before burrowing underground and catching them off guard before repeating the cycle. This has been made all the easier since his evolution, as he has gained an increase in speed. Daiga is also very good at improvising attacks, something he was good at even as a Sandshrew.

Known Moves: Scratch, Defense Curl, Sandstorm, Rapid Spin, Swift, Dig.



Species: Charizard.

Nickname: Jaeda.

Trainer: Kyle Eston.

Appearance: Unlike a regular Charizard, Jaeda has two dark rings around each of her wrists; she is able to create fire around her wrists through these, similar to a Blaziken.

Personality: An incredibly brave Pokémon, Jaeda refuses to back down from almost any challenge since her evolution, though she has learned what her limits are as a fighter. A loyal and intelligent member of Kyle's team, she will not abandon an ally in a fight, and knows how to come up with n-the-spot tactics during battle.

Ability: Blaze.

Specialty: Jaeda has mastered both physical and special attacks at this point, as well as learned how to better use her body for faster attacks. As a result, she has become less skilled with and abandoned many of her diversion tactics, considering herself powerful enough to deal with most problems head-on.

Known Moves: Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Smokescreen, Fire Fang, Metal Claw (Egg Move,) Inferno.



Species: Gliscor.

Nickname: Ruj.

Trainer: Kyle Eston.

Appearance: Ruj looks like a standard Gliscor.

Personality: Ruj is a very careful Pokémon; despite his speed, he hesitates to rush into anything and prefers to stop and analyze his opponent before attacking. This is not to say that he does not consider himself powerful -- quite the contrary: Ruj simply realizes that there are others with more power and ability than he, and opts to make sure that he can defeat an opponent before rushing in and discovering the opposite. Having come from a pack, he does not feel out of place on Kyle's team, and in fact sees them as a closer family than even his past one--particularly Daiga, due to both being Ground-Type.

Ability: Sand Veil.

Specialty: Ruj is incredibly fast, and this coupled with his attack capabilities makes for one deadly combination. He does not rush into things, though, assessing the situation before attacking his opponents, allowing him to stay out of traps set by his opponents.

Known Moves: Guillotine, Swords Dance, Poison Jab, Sand-Attack, Sky Uppercut, Night Slash (Egg Move.)



Species: Axew.

Nickname: Lyxek.

Trainer: Kyle Eston.

Appearance: Lyxek looks just like a regular Kibago, though he is a darker shade of green than most -- Army Green, perhaps.

Personality: Being a newborn, Lyxek is extremely naive and rash; he spends a lot of his time exploring and bothering others, as well as occasionally forcing his way out of his Poké Ball to do so, though this is usually when Kyle is asleep. Regardless, he doesn't mean harm, and is quite useful when he is needed, even if he is still a bit of a baby.

Ability: Mold Breaker.

Specialty: Lyxek specializes in anything physical -- namely, speed, defense and physical attacks. He is not that great with special attacks or defending against them at the moment, though he will learn to with time. Further, due to the fact that he is a newborn Pokémon, he isn't that skilled with what he does know, either.

Known Moves: Double Chop, Slash, Scary Face, Reversal (Egg Move,) Endure (Egg Move.)



Species: Dewott.

Nickname: Kovian.

Trainer: Kyle Eston.

Appearance: Exactly the same as any other Dewott, though his scalshops are white.

Personality: In true samurai form, Kovian is very adamant. He is fiercely devoted to his morals--and, more recently, to his new trainer; as such he refuses to act against either one, and will defend either if called into question. Kovian can often be seen--in and out of his Pokéball--practicing his shellsmanship. Since his evolution, Kovian has become more stoic than ever, though he is not particularly unfriendly--merely quiet and reserved.

Ability: Torrent.

Specialty: Kovian is an incredibly fast Dewott, as well as a particularly strong physical attacker. While his special attacks and defenses are not as developed as they could be, making his ability to dodge far more critical to his success in battle than usual, Kovian more than makes up for it with his speed and strength--abilities that have only been compounded by his evolution.

Known Moves: Razor Shell, Focus Energy, Aqua Jet, Fury Cutter, Water Pulse, Swords Dance.




Species: Mienfoo.

Nickname: Sanshou.

Trainer: Kyle Eston.

Appearance: Sanshou looks like a regular Mienfoo.

Personality: Sanshou is a very serious Pokemon. She spends much of her time meditating and observing, silently focusing on whatever it is that she is focusing on. Very ninja- or samurai-esque in nature, she is a quiet, thoughtful, and loyal Mienfoo who will do whatever it takes to get her job done.

Ability: Regenerator.

Specialty: Sanshou is extremely quick, specializing in speed, dodging and physical attacks. A tendency of hers is to use her speed to dodge and then use the distance to raise her attack power using Meditate, before going in and attacking straight on.

Known Moves: Detect, Swift, Force Palm, U-Turn, Meditate, Calm Mind.



Team Rocket

--Ethan Worth

Username: Parugi.

Name: Ethan Worth.

Faction: Team Rocket.

Hometown: Azalea Town, Johto.

Age: 30.

Appearance: Here. Ethan stands at exactly 6' tall, with slightly tanned skin and a fairly muscular build. He has short, light brown hair, and dark green eyes. He wears black pants and shoes, a white button up shirt and a black vest, with a red "R" on the right side of it. He usually has his sleeves rolled up, and carries his Pokéballs on his belt. His hair is usually spiked up in the front, and a pair of sunglasses is a constant sight on top of his head, though he rarely uses them for their intended purpose. He has a noticeable, though not thick Australian accent.

Personality: For a Rocket, Ethan is actually pretty mellow, if a bit deceptive at times. He is very kind to his Pokémon and tries to be friendly to everyone, including Team Liberty Agents, as he figures that Team Rocket could operate so much more efficiently if its members just treated everyone like human beings. He has no qualms with either side, only choosing to side with Team Rocket because his mother took that path. He doesn't resort to dirty tactics in battle, but he will manipulate and deceive individuals if the need arises and it would be for the benefit of his mission. He is incredibly loyal both to his team and his Pokémon, and would put his life on the line to protect either one. He enjoys trekking through forests, hence his affection for Bug-type and Grass-type Pokémon. All in all, Easton has the whole "cool-guy" thing going for him.

Background: Ethan's life was always a simple one: A repeated cycle of fun and being completely carefree. He was born in Azalea Town to Mariah Worth and an unknown father, living a life of relative poverty despite his mother's best efforts. Ethan never noticed; he was too busy playing with Pokémon and his friends. Eventually, their situation grew to the point where his mother, now desperate, was forced to turn to a life of crime, becoming a member of Team Rocket. With their help, she managed to provide a better home for her son, participating in the stealing of several Pokémon, though never telling Ethan just what her job entailed. Ethan became isolated from his friends when the Rockets took over, as the Rockets tried to weed out anyone who would try to rebel; needless to say, quite a few were killed, though Ethan was never actually told this. Instead, he took to himself, managing to catch a Scyther and a Weedle, before being inducted into and trained by the Rockets on behalf of his mother, who had risen the ranks. Since then, Ethan has become a full-time Agent, and has volunteered to go on Team Rocket's search for possible allies of Team Liberty. His mother also recently disappeared, though no one seems to know what happened to her.

Pokémon: Beedrill (Tox; 16,) Scizor (Céris; 16,) Grotle (Kada; 9,) Weepinbell (Suya; 7,) Deerling (Serena; 4,) Dwebble (Paruk; 1.)



Species: Beedrill.

Nickname: Tox.

Trainer: Ethan Worth.

Appearance: Tox is similar in appearance to most other Beedrill, though he has a largish, red dot on each of his wings.

Personality: Tox is incredibly confident about his abilities following his evolution, and extremely brave now due to his new found abilities -- which probably isn't such a great thing, given the fact that he just evolved and isn't entirely used to his new body. Regardless, any confidence problems that Tox may have had in the past are no more, and he has found a new joy in battling that he had never felt before. As such, he is quick and eager to jump into any conflict that gets thrown at him.

Ability: Sniper.

Specialty: Tox has gained a great increase in speed and agility following his evolution, and appears to be enjoying the freedom of not being confined to a shell anymore. He tends to primarily dart about and then hit his opponent with a physical attack, or deter them and then hit them. In short, his main specialties are speed, physical and deterrent attacks.

Known Moves: Poison Jab, String Shot, Fury Cutter, Bug Bite, Harden, Agility.



Species: Scizor.

Nickname: Céris.

Trainer: Ethan Worth.

Appearance: Céris looks almost exactly like a normal Scizor; however, his left pincer has a notch in it, a scar carried over from when he was a Scyther.

Personality: Céris continues to be a battle-obsessed Pokémon -- he is always itching to fight , and is always on edge. He doesn't trust other trainers or Pokémon very easily, especially ones that tend to cause trouble, such as Suya. Céris is slightly more arrogant now than he was as a Scyther, due to the power boost following his evolution, though it is not a terribly noticeable difference. He is still very bold as well, standing up to any challenge that is asked of him.

Ability: Swarm.

Specialty: Due to his evolution, Céris has become quite a bit slower than he was as a Scyther, due to the extra weight from his armor. However, he is not daunted by this, as he enjoys the increased defenses and attack strength. As such, Céris is still exceptionally good when it comes to physical attacks, and has become a wall behind which his partners can hide behind when they need to.

Known Moves: Double Hit, Agility, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Roost, Night Slash.



Species: Grotle.

Nickname: Kada.

Trainer: Ethan Worth.

Appearance: Kada looks like a regular Grotle, though the bushes on his back have small, blue flowers sprouting from them and his eyes are dark green.

Personality: Though he used to dislike Ethan, Kada has finally accepted the Rocket as his trainer and respects him for giving him the training he needed to evolve. Kada is very happy that he has finally become a Grotle, and continues to look forward, fantasizing about becoming a Torterra. He continues to be a quick-thinking Pokémon, even if his body has been slowed by his evolution, and seems considerably more jolly now than he used to be. Further, he is ore responsive to others now than he used to be, easily befriending Bug and Grass Types.

Ability: Overgrow.

Specialty: Kada has retained his skills with physical attacks. Due to his evolution, his speed has decreased, though the training he did as a Turtwig has allowed him to stay relatively agile despite the size shift. His defenses are also stronger now, though the new plants on his back give him a particular weakness to fire attacks that he did not possess as a Turtwig.

Known Moves: Razor Leaf, Bullet Seed, Bite, Body Slam (Egg Move,) Synthesis, Mega Drain.



Species: Weepinbell.

Nickname: Suya.

Trainer: Ethan Worth.

Appearance: Suya looks like a regular Weepinbell, only his arm leaves are bigger and he has a perpetually angry expression; alongside that, he has already begun to grow fangs.

Personality: First and foremost: Suya is mean. Very mean. And ferocious. The closest in-game word to describe him would be sassy. He bears a strong resentment towards Ethan for capturing him, despite his trainer catching him so as to stop him from hurting any other wild Pokémon; as such, he very rarely listens to Ethan's commands. He is prone to going berserk on both his teammates and his opponents, giving them everything he's got even if it tires him out. Ethan does not use him as much as he would like to, and does not plan on doing so until he can find a way to get Suya to listen to him. Along with Suya's evolution came a new level of anger and ignorance, making him even less likely to listen to Ethan than before.

Ability: Chlorophyll.

Specialty: Suya is essentially a pure attacking Pokémon, using rash, swift physical attacks to strike his foes; unfortunately, he tends to go overboard with this, and his rage combined with his respectable defensive skill give him a slight resistance even to Fire attacks; he is remarkably dangerous now given the fact that his evolution has greatly increased his defenses. His only weakness is his speed, though this is not as bad when he is angered; however, he is also now slower than he was as a Bellsprout, due to the fact that he has no legs.

Known Moves: Vine Whip, Wring Out, Stun Spore, Poison Powder, Gastro Acid, Acid.



Species: Deerling.

Nickname: Serena.

Trainer: Ethan Worth.

Appearance: Serena looks like a normal Shikijika in all of her forms.

Personality: Serena is very careful, much like a normal deer would be. She takes her time studying others before getting near them, so as to be better prepared in case they try to do anything to her. Serena is curious about Ethan, as she is new to his team, though she doesn't seem to be having a ton of trouble adjusting to the group. Generally, Serena is kind and gentle, though a little icy around strangers.

Ability: Serene Grace.

Specialty: Serena specializes in speed and physical attacks; this combined with her support attacks makes her a threat in battle. However, her defenses are not so great, and as such she relies heavily on putting her opponents to sleep before moving in for a rapid series of strikes.

Known Moves: Camouflage, Aromatherapy, Double Kick, Take Down, Grasswhistle (Egg Move.)



Species: Dwebble.

Nickname: Paruk.

Trainer: Ethan Worth.

Appearance: Paruk looks like a normal Dwebble, although he tends to carve his shells into a more pointed shape.

Personality: Paruk is rather impish in nature, as he tends to play small pranks on those around him -- especially his enemies. He has adapted quickly to life in Ethan's team, not particularly questioning his new position, though he has enjoyed the new opportunities to mess with people -- especially his new trainer. Paruk is a bit cruel in battle; while not evil like Suya is, he like to play around with his prey, so to speak, and plays mind games on those he fights against on a regular basis. Needless to say, he should find himself welcome in the group...

Ability: Shell Armor.

Specialty: Paruk is primarily defense based, using his shell as a shield -- naturally. He also tends to try and catch his opponents off-guard, by digging underground and disguising himself as a rock; this strategy tends to work better in rocky areas, where he can splash sand into his opponent's face and then do the above.

Known Moves: Sand-Attack, Smack Down, Rock Polish, Bug Bite, Slash.


--Gavin Braner

Username: Parugi

Name: Gavin Braner.

Faction: Team Rocket.

Hometown: Lavender Town.

Age: 21.

Appearance: Here. A Rocket Agent who tends to wear a black hoodie, shirt and shoes, as well as gray jeans. His hair is long and auburn colored, similar to Silver's in style, and his eyes are green. He is 5'9", slightly short for his age, and he has fairly soft features. Following the Paradise battle, he now wears dark blue jeans, a black shirt, and a black, hoodless jacket.

Personality: Cold and emotionless, Gavin doesn't let his feelings get int he way of his job -- business comes first, in his opinion, even before the lives of others, aside from his Pokémon, who he actually cares very deeply for. He is antisocial, brushing off people when they talk to him, whilst making snarky remarks about them in his head. He does not take defeat well, and has slipped into spots of depression at times, when he has lost many battles in a row. He has a preference towards Psychic and Dark type Pokémon, seeing their abilities as more useful than those of others. He is not incredibly loyal to Team Rocket, only assisting them because he was told to.

Background: Gavin lived a gloomy life growing up -- inevitable, considering where he came from. He spent most of his time skipping school, and instead chose to battle and vandalize. His actions eventually got him into very big legal trouble, when he helped to ravage a small cemetery; because of that, he was sent to assist Team Rocket in their war against Team Liberty. As such, he does not harbor an intense loyalty to them, and on many occasions has chosen to ignore orders and go off on his own. He caught his Duskull during a training mission to Lavender Town, and acquired his Staryu prior to joining Team Rocket.

Pokémon: Starmie (Ithes; 16,) Dusknoir (Dothe; 16,) Drapion (Irest; 14,) Frillish (Sivik; 5,) Kadabra (Talsim; 7,) Baltoy (Evris; 2,) Poochyena (Kora; 2.)




Species: Starmie.

Nickname: Ithes.

Trainer: Gavin Braner.

Appearance: Ithes looks exactly like a regular Starmie, though the gold area around his gem is silver and his gem tends to stay on a certain color dipicting his mood.

Personality: Ithes is extremely loyal to Gavin, much like he was as a Staryu, thouh he is much smarter now than he was before. His raised intelligence has allowed him to begin acting of his own accord, giving Gavin the freedom to direct his other Pokemon in battle instead of orderng Ithes around. However, he is still impossible to read, aside from guessing his mood via his core.

Ability: Natural Cure.

Specialty: Physical strikes. Because of his evolution, he has also become sufficiently intelligent so as to act of his own accord in battle, if Gavin so wishes, allowing Gavin to focus on other opponents. He tends to combine this with his past experiences in battle, allowing him to form his own strategies without the need to be ordered around.

Known Moves: Hydro Pump, Rapid Spin, Recover, Camouflage, Bubblebeam, Power Gem.



Species: Dusknoir.

Nickname: Dothe.

Trainer: Gavin Braner.

Appearance: Same as a typical Dusknoir, though his eye is blue.

Personality: Dothe's final evolution has brought forth a far braver side of his personality than has been seen in the past. He will not stand down against a foe, and will fight loyaly and honorably to the end no matter what condition he is in. With greater power on his side, he has taken more initiative in fighting face to face, though still possesses a number of tricks that he will resort to if he needs to. Whle he still enjoys a good prank, he has toned down his joking nature considerably.

Ability: Pressure.

Specialty: Physical attacks and defenses, with a respectable prowess in mind attacks. Specializing primarily in punching, Dothe still uses a number of surprise attacks in battle, depending on how things are going.

Known Moves: Night Shade, Thunder Punch, Confuse Ray, Ice Punch, Will-o-Wisp, Shadow Punch.




Species: Drapion.

Nickname: Irest.

Trainer: Gavin Braner.

Appearance: Irest has slightly larger pincers on his hands.

Personality: Ever since Gavin received Irest, he has been trying to prove himself to Dothe, Ithes and his trainer. Since his evolution, Irest has become much more confident in his abilities, and is proud of the circumstances surrounding his evolution. Still, he remains somewhat lonely, as he is still the only Pokémon on Gavin's team that was not actually caught by Gavin. Irest has kept some of his lazy worker tendencies, such as sleeping much of the time, though since his evolution he has become more active and more willing to battle.

Ability: Sniper.

Specialty: Irest's main specialty is still in physical attacks; however, his evolution into a larger Pokémon has slightly decreased his speed. Still, his size gives him an edge over smaller, weaker-minded opponents, intimidating many of them with ease.

Known Moves: Bite, Poison Fang, Pin Missile, Claw Sharpen, Acupressure, Cross Poison.



Species: Frillish.

Nickname: Sivik.

Trainer: Gavin Braner.

Appearance: Looks like a normal male Frillish, though his eyes are yellow as opposed to red.

Personality: A rather naive and curious individual, Sivik spends a lot of time observing others up close, which is how he met Gavin. Though slightly cold towards Gavin since being removed from the ocean, Sivik is still willing to obey him because of this new opportunity to see the rest of the world. Sivik is willing to fight when angered, and dislikes intruders of the sea -- boats and people, in other words.

Ability: Cursed Body.

Specialty: Sivik is most powerful when he uses special attacks. He is also much faster in water than on land, though is still able to operate on either.

Known Moves: Absorb, Night Shade, Recover, Water Pulse, Ominous Wind.



Species: Kadabra.

Nickname: Talsim.

Trainer: Gavin Braner.

Appearance: A normal looking Abra.

Personality: Following his evolution, Talsim has become more aware of what goes on around him, shedding his relaxed state in favor of a perpetual calm manner. More talkative than he used to be, Talsim is perfectly willing to communicate with his trainer and others now. With the development of his powers, Talsim has become more of a tactician than he was before, a skill that he uses to great effect in combination with his abilities.

Ability: Magic Guard.

Specialty: Talsim specializes in Special Attacks, and has also shown a proficiency in speed, used in combination with his Teleport ability when facing an opponent. While his defenses have improved following his evolution, Talsim is horrible with physical attacks, and his physical defense is still not that great.

Known Moves: Teleport, Psychic, Thunder Punch (Egg Move,) Recover, Disable, Confusion.



Species: Baltoy.

Nickname: Evris.

Trainer: Gavin Braner.

Appearance: Evris looks like virtually any other Baltoy.

Personality: Evric is possibly Gavin's most alien Pokémon. Extremely mild-mannered, Evris displays virtually zero personality, never socializing with others, never speaking to other Pokémon, never interacting much with the environment. It seems as if it is simply there, with its only defining feature being its swiftness if listening to commands from Gavin.

Ability: Levitate.

Specialty: Evris is, like other Baltoy, particularly skilled with Special Attack and Defense. Using its psychic abilities, it is also capable of becoming extremely fast and difficult to hit, though this requires careful planning and time.

Known Moves: Rapid Spin, Harden, Ancientpower, Psybeam, Confusion, Power Trick.



Species: Poochyena.

Nickname: Kora.

Trainer: Gavin Braner.

Appearance: Kora's eyes are blue and white as opposed to red and yellow.

Personality: Despite her species's fierce appearance, Kora is actually a very gentle and loving Pokémon. Exceedingly loyal to her owner, Kora will only attack if she or they are threatened; otherwise, she will seek endlessly for a way to be your friend. Unfortunately, her antics sometimes come across as attacks, and as such several people have mistakenly become frightened by her.

Ability: Quick Feet.

Specialty: Kora specializes in speed and physical attacks, particularly those that involve biting. She is extremely fast, a trait aided by her Quick Feet ability.

Known Moves: Tackle, Bite, Sand-Attack, Howl, Ice Fang (Egg Move,) Fire Fang (Egg Move.)




--Jackson Sang (Freelancer)

Username: Parugi.

Name: Jackson Sang. He also goes by several different aliases.

Faction: Freelance assassin; often gets hired by Team Rocket.

Hometown: Castelia City, Unova.

Age: 21.

Appearance: Here. An extremely dashing and handsome individual, Jackson is 5'10 and has burgundy-colored hair and eyes. In general, he is seen wearing a black trench coat with silver buttons and a black or dark gray-blue suit underneath. He wears a leather belt with a silver clasp, on which he carries his Pokéballs.


On the job, he takes on a wide range of disguises and appearances, either through different clothing or with the help of Tracer. However, one outfit in particular that he tends to use is a ninja-like uniform that he wears underneath his casual clothing, and can switch into in virtually an instant. This uniform is black with a white belt, gloves, and boots, as well as a black bandanna over his mouth and nose. Typically, he ends up covered in blood during his assassination missions; as a result, he becomes virtually unrecognizable in this uniform, especially when Tracer uses his Transform attack to add on some... unique... characteristics...

Personality: To put it simply, Jackson is... kind of crazy. An insanely effective assassin who has virtually never lost a battle, he has developed a bit of a complex, viewing himself as the center of the universe and all of the people within it as figments of his imagination. He does not believe that he can be beaten, and as a result, does not believe that he can be killed; any attempts to prove him otherwise will result in him countering with insane logic that, strangely, usually ends up making sense. His beliefs are only further supported by his tendency to engage (and defeat) targets and opponents--human and Pokémon--in direct combat, as opposed to relying on his own Pokémon to do even a fraction of the work that he does.


Regardless, Jackson is not particularly cocky or rude while not on the job. He is a bit of a jokester, and is, overall, a pretty cool person to hang out with, so long as you don't do something to get on his bad side, and is, quite frankly, a bit of a dork. This lighter side of him is reserved only for those who can both catch him in public while he's not on a job and get past his odd idiosyncrasies, such as his deep fondness for fast-moving objects and vehicles, such as bullets, cars, jets, motorboats, and other similar methods of transportation.


Beware, however, that he has a strict--and secretive--moral code, one that most people don't understand, cannot comprehend, and which does influence his choice of job; if one somehow crosses it, he will come for them, and they will deserve every ounce of the beating that he delivers--at least in his eyes. Virtually no one is exempt from this, nor from the potential cruelty with which he will deal with those who tarnish it. In short, if you are on a train with him, be very careful of what you do and how you behave; otherwise, you may find yourself making a lot of new friends... with the tracks.

Background: Jackson was born to a wealthy family in Castelia City. Somewhat odd from a young age, Jackson was very fond of acrobatics, and as a result grew up practicing them. Some ten or twelve years ago, he ran away from home and began living off of the streets, where he was able to refine his acrobatic abilities and enhance his endurance, strength, and other physical abilities, eventually becoming an assassin-for-hire--and quickly rising to become one of the best in the business. At some point he expanded his area of operation to include the Kanto regions, quickly catching the eye of Team Rocket and becoming one of their most often-hired hit-men, a job he has been working with ever since--though not exclusively, as he still hires himself out to literally anyone who will pay him for his services.


Rumor has it that Jackson is blood-related to Shadow Admin Sleight through the father he left behind in Castelia all those years ago, though no one has really looked into the background behind this possibility at this point. It seems to stem from their similar attitudes and accomplishments in life, however, primarily that they are both incredibly difficult to defeat in their respective areas of combat.

Pokémon: Tracer (Ditto,) Claire (Mienshao; 3,) Walker (Grovyle; 3.)



Species: Ditto.

Nickname: Tracer.

Trainer: Jackson Sang.

Appearance: No differences from other Ditto.

Personality: Tracer doesn't exhibit much of a personality when in his standard form, merely following orders when they are given and just generally hanging around and acting cool. When it the form of another, copied Pokémon or human, he will behave and speak exactly as they would, and can recall certain short-term memories from them due to possessing a tiny bit of psychic power. However, when he takes on an original form--especially an original human form--Tracer tends to be rather... eccentric, much like Jackson. He views himself as the center of the universe, though isn't particularly rude about it--it simply comes naturally to him to act that way.

Ability: Imposter.

Specialty: Tracer is not a battling Pokémon in any sense of the word. His sole purpose--in training, on the job, in life--is infiltration and deception, be it through transforming into a perfect replica of another being--Pokémon or human--or wrapping around Jackson and using his Transform attack to create any number of disguises or strange illusions. Thanks to years of training, Tracer has virtually perfected his transformation power, unlike other Ditto, and as such has learned to use his copied vocal cords to speak while in the form of a human.

Known Moves: Transform.



Species: Mienshao.

Nickname: Claire.

Trainer: Jackson Sang.

Appearance: No differences from other Mienshao.

Personality: A slightly ditzy and quirky Mienshao, Claire has never really been right in the head. She tends to burst into random fits of giggling when she's out of her Pokéball, and finds numerously grim things--fighting, death, blood and gore--to be quite humorous. Still, she isn't a sociopath or anything; she has simply taken on several of Jackson's idiosyncrasies and views, coming off as an aloof an somewhat crazy individual as a result. Overall, Claire's a fairly nice and loving Pokémon... albeit slightly insane.

Ability: Regenerator.

Specialty: Claire is like Jackson and every other Pokémon that Jackson owns (sans Tracer): She is extremely fast and very strong physically. However, like his other Pokémon, she is only a support beam in the battling tower that is Jackson Sang: she, like the others, only serves to assist Jackson in battle, as he does much of his own fighting personally. However, she is also fairly useful for sneaking around and listening in on conversations when Jackson needs someone to do that.

In essence, she is a true weasel.

Known Moves: Drain Punch, Bounce, Detect, Role Play (MT'd,) U-Turn, Jump Kick.



Species: Grovyle.

Nickname: Walker.

Trainer: Jackson Sang.

Appearance: No differences from other Grovyle.

Personality: A quiet individual who, for the longest time, has focused almost solely on spy work, Walker is an extremely loyal member of Jackson's team. Generally acting as a lookout and using his Grasswhistle attack to signal Jackson to changes to the surrounding situation. Aside from that, there isn't much to say--Walker tends to be pretty stoic, always watching and always observing those around him...

Ability: Overgrow.

Specialty: Like Claire, Walker specializes in physical strength and swiftness, though battling is not his forte--he acts mainly as a spy and look-out for Jackson, as opposed to focusing on actually fighting. Still, he can fight when he needs to, though generally tries to stick to draining strength from his opponents as opposed to directly attacking them.

Known Moves: Detect, Agility, Grasswhistle (Egg Move,) Drain Punch (MT'd,) Mega Drain, Quick Attack.


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Username: Nara
Name: Justin Icewater
Faction: Team Liberty.
Hometown: Lilycove City, Hoenn
Age: 16
Appearance: Justin is fairly tall (about 5'11"). He has blond hair and blue eyes. He wears sunglasses. Likes to wear a T-Shirt with a green vest over, and jeans. He wears dark blue gloves, and running shoes.
Personality: He is very secretive. He spends most of his time alone, traveling. He is stubborn. He is clumsy. At first, Justin may seem evil. If an ally is in need of help, Justin will usually be the first to get there. Justin is a good runner. He is very smart and cunning.
Background: Justin has been interested in pokemon since he was born. The first pokemon he befriended was an Electrike, when he was 3. His parents were veteran Pokemon Trainers (mother specialized in Ice type pokemon, Father specialized in Water type pokemon), so he was surrounded by many pokemon as well. His uncle's wife's brother's son's kid is the grandson of a pokemon professor.
Pokémon: Sparks, Sunny, Clay, Drifter, Plush, Darkon

Species: Manectric
Nickname: Sparks
Trainer: Justin Icewater
Appearance: The usual yellow color is darker, almost orange.
Personality: Finally having evolved, Sparks is a major powerhouse in Justin's team, and he knows it. He's much more confident in battle, capable of executing moves on his own if need be. Despite his new perspective on battling, Sparks is still quite playful, and finds a strange amusement in creating static from his mane, then touching people, lightly shocking them.
Ability: Static
Specialty: Excels in Speed.
Known Moves: Thunder Fang, Bite, Wild Charge, Quick Attack, Discharge, Thunder

Species: Munna
Nickname: Plush
Trainer: Justin Icewater
Appearance: Flowers are a deeper shade of Purple.
Personality: Careful, quiet, shy. She is timid, and prefers not to battle, but when she does, Plush does incredibly well, and can hold her ground. Very affectionate to her trainer, Justin.
Ability: Telepathy.
Specialty: High Special Attack, low Special Defense.
Known Moves: Yawn, Dream Eater, Psychic, Trick Room, Hypnosis, Nightmare
Battle Count: 0

Species: Pawnard
Nickname: Darkon
Trainer: Justin Icewater
Appearance: Blades are rusted.
Personality: Rough, straightforward. Acts like a trainer, and does not like to dawdle in anything.
Ability: Inner Focus
Specialty: Physical and Special attacks.
Known Moves: Iron Head, Slash, Night Slash, Scratch, Metal Claw, Assurance
Battle Count: 1

Species: Nuzleaf
Nickname: Sunny
Trainer: Justin Icewater
Appearance: Mask on his face is larger.
Personality: Sunny is a very Calm pokemon. He likes to stay out of his pokeball, but is often bored. With his new legs, Sunny likes to run around and onto walls. He is more alert now, and quicker.
Ability: Early Bird
Specialty: Has strong special defense and defense
Known Moves: Explosion, Synthesis, Sunny Day, Extrasensory, Razor Leaf, Faint Attack
Battle Count: 3

Species: Marshtomp
Nickname: Clay
Trainer: Justin Icewater
Appearance: The fin on its head is noticeably shorter.
Personality: Clay is more open now. He is still alert to sounds, but will ignore them most of the time. Likes to run. He's snappy. With new moves, he can hold his own in battle.
Ability: Torrent
Specialty: Defense, Combo Attacks
Known Moves: Muddy Water, Endeavor, Protect, Blizzard, Water Gun, Mud Bomb
Battle Count: 3

Species: Drifloon
Nickname: Drifter
Trainer: Justin Icewater
Appearance: The 'X' in the middle is smaller.
Personality: Drifter is laid back, and likes to float in the wind. She dislikes work and battles, and would rather float in the breeze.
Ability: Aftermath
Specialty: Very fast.
Known Moves: Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Payback, Baton Pass, Minimize
Battle Count: 1

Username: Nara
Name: Zac Flash
Faction: --
Hometown: Fortree City
Age: 18
Appearance: Average height. Green eyes, dark brown hair. Wears a green vest with a long sleeve. Likes Camouflage Pants. Wears a ball cap. Has a scar on his left arm. He is also fairly smart.
Personality: Outgoing. Talkative, likes to be in a group. Has good hand-eye coordination. Extremely nice (somewhat of a character flaw). He has a lot of patience, but when you get him mad, he's like a volcano. He's very controversial, and has many sides to his personality.
Background: Always lived in Fortree with his parents. He's looked up to Winona for most of his life. He's always wanted flying pokemon, but his first pokemon was a Kecleon.
Pokémon: Melon, Jaws, Duskull, Kongo

Species: Kecleon
Nickname: Melon
Trainer: Zac Flash
Appearance: The tail is noticeably shorter.
Personality: Outgoing. Energetic. Very Hyper. Can't sit still for too long.
Ability: Color Change
Specialty: Has high stamina.
Known Moves: Ancientpower, Substitute, Slash, Shadow Claw, Sucker Punch, Psybeam
Battle Counts Unnecessary for evolution

Species: Mawile
Nickname: Jaws
Trainer: Zac Flash
Appearance: Jaw is slightly smaller. The "teeth" are somewhat darker.
Personality: Jaws is very relaxed. She is quick to make up her mind, and she sticks to what she wants.
Ability: Intimidate
Specialty: Has nice Defense, and strong Attack.
Known Moves: Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Crunch, Iron Defense, Astonish
Battle Count: 1

Species: Duskull
Nickname: N/a
Trainer: Zac Flash, was a Rocket Grunt's
Appearance: No difference.
Personality: Duskull, being a pokemon of a Grunt early on (before Team Rocket takeover), has a relatively optimistic personality. He's carefree, and likes to laugh. It doesn't like to scare other beings, unless it's enraged.
Ability: Levitate
Specialty: Long ranged attacks, hit-and-run attacks.
Known Moves: Future Sight, Confuse Ray, Disable, Shadow Ball, Payback
Battle Count: 1

Species: Darmanitan
Nickname: Kongo
Trainer: Zac Flash
Appearance: No difference.
Personality: Still fairly fickle. Kongo likes to finish what he starts, but has more knowledge to what power he has.
Ability: Zen Mode
Specialty: Balanced throughout the six stats. Speed is the highest.
Known Moves: Fire Fang, Hammer Arm, Incinerate, Fire Punch, Rollout, Psychic
Battle Count: 2

Username: Nara
Name: Eric Spiros
Faction: Team Rocket
Hometown: Pacifidlog Town
Age: 19
Appearance: Short, wears light gear. Dark hair, orange eyes.
Personality: Babbly. Likes to talk, but isn't very open to people. He doesn't get annoyed easily.
Background: Eric's background is mostly shrouded in mystery. He travels often, and has aquired many Pokemon (though, they don't show themselves often and cannot
function out of water, so, water Pokemon). Eric enjoys being in Isshu, but hasn't been there for a long time, and does not plan to. His parents have lived in
Pacifidlog for most of their lives.
Pokémon: Slush, Aqua, Melody, Several water Pokemon at Pacifidlog

Species: Corphish
Nickname: Slush
Trainer: Eric Spiros
Appearance: One of his horns are cracked.
Personality: Much like Ash's Corphish, very energetic, likes to make friends, loud, somewhat annoying.
Ability: Adaptability
Specialty: Speedy, but with it, low Attack strength.
Known Moves: Crabhammer, Crunch, Bubblebeam, Guillotine
Battle Count: 2

Species: Kingdra
Nickname: Aqua
Trainer: Eric Spiros
Appearance: Blotches of tan throughout her body.
Personality: Now that Eric found a Dragon Scale to evolve her, Aqua is a bit more obedient. She's sassy and ill-tempered, eager to win every battle but unable to do so.
Ability: Swift Swim
Specialty: Nothing in particular.
Known Moves: Bubblebeam, Smokescreen, Twister, Water Gun, Brine

Species: Feebas
Nickname: Melody
Trainer: Eric Spiros
Appearance: N/a
Personality: Melody dreams of becoming a Milotic, so she works hard and will battle whenever she can. When she is not battling, she likes to chat with other things, usually under the waters.
Ability: Swift Swim
Specialty: Speed.
Known Moves: Tackle, Brine
Battle Count: 2


Username: Nara
Name: Pierce Aderia
Faction: Rocket
Hometown: Pyrite Town
Age: 28
Appearance: Well built but run-down from stress, Pierce stands at 5'7" with brown hair and green eyes. He is usually in a long black jacket, with a white shirt underneath and darker jeans to fit. Hair is usually styled into a short fauxhawk. Chiseled face with a sharp jawline.
Personality: Pierce is a tired man, not seeing too much of the war but given his hometown, scrimmages weren't uncommon. He has a devil-may-care attitude, but copes with his level head and advanced experience with logic. Pierce also sports a short temper, though, he doesn't always make it known.
Background: Pierce grew up in Pyrite Town, Orre. His father was a security guard in Pyrite while his mother worked in the jail. While he stilled lived in Pyrite, Pierce was involved in a gang that was shut down by security when he was 15, after a prank that went too far; his father was assigned to the case and most of the gang members, including Pierce, were given jail time.
When he turned 17 two years later, he moved out of Pyrite to Phenac City, a drastically different environment. Outside of the walls, he found and caught a Duskull and trained at the Colosseum, quickly becoming well known and eventually coming out on top, defeating all of the Entry Levels. Dissatisfied, he went back to Pyrite to challenge their Colosseum as well, heavily winning due to the lack of training. Still wanting more, he accomplished the same feat three times more, in the Tower, Under, and Deep Colosseums. Afterwards, he rested in Agate Village. He spends a lot of time in Unova, particularly Undella and Lacunosa.
Pokémon: Dusknoir, Snowrunt

Species: Dusknoir
Nickname: N/a
Trainer: Pierce Aderia
Appearance: Slimmer and more "buff."
Personality: Years of time spent together molded their personalities, but Dusknoir tends to stay more to himself. He is often unimpressed with battles due to the Colosseums in Orre, and feels there is nothing left to see.
Ability: Pressure
Specialty: Completely tanking everything. High defense and special defense, with some buffed HP.
Known Moves: Will-o-wisp, Hex, Shadow Punch, Ice Punch, Mean Look
Battle Count: 3

Species: Snorunt
Nickname: N/a
Trainer: Pierce Aderia
Appearance: There is a second "band" of orange on her coat, darker in color.
Personality: She takes off after Dusknoir. Attempts to hide her expressions, but generally carefree.
Ability: Ice Body
Specialty: High HP and a notch faster than norm.
Known Moves: Powder Snow, Bite, Double Team, Headbutt, Protect
Battle Count: 4
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Username: Dralcax

Name: Zack Kaito

Faction: Team Liberty

Hometown: Viridian City

Age: 14

Appearance: Kaito has black hair spiked in the front and glasses, with brown eyes. He is average height, and normally wears jeans, a black t-shirt with a yellow design on it resembling a V inside a circle, and a red backpack.

Personality: Kaito is a bit of a geek, reading manga and programming computers. He is a fiercely competitive Pokemon trainer, but can sometimes get too impressed with his own ideas, which his Pokemon don't always agree with. He has a very good sense of what Pokemon are trying to tell him, despite being obviously unable to understand the words themselves. He seems to specialize in Bug-types, although he is open to other types.

Background: Kaito lived in Viridian City until he was twelve, when his parents moved to Unova. At Unova, Kaito met a young Larvesta, who was being attacked by a group of Larvitar. Kaito rescued the Larvesta and the two became fast friends. When he visited Johto the next summer, he met a Heracross in the Ilex Forest. He then befriended Heracross as well and traveled back to Unova with Heracross. Time passed. On his fourteenth birthday, he joined Team Liberty. A higher ranking member then gave him his Trapinch to raise.

Species: Volcarona

Nickname: Ka

Trainer: Kaito

Appearance: Ka is slightly smaller than most Volcarona, and has a scar through his left eye from his battle with the Larvitar.

Personality: Ka is slightly arrogant, and will sometimes disobey his trainer in favor of a move he prefers. However, he means well, and he is loyal to the end.

Ability: Flame Body

Speciality: Ka specializes in boosting his power, then hitting hard and fast with Special moves.

Known moves: Fiery Dance, Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz, Hurricane, Heat Wave, SolarBeam

Species: Heracross

Nickname: Bo

Trainer: Kaito

Appearance: Bo's horn and spikes are more angular than the average Heracross, and his body is a little thinner.

Personality: Bo is headstrong, charging into battle and not thinking about the odds. When not battling, however, he becomes quite friendly and docile.

Ability: Guts

Speciality: Brute force

Known moves: Megahorn, Close Combat, Reversal, Aerial Ace, Brick Break, Stone Edge

Species: Trapinch

Nickname: Gon

Trainer: Kaito

Appearance: Gon has distinctive white markings on his head and back.

Personality: Gon is immature and aggressive, constantly disobeying Zack. Trapinch will often use Bide rather than seize the opportunity to attack, much to Zack's annoyance.

Ability: Arena Trap

Speciality: Gon traps his opponents with Arena Trap, and then proceeds to crush them with strong physical moves.

Known moves: Sand tomb, Bulldoze, Rock Slide, Dig, Crunch, Bide

Species: Porygon2

Nickname: Ren

Trainer: Kaito

Appearance: Ren's colors are brighter than those of a normal Porygon2, and displays emoticons in white text on its forehead to communicate

Personality: Ren is rebellious and mischievous. He escaped the lab he was created in by stowing away in a cell phone. He displays emoticons on his forehead in order to communicate, a practice he learned during his time exploring the internet.

Ability: Trace

Speciality: Ren can easily adjust his fighting style to counter threats. With his unpredictable maneuvers in battle, the opponent can find the tide of a battle turning unexpectedly. Now that he has evolved, he is now more efficient and stronger than ever.

Known moves: Conversion2, Zap Cannon, Tri Attack, Magic Coat, Psybeam, Signal Beam

Species: Joltik

Nickname: Ampere

Trainer: Kaito

Appearance: Ampere has two white streaks running from the back of his head to his rear that resemble lightning bolts.

Personality: Ampere is young and innocent, and has a tendency to play pranks.

Ability: Compoundeyes

Speciality: Ampere is small and quick, and uses his small size to his advantage in battle, often darting around opponent's attacks with ease and striking back with his own attacks.

Known moves: Electroweb, Spider Web, Thunder Wave, Disable (egg move), Signal Beam, Discharge

Species: Scyther

Nickname: Slyce

Trainer: Kaito

Appearance: Slyce is a darker green than most Scyther

Personality: Slyce is fierce and cunning, yet is an honorable warrior.

Ability: Technician

Speciality: Slyce moves swiftly and hits hard with precision strikes.

Known moves: X-Scissor, Night Slash, Double Hit, Quick Attack, Swords Dance, Double Team
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Username: Alku (or Hades)
Name: Evan Tierra
Faction: Team Plasma
Hometown: Eterna City, Sinnoh
Age: 22
Appearance: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Toa-Hakat/Other/evan_tierra.png
Personality: Dynamic, cheerful and a lover of pokemon battles, Evan Tierra brings confidence to those around him, perhaps too much. He tends to have gotten more serious as of joining Team Plasma. He also seems to have a strong dislike of the war in general.
Background: Back when the TL/TR war was beginning, Evan's parents were arrested in a raid by rocket agents, forcing Evan to flee. It wasn't until he met Seth Vicens that he learned that he was a "Hero of Space", chosen by Palkia.
Pokémon: Gnip, Monstro, Vlad, Behemoth, Lazengann, Hippowdon, Landorus.

Species: Garchomp
Nickname: Gnip
Trainer: Evan Tierra
Appearance: Many scars from battles.
Personality: Gnip loves to battle as much as her master. She tends to strike poses with him, to fire herself and Evan's other pokemon up.
Ability: Sand Veil
Specialty: Gnip is the most balanced of Evan's pokemon. She tends to focus on speed more though.
Known Moves: Dragon Claw, Outrage (Egg Move), Flamethrower, Draco Meteor, and Earthquake.

Species: Swampert
Nickname: Monstro
Trainer: Evan Tierra
Appearance: No different from any other Swampert.
Personality: Lazy but dutiful, Monstro tends to only look like he's not trying, when he is actually waiting for the precise moment to strike.
Ability: Torrent
Specialty: Monstro excels at taking hits and making the foe pay for hitting him.
Speed isn't his strong suit though.
Known Moves: Hydro Pump, Curse (Egg Move) Earthquake, Bide, Hammer Arm and Mud Slap.

Species: Swinub
Nickname: Behemoth
Trainer: Evan Tierra
Appearance: Shaggier fur than the normal Swinub
Personality: Hasty and quick tempered.
Ability: Snow Cloak
Specialty: Hit and Run tactics
Known Moves: Ice Shard, Mud Bomb, Endure, Take Down.

Species: Gliscor
Nickname: Vlad
Trainer: Evan Tierra
Appearance: No different than any other Gliscor
Personality: Dramatic and showy, Vlad adds a touch of showmanship to Evan's team.
Ability: Poison Heal
Specialty: Befuddling his foes with all sorts of trickery.
Known Moves: Swords Dance, Acrobatics, Baton Pass (Egg Move), Poison Tail (Egg Move), and Ice Fang.

Species: Excadrill
Nickname: Lazengann
Trainer: Evan Tierra
Appearance: A spiral pattern runs down his head drill
Personality: Serious and hot blooded, Lazengann loves a good fight, which is why he joined Evan'w team.
Ability: Sand Rush
Specialty: Speedy and powerful attacks. His defense leaves something to be desired though.
Known Moves: Swords Dance, Sandstorm, Drill Run, Horn Drill, and Rock Slide.


Species: Hippowdon
Nickname: No Nickname
Trainer: Formerly owned by Bertha, now owned by Evan.
Appearance: Her skin is scarred and calloused due to the sheer amount of time and battles she's been through.
Personality: Cautious and lazy, this Hippowdon hides a very Brave nature behind this facade. She has reservations about following Evan's commands now, but feels like she and him could get along very well.
Ability: Sand Stream
Specialty: This Hippowdon focuses on enduring attacks, and then attacking with overwhelming force.
Known Moves: Slack Off (egg move), Yawn, Ice Fang, Rock Slide, Earthquake and Thunder Fang.

Species: Landorus
Nickname: No Nickname
Trainer: Evan Tierra
Appearance: Landorus bears a spiral-shaped scar from the Horn Drill inflicted upon him by Evan's Excadrill.
Personality: Landorus is kind and very patient. He is very loyal to his followers in the Abundance Shrine. He thinks that just because he is a legendary pokemon, does not mean he is truly above humans.
Ability: Sand Force
Specialty: Landorus uses not only his physical power but his Special attack power to aid him in his battles.
Known Moves: Earthquake, Grass Knot, Swords Dance, Brick Break, Sandstorm, and Fissure

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Username: Toa Kaithas
Name: Jared Jadestone
Faction: Against Team Rocket. I suppose you could say Team Liberty, but he's mostly a loner.
Hometown: Fallarbor Town
Age: 18
Appearance: Jared is a 6'1' blond teenager with green eyes. Accustomed to fighting with his body as well as his Pokemon, he is muscular and doesn't have much body fat. Form follows function when it comes to his dress, and he almost always wears a forest green t-shirt with a dark blue jacket over it, along with brown cargo pants and beaten up blue tennis shoes. His jacket is almost always unzipped. When he's angry he gets a look that plainly says "Come at me." Handsome, when he smiles he lights up the room. This doesn't happen often. Also wears a trainer hat like Hilbert's, but green instead of red. Carries a serrated katana, usually in a sheath at his waist. He almost never uses it, the only times he does are if his opponent is trying to kill him and his Pokemon are KOed.
Personality: Jared is often times brooding, and won't let others walk over him. In the heat of battle he'll crack jokes and puns to distract his enemy, never laughing at his own, usually only grinning. Rarely, and only in the proper company, is he truly happy.
Bio: Jared was born in Fallarbor town on the night of Team Rocket's takeover. His father was killed in the ensuing battle. By the time Jared was old enough to grasp this fact he was rapidly becoming a great trainer in his own right, even passing up his father in fighting prowess. He hid this fact from Team Rocket, going so far as to act like he didn't have any pokemon, and getting beaten up for this several times, until he learned how to defend himself. He forged some contacts in Team Liberty, but acts mostly on his own. He has greater bonds than normal with his pokemon, and when he's in the countryside, away from prying eyes, he let's them run free most of the time.

Pokemon: Indy, Aaron, Sam.

Species: Grovyle
Nickname: Indy
Trainer: Jared
Appearance: Indy looks a lot like a normal Grovyle, apart from the fact that he has faint orange instead of pink and a slightly darker shade of green. Additionally, his arm blades are a bit bigger than normal.
Personality: Indy has been with Jared since the Trainer was 7, and is intensely loyal. In fact, Indy is much like his trainer in attitude, almost comically so. They often know what the other is thinking, mainly because they know what they would do in that situation. However, Indy is quite a bit more funloving at times.
Ability: Overgrow
Specialty: A balance between physical and special, Indy's true specialty is speed.
Known Moves: Quick Attack, Mega Drain, Pound, Pursuit, Leaf Blade, Fury Cutter.

Species: Lairon
Nickname: Aaron
Trainer: Jared
Appearance: Aaron has turquoise eyes.
Personality: Aaron is stubborn, often times not listening to Jared when he changes orders, wanting to follow through on whatever it was he was originally given. He is, however, extremely loyal, and won't hesitate to put his own life on the line to save his trainer's.
Ability: Rock Head
Specialty: Aaron specializes in physical attacks and taking damage.
Known Moves: Headbutt, Metal Claw, Take Down, Iron Head, Tackle, Iron Tail.

Species: Abra
Nickname: Sam
Trainer: Jared
Appearance: Sam has green shoulder pads instead of brown.
Personality: Sam is eager to please, but has a bit of narcolepsy when there isn't anything important going on, probably a result of his species.
Ability: Synchronize
Specialty: Sam specializes in his yet to be learned special moves.
Known Moves: Teleport, Thunder Punch (Egg move)

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Team Liberty

--Markus Aleivy/"Goldhawk"

Username: Parugi.
Name: Markus Aleivy.
Faction: Team Liberty; Leader.
Hometown: Goldenrod City, Johto.
Age: 35.
Pokémon: Jolteon, Electivire, Magnezone, Manetric.


--Shannon Ramirez/"Bluefalcon" (Deceased)

Username: Parugi.
Name: Shannon Ramirez.
Faction: Team Liberty; Leader.
Hometown: Cerulean City, Kanto.
Age: 36.
Pokémon: Tentacruel, Blastoise, Empoleon, Vaporeon, Swampert.


--Kane Umbra/"Blackskull"

Username: Parugi.
Name: Kane Umbra.
Faction: Team Liberty; Leader.
Hometown: Mossdeep City, Hoenn.
Age: 39.
Pokémon: Aerodactyl, Weavile, Houndoom, Drapion, Tyranitar.


--Selene Ashera/"Silvermind"

Username: Parugi.
Name: Selene Ashera.
Faction: Team Liberty; Leader.
Hometown: Fight Area, Battle Frontier, Sinnoh.
Age: 23.
Appearance: She is a physically fit young adult with red hair, a height of about 5'7," a physically attractive but relatively flat-chested body, and modest clothing. She usually prefers tan.
Personality: Growing up at the battle frontier of Sinnoh, she learned much about strategy, and as such she tends to be a bit chessmaster-ly. She also tends to be down to earth when discussing strengths and weaknesses: Both her Pokemon have valuable niches strategically, and she will use their strengths to her team's advantage.
Background: She grew up in the Battle Frontier. She learned of strategy at a young age, and kept that knowledge even when Team Rocket came. She was one of the first members of Team Liberty, and as such she's secured a tight Executive of Strategy position. She received her starter, a Chimchar, as a child.
Pokémon: Infernape (Sun,) Porygon2 (Tzu,) Tyranitar (Hannibal,) Scizor (Scipio,) Staryu (Patton.)


Species: Infernape
Nickname: Sun
Trainer: Selene Ashera
Appearance: Sun has darker blue "gloves" than normal, and its flames glow scarlet-orange rather than red-orange.
Personality: Sun is a bit...naive. It will charge in against Rockets without much provocation. Also a bit of a prankster, a trait still maintained from its Chimchar and Monferno stages, though it's slowly becoming more mature.
Ability: Blaze
Specialty: Sun is very fast, and it's a rather competent attacker. It is also nigh omnidextrous: Its feet can be used like hands.
Known Moves: Stealth Rock, Fire Blast, Fake Out (egg move,) Close Combat, Grass Knot, U-turn


Species: Porygon2
Nickname: Tzu
Trainer: Selene Ashera
Appearance: Tzu is programmed with a small "TL" tattoo on each limb, and it has a slightly longer tail. It can hide this at will.
Personality: Tzu is a bit innovative, and it will try many creative actions to fulfill Selene's wishes. In-game, it would be Bold-natured.
Ability: Trace
Specialty: Tzu has the increasingly popular "speech" function, allowing it to communicate back with Selene. It also has a degree of emotional function more on par with Porygon-Z than a Porygon2, and it has a few strategy programs uploaded, granting it tactical knowledge. Finally, it has good defenses, and can stand up to wear and tear.
Known Moves: Toxic, Signal Beam, Discharge, Tri Attack, Recover, Ice Beam


Species: Tyranitar
Nickname: Hannibal
Trainer: Selene Ashera
Appearance: Normal, barring that the blue parts on a normal tyranitar are green on this Tyranitar.
Personality: Hannibal is a highly adamant individual. It tends to channel this into powerful rage against Team Rocket. Loves battle.
Ability: Sand Stream
Specialty: Hannibal is a VERY strong physical attacker. It also has usable special attack, enough that Selene could give it the TM moves Flamethrower and Ice Beam.
Known Moves: Stone Edge, Crunch, Pursuit (egg move,) Earthquake, Flamethrower, Ice Beam


Species: Scizor
Nickname: Scipio
Trainer: Selene Ashera
Appearance:Scizor has the crimson coloration of a Sinnoh Scizor, green eyes, and orange "claw eyes."
Personality: Whereas Hannibal is adamant and ferocious, Scipio is also an adamant individual, but it channels this through its tactical abilities.
Ability: Technician
Specialty: Scizor is rather intelligent, a result of being a natural Technician. Naturally it's a bit slow, but it makes up for this with powerful Quick Attacks, Pursuits, and Bullet Punches intelligently delivered. Selene can use him to fly for short distances, and he was also one of Selene's first Pokemon.
Known Moves: Bullet Punch, U-turn, Superpower, Bug Bite, Swords Dance, Pursuit


TR Separatists


Username: Parugi.
Name: Devon Cole.
Faction: Team Rocket Separatists; Shadow Admin of Sinnoh.
Hometown: Oreburgh City, Sinnoh.
Age: 39.
Pokémon: Metagross, Aggron, Skarmory, Lucario, Scizor, Magnezone.


Known Moves:


Known Moves:


Known Moves:


Known Moves:


Known Moves:


Known Moves:

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Username: Konuju
Name: Ryan Sanders
Faction: Team Liberty
Hometown: Fortree, Hoenn
Age: 18 (17 at the start of the RPG)
Appearance: Dark brown hair, brown eyes, about 5' 8"; wears a loose-fitting gray T-shirt and blue jeans. Coming from Fortree, is agile and skilled at climbing trees.
Personality: Happy and energetic, tries to see the best in things, but because of this, can also be a bit stubborn. Has developed a close bond with his Pokémon.
Background: Grew up in Fortree, where he developed a love for nature. Since Team Rocket invaded his home, he has been on the run. He has vowed revenge on the Rockets and is considering joining a rebel group called Team Liberty.
Pokémon: Typhlosion (Quil), Togekiss (Togie), Gabite, Dewott, Mismagius (Miss/Missy), and Aggron

Species: Typhlosion (male)
Nickname: Quil
Trainer: Ryan Sanders
Appearance: Like as a Cyndaquil and Quilava, the flames on its body tend to be smaller than normal, although they grow much larger when Quil uses flame attacks.
Personality: He is no longer the timid Cyndaquil he once was. Now, Quil has gained a new confidence in his abilities and has become a very bold Pokémon. He remains very loyal to Ryan, sticking with him through thick and thin.
Ability: Blaze
Specialty: Fairly fast, and has an exceptional control over fire attacks.
Known Moves: Swift, Flamethrower, SmokeScreen, Flame Wheel, Quick Attack, Rollout

Species: Togekiss (male)
Nickname: Togie
Trainer: Ryan Sanders
Appearance: Same as a normal Togekiss.
Personality: As a Togekiss, Togie is practically overflowing with joy and bubbling with energy. He also loves the newfound strength he gained with his evolution.
Ability: Serene Grace
Specialty: Good at special attacks
Known Moves: Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Sky Attack, ExtremeSpeed, Aura Sphere, Extrasensory (Egg Move)

Species: Gabite (male)
Nickname: none
Trainer: Ryan Sanders
Appearance: The cut on his dorsal fin is still larger/deeper than normal, due to the injuries he received as an egg. He is also slightly taller than the average (4' 7") Gabite.
Personality: Gabite still tries to prove his strength, which is a bit easier now that he has evolved. His strength is about average, but that isn't good enough for him; he wants to be the best.
Ability: Sand Veil
Specialty: Exceptionally good at Physical Attacks
Known Moves: Tackle, Dig, Dragon Claw, Iron Head (egg move), Outrage (egg move), Scary Face (egg move)

Species: Dewott (female)
Nickname: none
Trainer: Ryan Sanders
Appearance: The light blue on its body is slightly darker than normal
Personality: Dewott maintains her aggressive and rash nature she had as an Oshawott. Her increased strength upon evolution has made her more arrogant, however, and she still tends to get into situations she can’t handle.
Ability: Shell Armor
Specialty: Very fast and strong with Physical Attacks
Known Moves: Revenge, Aqua Tail, Razor Shell, Swords Dance, Aqua Jet, Night Slash (egg move)

Species: Mismagius (female)
Nickname: Miss or Missy
Trainer: Ryan Sanders
Appearance: Its body is a darker purple than normal
Personality: Mismagius retains her mischievous and impish nature from her previous evolution. She is less likely to play pranks on her allies, but won’t hesitate to yank anyone’s hair from behind when she’s bored. If the situation calls for it, she is also willing to fight dirty.
Ability: Levitate
Specialty: Very agile and strong in Speed, but slightly lacking in Special Defense
Known Moves: Shadow Ball, Magical Leaf, Power Gem, Psybeam, Perish Song, Shadow Sneak (egg move)

Species: Aggron (male)
Nickname: Aggron
Trainer: Ryan Sanders (OT Jake Soren)
Appearance: Aggron looks just like any other Aggron
Personality: After journeying with Jake, Dragonite, and Inferno, Aggron had become a close friend with his allies. With Jake’s death, he has been left in the hands of Ryan. Aggron is already somewhat familiar with Ryan, and is willing to protect him as they both grieve the loss of Jake.
Ability: Rock Head
Specialty: Has a high defense, and because of this, is slower than usual Aggron
Known Moves: Headbutt, Metal Claw, Tackle, Mud Slap, Harden, Iron Tail

Username: Konuju
Name: Dack Majors
Faction: Team Rocket
Hometown: Snowpoint City, Sinnoh
Age: 19
Appearance: Black messy hair, brown eyes, somewhat muscular, roughly 6 feet tall; when not wearing the standard Rocket uniform, he prefers a dark red T-shirt covered by a large black jacket, and blue jeans. Under his jacket he has a protective pad on his shoulders so his Swellow can carry him with its talons.
Personality: Strong-willed and strategic, he has great confidence in his abilities as a trainer. However, this confidence has given him an arrogant attitude. He has developed a close bond with each of his Pokémon and has a bitter hatred toward Team Liberty.
Background: Growing up in Snowpoint, he quickly developed a liking for cold weather. His parents had that, living in such a remote location, they could avoid most of the war. At the age of 16, Dack joined Team Rocket, much to his parents' distress. For the next three years he lived at Purgatory, Team Rocket's Sinnoh base, slowly making his way up the ranks. When he heard of the avalanche that wiped out Snowpoint, he was devastated. Dropping his current mission, he returned to his hometown for the first time in three years. He tried to unearth his home, but it was covered in too much snow. His parents were not among the survivors. What he did find though, was a new hatred toward Team Liberty. When he learned of the Soil Colossus mission, he eagerly signed up for a chance to get revenge on Team Liberty…
Pokémon: Swellow (male), Luxray (male), Sheildon (female), Snivy (female)

Species: Swellow (male)
Nickname: none
Trainer: Dack Majors
Appearance: Slightly larger than the average Swellow. His wings are also a darker blue, almost black.
Personality: Swellow was Dack's first Pokémon, which he received as a Tailow for his tenth birthday. It is very protective of Dack, and also very brave, willing to do anything for Dack's safety. It is strong enough to carry Dack with its talons.
Ability: Guts
Specialty: Exceptionally good at Physical Attacks
Known Moves: Aerial Ace, Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Agility, Double Team, Brave Bird (egg move)

Species: Luxray (male)
Nickname: none
Trainer: Dack Majors
Appearance: Slightly larger than the average Luxray. Its coat is also a slightly darker blue than normal.
Personality: Luxray is very trusting of Dack and will follow his commands even if he doesn’t fully understand Dack’s strategy. However, it retains its hasty nature and if Dack doesn’t give it a command it will charge into battle on its own.
Ability: Intimidate
Specialty: Luxray is extremely fast and is also a good physical attacker
Known Moves: Tackle, Charge, Thunder Fang, Crunch, Discharge, Wild Charge

Species: Shieldon (female)
Nickname: none
Trainer: Dack Majors
Appearance: Same as a normal Shieldon
Personality: When Dack was searching through the ruins of Snowpoint after the avalanche, he found an Armor Fossil. Taking it with him back to Purgatory, he revived the fossil at the nearby Oreburgh museum. Still newly revitalized, Shieldon is very impish and childish, a great contrast from Swellow and Luxio. Whereas Dack, Swellow and even Luxio have been a bit traumatized by the disaster in Snowpoint, Shieldon is cheerful, and carefree.
Ability: Sturdy
Specialty: Spectacular Defense for a newborn (or newly reborn) Pokémon
Known Moves: Tackle, Protect, Taunt, Take Down, Ancient Power, Metal Sound

Species: Snivy (female)
Nickname: none
Trainer: Dack Majors (OT Jason Alco)
Appearance: Snivy looks no different from any other Snivy
Personality: Snivy was caught by an old man and given to Jason. At the time she was a bewildered Pokemon who didn’t really understand what was going on. She bonded some with Jason, but now that Jason is gone, Snivy has found herself in the hands of Dack. She is a little wary of her new trainer and is much more distant from him compared to Dack’s other Pokemon.
Ability: Contrary
Specialty: This Pokemon has a high HP, but this is canceled out by lower Defense and Special Defense abilities. In other words, she is a good all-rounder.
Known Moves: Tackle, Leaf Tornado, Wrap, Vine Whip, Growth, Leech Seed

Username: Konuju
Name: Ellen Burks
Faction: Neutral
Hometown: Village Bridge, Unova
Age: 9
Appearance: Light auburn hair, brown eyes, somewhat small for her age; she wears a light-pink shirt and Capri pants.
Personality: Kindhearted and lighthearted, she is the epitome of a childlike innocence. However, because of this she is very naïve, although she is also curious. Having grown up with her Pokemon, she is extremely close to them. Although she cannot exactly speak to Pokemon, it is not hard for her to understand them, even when she has had very little bonding with them.
Background: Having lived in Village Bridge for all her life, she has seen very little of the world outside it. She recently went on a vacation to visit her aunt and uncle in Accumula Town, though her parents had to stay behind in Village Bridge because of their work. Being outside of her hometown for the first time (with the exception of a few trips to Lacunosa Town), she became highly curious of the world outside of Village Bridge. As her vacation drew to a close, she tried to convince her parents to let her walk home, so that she could see more of the world. Her parents eventually agreed, on the condition that Terry, their family pet Herdier, accompany her to protect her on her journey.
Pokémon: Solosis (Solo), Mienfoo (Artemis), Herdier (Terry), Purrloin (Chrono)

Species: Solosis (male)
Nickname: Solo
Trainer: Ellen Burks
Appearance: Slightly smaller than the average (1’0”) Solosis.
Personality: Solo was Ellen’s first Pokemon, who she has had for as long as she can remember. Having grown up together, Ellen and Solo are very close friends. Although it uses telepathy to communicate, it usually only communicates with Ellen. It is very modest and although it is powerful, it prefers not to fight.
Ability: Magic Guard
Specialty: Although it is strong with Special Attacks, it tends not to use them often; it also has strong Special Defence
Known Moves: Reflect, Light Screen, Recover, Rollout, Psyshock, Telekinesis (TM “egg move”)

Species: Mienfoo (female)
Nickname: Artemis
Trainer: Ellen Burks
Appearance: Same as a normal Mienfoo
Personality: Ellen received Artemis for her seventh birthday. Although she is a Martial Arts Pokemon, Artemis tends to not use her skills for combat, but is rather focused on mastering the more elegant and graceful, almost dance-like moves. She has a more serious nature compared to Ellen’s other Pokemon and is very dedicated to training herself. She is also a little more willing to fight in a time of need than Solo is.
Ability: Inner Focus
Specialty: Quick footed and agile, it has great Speed, but is a little lacking in Defense
Known Moves: Pound, Meditate, Detect, Swift, Calm Mind, Force Palm

Species: Herdier (male)
Nickname: Terry
Trainer: Ellen Burks
Appearance: Same as a normal Herdier
Personality: Terry was a family pet before Ellen was even born. As such, he is very protective of Ellen and almost acts like a parent or an older brother toward her. Despite his protective nature, he is truly gentle at heart.
Ability: Intimidate
Specialty: Rather strong with physical attacks
Known Moves: Tackle, Take Down, Work Up, Crunch, Retaliate, Fire Fang (egg move)

Species: Purrloin (male)
Nickname: Chrono
Trainer: Ellen Burks
Appearance: The white patches of fur on his body are slightly darker than normal
Personality: Not much is known about Chrono’s past, except that he grew up on the streets of Accumula Town, where he quickly learned to forage for food. In addition to stealing food, he will also play pranks on people for fun. He is very bitter toward and distrusting of all humans, although the fact that he doesn’t try to run away from Ellen suggests that he trusts her more than usual. Despite his capture, Chrono continues to have a naughty nature. However, Ellen is convinced that there is some good in him. Ellen’s other Pokemon, Terry in particular, are still wary of the Purrloin.
Ability: Limber
Specialty: He has great speed, which comes from all the getaways he’s made after his thefts
Known Moves: Scratch, Pursuit, Fake Out, Hone Claws, Slash, Charm (egg move)
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Team Rocket


Username: Parugi.
Name: Elijah Alaric.
Faction: Team Rocket; Shadow Admin of Kanto.
Hometown: Pallet Town, Kanto.
Age: 44.
Appearance: Here. Sleight is a tall individual, standing at 6'2". Despite his age, he is actually quite handsome -- time does not seem to have affected him as much as it would have others; he has high cheekbones, oval, gray, piercing eyes, and overall, just handsome features. His black hair is short, and neatly cut and groomed, complementing his clean-shaven face. He tends to wear a black suit, with shirts varying in color. Sleight has a very grim look about him.
Personality: Sleight is a very intelligent, very cold, and extremely precise individual. He shows little emotion to the public, only showing true anger and irritation to select individuals. This lack of feeling is part of what instills fear into the hearts of so many when he is mentioned, because no one is eveer sure of what he is really thinking. Sleight was the mastermind behind the Shadow Admins' takeover, staging everything perfectly and showing a knack for accurate predictions. Sleight has been shown to be fairly optimistic, as he did not let the fall of Hoenn bring him down -- instead, he merely promoted a replacement leader for the region from his executives. This along with other incidents has shown him to be quite flexible and able to roll with what is thrown at him. Despite all of this and the fact the he hungers -- or hungered, as the case may be -- as much power as he could get, Sleight seems to disagree with the notion that Team Rocket should spread to the region of Isshu, though his reasons have never been made completely clear.
Background: Little is known of Sleight's background. What is known is that he originated from Pallet Town years and years ago, eventually becoming a Team Rocket member. Leading the other Shadow Admins in a revolt against Giovanni, Sleight eventually managed to take over the organization, and then the Kanto regions, recreating the world in ways that the former Rocket Leader could only dream of. At some point, Sleight married a woman named Eileen, and the two had a son, named Levi.
Pokémon: Charizard, Magmortar


Species: Charizard.
Nickname: N/A.
Trainer: Sleight.
Appearance: Basically the same as other Charizard, though Sleight's is covered in scars from years and years of battle.
Personality: Despite its appearance, Sleight's Charizard is extremely calm minded, coolly following orders and fulfilling it objectives. Having been with Sleight longer than any other person or Pokémon on his team, he seems to have taken on many of Sleight's physical and mental characteristics.
Ability: Blaze.
Specialty: Sleight's Charizard is incredibly fast and exceeding powerful, capable of utilizing attacks in such a way that it maximizes damage to its enemies without destroying everything in its path.
Known Moves: Roost, Flamethrower, Hidden Power (Grass,) Air Slash, Dragon Pulse, Tailwind


Species: Magmortar.
Nickname: N/A.
Trainer: Sleight.
Appearance: No differences.
Personality: An extremely rash and battle-hungry individual whose loyalty to Sleight burns as hot as its fire attacks. This Magmortar will go to great lengths to fulfill a command from Sleight, and will not stop until it has succeeded in fulfilling an objective.
Ability: Flame Body.
Specialty: Sleight's Magmortar is incredibly powerful, with fire attacks strong enough to burn through things that they have no business burning through--as Carl Sandrock learned in Sleight's attack on Soil Colossus.
Known Moves: Fire Blast, Hidden Power (Grass,) Thunderbolt, Cross Chop, Lava Plume, Confuse Ray.



Username: Parugi.
Name: Vivian Moreno.
Faction: Team Rocket; Shadow Admin of Johto.
Hometown: Lavender Town, Kanto.
Age: 41.
Appearance: Joker is a tall, beautiful woman, with pink hair and a heartshaped face. Her hair is curled at the tips, and she has slightly curved, green eyes. She wears a white, formal shirt, and a long white skirt, as well as a mechanical gauntlet capable of utilizing telekinesis and other psychic powers; a second gauntlet has been made since the attack on the Alamo, with similar abilities to the first. Here.
Personality: Joker is not someone to be trifled with. Exceedingly cunning, extremely volatile, and monstrously caustic towards those she views as being below her, she will not hesitate to kill if it benefits her. Her skill and effectiveness in virtually everything she sets her mind to has earned her a reputation among the members of Team Rocket, solidifying her place as the second greatest trainer within the organization--and possibly the entirety of the Kanto regions.
Pokémon: Dusknoir, Alakazam, Gengar, Golurk.


Species: Dusknoir.
Nickname: Cyclops.
Trainer: Joker.
Appearance: No differences.
Ability: Pressure.
Known Moves:


Species: Alakazam.
Nickname: Seer.
Trainer: Joker.
Appearance: Seer's psychic aura is red, unlike the typical blue or purple of other Psychic-Types.
Ability: Synchronize.
Known Moves: Teleport, Psychic, Confusion


Species: Gengar.

Nickname: Phantom.
Trainer: Joker.
Appearance: Same as other Gengar.
Ability: Levitate.
Known Moves: Double Team, Dark Pulse, Dream Eater, Hypnosis, Shadow Ball, Nightmare.


Species: Golurk.
Nickname: Leviathan.
Trainer: Joker.
Appearance: Leviathan is much, much larger than a typical Golurk, standing at roughly twelve feet as opposed to nine.
Ability: Iron Fist.
Known Moves: Shadow Punch, Hammer Arm, Dynamic Punch, Ice Beam, Iron Defense, Earthquake.


--Heather Windred/"Ace" (Deceased)

Username: Parugi.
Name: Heather Windred.
Faction: Team Rocket; former Shadow Admin of Hoenn.
Hometown: Fortree City, Hoenn.
Age: 39.
Appearance: Here.
Personality: Ace was known in Team Rocket as one of the morally darkest of the four Shadow Admins. She was more than willing to seek less-than-acceptable ways of obtaining victory over Team Liberty, such as the recreation of the Shadow Pokémon project and the investigation into mind control as a viable method of ensuring obedience. Even so, she was deeply loyal to Team Rocket, and truly wished to see the war won in their favor. Despite her cruel tactics, she was known to be a loving mother, something her daughter and son affirm.
Background: Little is known about Ace's past. Originally a trainer from Fortree city, she became a member of Team Rocket at an unknown point in time and eventually rose high enough in the ranks to be trusted by Sleight to help in his revolt against Giovanni. Following their takeover, she became the Shadow Admin of Hoenn, eventually marrying and bearing two children, a son and daughter. She was later ousted from Team Rocket after a successful Team Liberty-led rebellion within the region, and was executed by her replacement, Max Bussle.
Pokémon: Unknown.


--Max Bussle/"Buzz" (Deceased)

Username: Parugi.
Name: Max Bussle.
Faction: Team Rocket; Shadow Admin of Hoenn.
Hometown: Azalea Town, Johto.
Age: 20.
Appearance: Buzz is bald and sometimes wears goggles which are similar in appearance to a Yanma's eyes. He wears dark green trousers and a dark green open jacket with a light red T-shirt. Here and here.
Personality: He does not act kindly to other people, and tends not to talk to anyone much when he isn't giving orders. On the outside he seems mean and cold, but he has a secret, loving side that only his Pokemon can see. For most, these traits make him very hard to like, but they helped him get to high places in Team Rocket.
Background: Buzz was raised by his parents in Azalea Town, he never got on well with the other children and instead managed to make friends with a whole swarm of Yanma. At the age of 10, Buzz watched as both his parents were killed by a kid who was trying to earn the respect of Team Liberty. It turns out that Buzz's parents had both been undercover members of Team Rocket. Buzz gathered his three favourite Yanma and set off to gain revenge, eventually defeating the kid. A long the way one of his Yanma evolved. Although he had got his revenge, Buzz was not satisfied, so he joined Team Rocket, and has elevated in the ranks quickly.
Pokémon: Yanmega, Yanma (Ma,) Yanma (Yan; deceased,) Scizor (Crimson,) Tyranitar.


Species: Yanmega (Male)
Nickname: N/A
Trainer: Max Bussle
Appearance: Same as usual
Personality: A ruthless follower of Buzz. Yanmega follows his trainers orders without question, and rarely shows emotion.
Ability: Speed Boost
Specialty: He is swift and a very powerful flier.
Known Moves: AnceintPower, U-Turn, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Quick Attack

Species: Yanma (Male)
Nickname: Yan
Trainer: Max Bussle
Appearance: Same as usual
Personality: Yan is not as heartless as Buzz or Yanmega, and often hesitates when doing bad things for his trainer. He is kind at heart but will ultimately do what Buzz tells him.
Ability: Speed Boost
Specialty: He is somewhat weak, but very fast.
Known Moves: Quick Attack, Tackle, Wing Attack, Pursuit

Species: Yanma (Female)
Nickname: Ma
Trainer: Max Bussle
Appearance: Same as usual.
Personality: Like Yan, Ma is not a mean Pokemon. She often feels sad for what her trainer has become, remembering what a nice young boy he was.
Ability: CompoundEyes
Specialty: Not that great a flier, but is good a special attacks.
Known Moves: SonicBoom, Hypnosis, Toxic, Giga Drain


Species: Tyranitar
Nickname: None
Trainer: Buzz
Appearance: Has a red stomach as opposed to blue. It wears an Expert Belt to boost special effective moves.
Personality: Tyranitar is almost battle perfection. 100% dedicated to defeat any enemy its up against, sometimes causing devastating repercussions. However, it has been in training all its life and as such has little experience with real life combat. It isn't too friendly towards anyone, including Buzz since they have yet to gain any sort of bond.
Ability: Sand Stream
Specialty: It has been trained to be good at Physical attacks.
Known Moves: Ice Fang, Fire Fang, ThunderFang, Pursuit, Dragon Dance


Species: Scizor
Nickname: Crimson
Trainer: Max Bussle
Appearance: Same as any other Scizor.
Personality: Extremely loyal to Buzz, rather quiet at most times.
Ability: Technician.
Specialty: Physical attacks.
Known Moves: X-Scissor, Metal Claw, Roost, Bullet Punch, Pursuit, Agility.



Username: Parugi
Name: Claude Ulrich
Faction: Team Rocket; High-Admin of the Orange Islands
Hometown: Fuchsia City, Kanto
Age: 28
Pokémon: Arbok, Seviper, Drapion, Scolipede, Steelix, Serperior.


Species: Arbok
Nickname: Cobra.
Trainer: Claude Ulrich.
Appearance: Same as a regular Arbok.
Personality: Extremely careful, Cobra was Viper's first Pokémon and is one of his most trusted companions. Over the years, the Arbok has grown conscious of its own shortcomings in battle, and as such has taken to studying its opponents. It has focused its style of fighting--and, really, everyday life--on weakening its obstacles and then simply tearing through them.
Ability: Unnerve.
Specialty: Cobra's battle style relies heavily on using any and every tactic it can to reduce an opponent's ability to fight, before moving in and finishing them off.
Known Moves: Gastro Acid, Acid Spray, Glare, Disable (Egg Move,) Coil, Gunk Shot.


Species: Seviper
Nickname: Diamondback.
Trainer: Claude Ulrich
Appearance: No differences.
Personality: Monstrously rash, Diamondback will relentlessly attack any opponent it is put up against. Its blood lust is so great that even Viper hesitates to send it out as anything but a last resort.
Ability: Shed Skin.
Specialty: Diamondback is a pure attacker Pokémon, with weak defensive skills but extremely vicious physical and special attacks.
Known Moves: Poison Jab, Night Slash, Coil, Wring Out, Crunch, Final Gambit (Egg Move.)


Species: Drapion
Nickname: Scorpion.
Trainer: Claude Ulrich
Appearance: Same as regular Drapion.
Personality: Very quiet, Scorpion is not a believer in direct confrontation--in most cases, anyway. He prefers to lie in wait, avoiding attacks and allowing his opponents to wear themselves down while he searches for the most opportune moment to strike and finish the job.
Ability: Sniper.
Specialty: Scorpion is best at physical attacks from a distance, as well as using his naturally-strong defenses to resist as much damage as possible in battle. He prefers to let his opponents wear themselves out, only actively engaging them when he sees the need to.
Known Moves: Poison Spikes, Hone Claws, Pin Missile, Cross Poison, Toxic, Venoshock.


Species: Scolipede
Nickname: Centi.
Trainer: Claude Ulrich
Ability: Swarm.
Known Moves:


Species: Steelix
Nickname: Garter.
Trainer: Claude Ulrich
Appearance: Pretty much a regular Steelix.
Personality: Garter is extremely rash, charging into battle at a moment's notice and refusing to recognize a dangerous situation when he is faced with one. All too willing to play with his prey before attacking, he often finds himself in deep trouble in battle.
Ability: Sheer Force.
Specialty: Garter specializes in physical attacks and defense, leaving its special defenses at a lackluster level whilst its heavy frame slows it down.
Known Moves: Iron Tail, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Double-Edge, Stone Edge, Sandstorm.


Species: Serperior
Nickname: Python.
Trainer: Claude Ulrich
Ability: Overgrow.
Known Moves:

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Username: Minun4
Name: James Arthur
Faction: Team Rocket
Hometown: Celadon City
Age: 23
Appearance: James is 5'9 tall Caucasian man with dark brown hair combed very neatly towards the right. He wears a black suit, black paints, white shirt and a red tie. He is thin and has green eyes. He brings with him a black briefcase with him at all times where he keeps almost everything of importance in, including but not limited to his pokeballs, his laptop and various forms of data storage devices.
Personality: James personality can be summed in three words: Gentlemanly, disloyal, and self-serving. The most important of these qualities is his self-serving nature. As a general rule he acts calm and polite except when he is in danger in which case he does what is needed to ensure his own survival. While he is disloyal he can follow orders quite well, and will to a point when they interfere with his own plans in which case he will disobey often discreetly or whenever he is out of sight. Mild fear of heights.
Background: James grew up in deep rocket controlled territory and grew up well off, after the age of 15 that is. The years before that were not good for him, living in an orphanage. However that changed when he developed an aptitude in technology, especially hacking, skills which he kept hidden from the other members of Team Rocket. He used those skills to gain information which he used for blackmail and under the table deals. As a member of team rocket he made sure to hack into the system and change some information to put these individuals in bad light with team rocket who then saw that they were permanently erased. Guinevere he caught while in the orphanage but Lancelot he caught on a mission.

After a hasty split-second decision James became a member of Team Liberty. He was promoted to the rank of Executive for various reasons.

Pokemon: Gardevoir (Guinevere), Scizor (Lancelot), Togekiss (Galahad), Weavile (Mordred), Swampert (Gawain), Chandelure (Percival)



Species: Gardevoir
Nickname: Guinevere
Trainer: James Arthur
Appearance: Slightly more dark green head? No noticeable differences at this point.
Personality: Guinevere became quite Timid due to shock upon Evolution
Ability: Trace
Specialty: Attacks from a distance using special attacks.
Known Moves: Double Team, Teleport, Calm Mind, Psychic, Ice Beam (TM move), Shadow Ball.


Species: Scizor

Nickname: Lancelot

Trainer: James Arthur
Appearance: Generally normal except for a what was a scar on his left arm. The area healed but left a stripe where the wound once was.
Personality: Lancelot is a very Adamant but loyal to James due to long association. Is still antsy but will follow his orders to the letter.
Ability: Technician
Specialty: A strong and quick physical attacker
Known Moves: Quick Attack, Pursuit, False Swipe, Bullet Punch, Wing Attack, Swords Dance


Species: Togekiss
Nickname: Galahad
Trainer: James Arthur
Appearance: Only the shell bears any difference than a normal Togepi. This Togepi's shell has an elongated red triangle shaped like a lance, and a blue triangle like a shield.
Personality: Galahad is calm and collected. He tries to think things through.
Ability: Serene Grace
Specialty: Excels in defenisve moves and in special attacks.
Known Moves: Flamethrower, Metronome, Thunder Wave, Yawn, Aura Sphere, Wish


Species: Weavile
Nickname: Mordred
Trainer: James Arthur
Appearance: The large ear is a bright green.
Personality: Mordred is stubborn yet keeps a Jolly mood most of the time.
Ability: Pressure
Specialty: Fast and Strong Physical attacks, also smart enough to bluff.
Known Moves: Night Slash, Quick Attack, Faint Attack, Swords Dance, Agility, Ice Punch (egg move)


Species: Swampert
Nickname: Gawain
Trainer: James Arthur
Appearance: Head fins has a red stripe on it.
Personality: Gawain doesn't like to do hard work, but will fight strong if he must. Generally has a
Relaxed nature. Didn't like his time with his former trainer, likes James a lot more.
Ability: Torrent
Specialty: Does well with both Physical and Special Attacks, but his main strength is in his Physical Defense. Lacks in speed however.
Known Moves: Tackle, Earthquake, Muddy Water, Bide, Take Down, Mud Bomb (egg move)


Species: Chandelure
Nickname: Percival
Trainer: James Arthur
Appearance: His flame glows a more greenish color than most Hitomoshi.
Personality: Hitomoshi is a modest pokemon. He doesn't take credit for victories, and is never prideful, albiet he has reason to.
Ability: Flash Fire
Specialty: Percival excells in special attacks. His fire attacks are slightly weaker than the average Chandelure but his ghost attacks are stronger. Skilled in disappearing.
Known Moves: Overheat, Smog, Fire Spin, Shadow Ball, Flame Burst, Hex



Name: Jamie Arthur
Faction: Team Rocket
Hometown: The Abyss
Age: 5 (has the body of a 23 year old.)
Appearance: Jamie is five-foot nine and wears a black dress with a white sashe, and black dress shoes. She has long dark brown hair, Caucasian skin tone, and has green eyes.
Personality: Jamie has a ladylike personality to compare to James' gentlemanly personality. She is more loyal than James as she was raised by rocket scientists and partly James (who didn't tell her about her plans for betrayal). She follows orders well and has James' trait of that she is willing to do what is necessary to survive if pushed to the limit (she hasn't yet though.) She looks up to James as an older brother although the two appear to be twins.
Background: Jamie was the first survivor of a cloning program that Joker started. James volunteered and she was born. Although the process only got 99.99...% of his DNA, one gene, his Y chromosome was changed into a X chromosome and she was born. She has little history to tell as she is only technically four years old. Rocket scientists kept her for a year as her body aged to 19 years old ending on coincidentally James' 19th birthday making their bodies approximately the same as possible as a male and female can be. The next three years she served under James knowing there relationship but neither were allowed to speak of it. James also caught Pelleas and Tristan for her.
Pokémon: Heracross (Pelleas), Metagross (Tristan), Vanillish (Lucan)

Species: Heracross
Nickname: Pelleas
Trainer: Jamie Arthur
Appearance: The 'spikes' of Pelleas' arms and legs are longer than most Heracross, other than that, is a normal heracross.
Personality: Heracross is Adamant and promised James to protect and serve Jamie and has Guts to spare.
Ability: Guts
Specialty: Excells in strong physical attacks.
Known Moves: Night slash, Horn Attack, Endure, Ariel Ace, Brick Break, Counter

Species: Metagross
Nickname: Tristan
Trainer: Jamie Arthur
Appearance: The spikes on his legs are a deep dark blue
Personality: Has a similar Adamant personality as Pelleas, but less brave. Also with his evolution and enhanced intellect he is able to speak through Telepathy. Also a bit influenced by James' and Jamie's personalities as he tries to act gentlemanly.
Ability: Clear Body
Specialty: Strong physical attacks with mainly his powerful fists.
Known Moves: Take down, Zen headbutt, Iron head, Hammer Arm, Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash


Species: Vanillish
Nickname: Lucan
Trainer: Jamie Arthur
Appearance: Has sky blue on it's top swirl
Personality: Has a Timid nature, not just in battle, but all the time shy of new things.
Ability: Ice Body
Specialty: Lucan focuses on fast special attacks. Prefers to stay far away from harm.
Known Moves: Icicle Spear, Astonish, Uproar, Ice Beam, Mirror Shot, Acid Armor


Species: Slowpoke

Nickname: Grummore

Trainer: Jamie Arthur

Appearance: He has a green ring around his tail. Other than that it hard to tell him apart from other Slowpoke.

Personality: Slowpoke is a bold defender of the little pokemon... if he can ever realize what is going on. He is so darn tired and lazy that most battles tend to be over before he realized they started.

Ability: Regenerator

Specialty: When he does things, he prefers to block or heal. Kinda mopes around until it realizes something is going on.

Known Moves: Heal Pulse, Psychic, Water Pulse, Yawn, Disable, Zen Headbutt

Battle Count: 1




Name: Richard Apollo
Faction: None
Hometown: Castelia City
Age: 19
Appearance: Richard stands about 5' 8" tall and has a thin build due to his need to conserve food. He has brown eyes and brown straight hair, and wears jeans, and generally a cheap button down brown shirt.
Personality: Richard fits the archetype of the spoony bard very well. He is generally jovial and care free to those he meets. He generally figures that he always found a way to keep him and his Pokemon fed, and that he can solve any given problem. He isn’t quick to a fight, but loves a competition and enjoys Pokemon battles. He is proficient with a violin and makes a living as a street performer. Apollo is not his real last name, but a name he took so that people could identify him.
Background: Richard’s parents were too poor to raise a child so they abandoned Richard on the steps of an orphanage. The orphanage he was raised wasn’t much better off, but he was able to live with food in his stomach. Eventually when Richard was ten the orphanage was shut down due to the inability to pay bills anymore. Richard being turned out on the street turned to shoplifting to survive. One day when he was about to shoplifting when a wild Sableye was caught trying to do so as well. The shopkeeper was enraged by this, but was calmed when Richard apologized pretending to be the Sableye’s trainer. One stolen Pokeball later the Sableye was his. After a few weeks of the two living a meager existence, they came upon a store where a violin caught his eye, and after a month of saving he bought the violin and became a street performer. With a way to afford food, clothing and some basic equipment, Richard and Hades wandered the Unova Region where he caught both Dionysus and Erebus.
Pokémon: Sableye (Hades), Dionysus (Snorlax), Erebus (Tentacool)

Species: Sableye

Nickname: Hades
Trainer: Richard Apollo
Appearance: Hades’ chest gemstone is a blue sapphire instead of the usual red gemstone.
Personality: Hades is the type who prefers to avoid confrontation if possible, only will fight if he is told by Richard or is forced into a corner.
Ability: Prankster
Specialty: Being used to not fighting directly, Hades tends to use Status Ailments as well as his Ghost-nature to fight opponents indirectly.
Known Moves: Night Shade, Recover (Egg Move), Fake Out, Confuse Ray, Fury Swipes, Detect

Species: Snorlax
Nickname: Dionysus
Trainer: Richard Apollo
Appearance: Like a Standard Snorlax through and through.
Personality: Like any Snorlax, Dionysus likes to eat and sleep. He is rather indifferent to much else but keeps an ear open for his name.
Ability: Thick Fat
Specialty: He will try to absorb most of his opponent’s blows to try get them to wear themselves down. If this does not work he will uses his weight as a weapon or resort to physical blows.
Known Moves: Rest, Snore, Curse (Egg Move), Body Slam, Crunch, Yawn

Species: Tentacool
Nickname: Erebus
Trainer: Richard Apollo
Appearance: Has bit deeper shade of blue than a standard Tentacool
Personality: On land he is a bit sluggish however in either underwater or in good moisture he is active and ready
for battle.
Ability: Rain Dish
Specialty: Richard’s only Pokemon that likes a direct fight, however he will set up the field he is in to his
Known Moves: Toxic Spikes, Rain Dance, Scald, Protect, Constrict, Rapid Spin (Egg Move)

Battle Count: 4


Species: Magikarp
Nickname: Oceanus
Trainer: Richard Apollo
Appearance: Pretty standard for a Magikarp, size is above the mean but not incredibly.
Personality: A pretty Jolly guy most of the time and likes to have fun (and flop around). Only times he is not happy is whenever he sees a guitar. Thing is, Oceanus has an intense desire to learn the guitar, but is stonewalled by the fact he is doesn't have anybody to teach him, or any money to buy one, or arms.
Ability: Swift Swim
Specialty: Magikarps have a use?
Known Moves: Tackle, Flail, Splash, Splash, Splash, Splash

Battle Count: 0

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Hojohsin League #1

--"John Ford"/"The Shadowed Man"

Username: Parugi.
Name: John Ford?
Faction: Hojohsin League.
Hometown: Unknown.
Age: 42
Appearance: Unknown.
Pokémon: Unknown.


--"James Pierce"/"The First Child"

Username: Parugi.
Name: James Pierce?
Faction: Hojohsin League
Hometown: Unknown
Age: 31
Appearance: Here.
Background: James Pierce's background is not known. At some point, he came under the tutelage of John Ford, becoming his first apprentice and gaining the title of "The First Child." He was also given the codename James Pierce, which has served as his primary identity ever since. After negotiating Team Energon's allegiance with Ford, Pierce was sent to assume power in Hoenn, filling in the void left by Ace's defeat by the Team Liberty revolt several months earlier.
Pokémon: Chandelure, Porygon-Z, Cofagrigus.


--Sophia Baron/"Maddison Hayes"/"The Second Child"

Username: Parugi.
Name: Sophia Baron.
Faction: Hojohsin League.
Age: 30
Appearance: Here.
Pokémon: Exploud, Chimecho, Wigglytuff, Jynx, Kricketune, Bronzong.

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Aspen Seaton

Username: JiMing (TF2 Spy)

Name: Aspen Seaton

Faction: Team Liberty

Hometown: Olivine City, Johto

Age: 14

Appearance: Aspen has black messy hair that tends to stand up at the front most of the time. He has hazel brown eyes that represents his desire to help out, and stands at approximately 5'8. He wears a white baseball cap most of the time, has a silvery-gray jacket that he typically wears over an alternating red and blue striped t-shirt, has dark navy blue jeans, and wears a striped red and white pair of sports running shoes. Despite this, he is not that athletic at all.

Personality: When you first see Aspen, he will be wary around strangers and new situations, hanging back to observe, unless he's forced to react. When he gets comfortable, however, he becomes a calm, polite person who is sensitive to the issues of others. At times, he may try the occasional sarcastic joke, to either lighten the mood or point out a certain situation. He especially loves Pokemon. When excited, Aspen will become reduced to giggling like a 5-year old and hopping up and down. In battle, Aspen becomes serious and completely focused on the battle, with almost nothing being able to divert his attention. He also has the tendency to freak out and overreact in highly stressful situations, which is why he tries to keep his emotions as level as possible.

Background: His mother owns a flower shop, and his father is a sailor who works in the ports. He has two older siblings, a 16-year old sister named Dahlia, and an 18-year old sister named Olivia. As he grew up, two things became apparent to him; that he loved Pokemon and despised Team Rocket. This put him at odds with his sister who admired Team Rocket, with their powerful grip over the regions. They frequently butted heads over the matter, the turning point being when his sister left to join Team Rocket. After that, Aspen became moody and refused to talk to anyone for a while, worrying his family a lot. After a while though, he decided that enough was enough, and joined Team Liberty in order to make his stance clear. Though he still stays at his mother's flower shop, he wants the chance to prove himself, especially to his sister Olivia.

Species: Quilava

Nickname: Flare

Trainer: Aspen Seaton

Appearance: Ears are slightly larger than that of a normal Quilava.

Personality: Loyal and brave, Flare will always obey Aspen and stick with him no matter what. He is also a caring Pokemon, and like his trainer, will help both Pokemon and people alike. In battle, Flare is determined and will not stop fighting until he truly cant.

Ability: Blaze

Specialty: Flare is better at physical attakcs than at special attacks. He also likes to use SmokeScreen in battle to disorient his opponents

Known Moves: SmokeScreen, Flame Wheel, Flame Charge, Flamethrower, Quick Attack, Defense Curl

Nickname: Meadow

Species: Roselia:

Trainer: Aspen Seaton

Appearance: The flowers on her arms are a slightly darker shade of red and blue respectively.

Personality: Meadow is an extremely vain Pokemon, very proud of her appearance and grace. However, she never means harm to any other being. She seems to stick to Aspen most of the time. Even in battle, Meadow will never pass up on the opportunity to flaunt her beauty and gracefulness.

Ability: Poison Point

Specialty: Meadow is excellent at Special Moves. She also uses Stun Spore and Leech Seed to her advantage.

Known Moves: Stun Spore, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, GrassWhistle, Giga Drain, Toxic Spikes

Nickname: Torrent

Species: Buizel

Trainer: Aspen Seaton

Appearance: Torrent has slightly smaller fins than that of other Buizels.

Personality: Torrent is highly arrogant and proud of his power, though he still remains 100% loyal to Aspen. He loves to battle, and does so with ferocity. He never forgets any of his losses, and will do everything in his power to win the next time.

Ability: Swift Swim

Specialty: Torrent has a very high Speed.

Known Moves: SonicBoom, Water Gun, Aqua Jet, Aqua Tail, Aqua Ring (EGG), Swift

Olivia Seaton

Username: JiMing (TF2 Spy)

Name: Olivia Seaton

Faction: Team Rocket

Hometown: Olivine City, Johto

Age: 18

Appearance: Olivia has red hair that she keeps back in a ponytail. Her eyes are fiery green, and appear to be burning with intensity. She wears a red long sleeved shirt, and also wears white knee length shorts. She also wears a pair of black hiking boots.

Personality: Olivia is a highly callous person, believing herself to be superior than many people. She can send almost anyone away with an intimidating glare. The only way to gain her respect is too be extremely powerful, though once she gets an impression, it's hard to her to change her opinion. In battle, Olivia is confident that she can crush any opponent before her, and so does not usually take most battles seriously. Olivia does not handle losses well, due to her very inflated ego. Like her brother, Olivia posses a sarcastic sense of humor. However, hers is cruel and specifically directed at others. Despite all this though, she may still have a heart...

Background: She, along with her two other siblings; Aspen and Dahlia, grew up with their mother, who owned a flower shop, and their father, a sailor. She was an odd child, as she wasn't interested in almost anything around her, and brushed off most people who tried to talk to her. Olivia spent most of her time thinking about Team Rocket, whose grip over the regions made her want to be a part of it. She also looked down on Team Liberty, whom she saw as pathetic ruffians. In contrast, her younger brother Aspen despised Team Rocket, and appreciated the fact Team Liberty was there to stand up to Team Rocket. This led to frequent quarreling between the two. One day, she felt sick of being around Aspen and the rest of her family, so she decided to join Team Rocket and leaft behind everyone she grew up with.

Species: Sneasel

Nickname: Shade

Trainer: Olivia Seaton

Appearance: The feathers on it's head and back are slightly larger than that of a normal Sneasel.

Personality: Shade is vicious and cunning, like most members of his species. He will not hesitate to strike at any opponent. In battle, he is just as sneaky and cruel as he normally is.

Ability: Keen Eye

Specialty: Shade takes advantage of his high Speed to dart around the battlefield to strike quickly with Physical moves.

Known Moves: Agility, Metal Claw, Hone Claws, Icy Wind, Beat Up, Ice Punch(EGG)

Species: Kirlia

Nickname: Amethyst

Appearance: The horns on her head are smaller than most Kirlia.

Personality: Amethyst is completely loyal to Olivia. She will never hesitate to keep her owner safe, no matter what the cost. She will also alert Olivia of her opponent's emotions during battle, so that she can see if they're bluffing.

Ability: Synchronize

Specialty: Like most members of her species, Kirlia excels at Special Attacks. She will also use Calm Mind to further her power in battle.

Known Moves: Confusion, Teleport, Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Hypnosis, Dream Eater

Species: Croagunk

Nickname: Toxin

Appearance: Like that of a normal Croagunk.

Personality: Toxin doesn't display much emotion, most of the time, he just obeys Olivia's orders or defends himself from attack.

Ability: Anticipation

Specialty: Toxin has better Defense than most of his species.

Known Moves: Revenge, Mud Bomb, Venoshock, Sucker Punch, Poison Jab, Drain Punch(EGG Move)


Dahlia Seaton

Username: JiMing (TF2 Spy)

Name: Dahlia Seaton

Faction: Neutral

Hometown: Olivine City, Johto

Age: 16

Appearance: Dahlia has brown hair and sky blue eyes. She wears a white longsleeved shirt and blue jeans. She also wears a pair of brown boat shoes.

Personality: Dahlia is an extremely sweet person, always kind and looking out for others. She especially caring towards her brother Aspen. At times, she may act a bit ditzy. Though she seems like a relatively simple person, she sometimes display an intellect one would not attach to someone her age. Though she is reluctant to engage in Pokemon battles most of the time, she will if the situation calls for it.

Background: Her mother owns a flower shop and her father is a sailor who works in the port. She is the middle sibling among Aspen; who is the youngest, and Dahlia; who is the oldest. She grew up among flowers, and as such, she adores them. She plans to continue running her mother's flower shop in the future. Whenever Aspen and Olivia would fight, Dahlia would try to to be a mediator, though with mostly middling success. When Olivia left the family, she attempted to reach out to Aspen, though she had little to no success as well. After Aspen joined Team Liberty, Dahlia felt worried about what could happen if he ran into Olivia again, though she felt happy for him finally being happy again. She doesn't want to take any side in the war, unlike her two siblings, because she thinks however the war plays out, she shouldn't be a part of it.

Species: Bellossom

Nickname: Laurel

Appearance: The flowers on the top of her head are a brighter color than most members of her species.

Personality: Laurel is a happy and jolly being. She loves to make people around her happy, as well as dancing. Dahlia is her best friend in the world, and Laurel trusts her completely. Like her trainer, she tries not to be involved in battles, but when the situation calls for it, she will do so.

Ability: Chlorophyll

Specialty: Despite her frail appearance, she has excellent Defense. She also uses Sunny Day in battle so she can use Synthesis in battle to restore her health, and to increase her Speed, due to her Ability.

Known Moves: Leaf Blade, Stun Spore, Sunny Day, Magical Leaf, Leaf Storm, Synthesis(EGG Move)

Species: Surskit

Nickname: Gerri

Appearance: Like that of a normal Surskit.

Personality: Gerri is very shy, and doesn't usually want to be seen. The only person she truly with is Dahlia. When she fights, she becomes a completely different Pokemon, and will fight ferociously.

Ability: Swift Swim

Specialty: Gerri has amazing Speed, only enhanced further with in rain with her Ability,

Known Moves: Quick Attack, Bubblebeam, Haze, Hydro Pump(EGG Move), Mud Shot(EGG Move), Signal Beam(EGG Move)

Species: Buneary

Nickname: Coco

Appearance: The fluff on top of her ears are puffier than other Buneary.

Personality: Coco is a happy-go-lucky Pokemon who only wants to have fun. She loves to play with people or other Pokemon. Battles for her a simply another game to play. If something serious happens though, she knows to hold back her bubbly personality.

Ability: Klutz

Specialty: She is a very agile Pokemon, and is rather adept at Physical Moves as well.

Known Moves: Quick Attack, Jump Kick, Agility, Bounce, Ice Punch(EGG Move), Thunder Puch(EGG Move)

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Hojohsin League #2

--"Quincy Adams"/"The Third Child"

Username: Parugi.
Name: Quincy Adams?
Faction: Hojohsin League.
Hometown: Unknown.
Age: 29
Appearance: Here.
Pokémon: Beheeyem (Wizard,) Mismagius (Witch,) Banette (Voodoo,) Gothitelle (Doll,) Abomasnow (Ent,) Sudowoodo (Chan.)


--"Tyler McKinley"/"The Fourth Child"

Username: Parugi.
Name: Tyler McKinley?
Faction: Hojohsin League.
Hometown: Unknown.
Age: 21
Pokémon: Wobbufett, Xatu.



Username: Parugi.
Name: Ilios.
Faction: Hojohsin League.
Species: Darkrai.

Ability: Bad Dreams.
Moves: Dark Void, Roar of Time, Spacial Rend, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt.

Appearance: Nine is virtually identical to any other Darkrai; however, his eyes are a bright green as opposed to icy blue. Sprite.

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Username: Mr. Peanuts

Name: Jennifer Lorn; goes by 'Jenny' informally
Faction: Team Liberty
Hometown: Fight Area
Age: 16
Appearance: Jennifer is a pretty-though not terribly so-female teenager. Her skin is lightly tanned and hair a wavy golden blond, and she has sea-green eyes. Jennifer typically wears a continental three-piece black suit with matching loafers.
Personality: Jennifer is a kind and thoughtful young woman who has something of a feminine streak. But at the first sign of danger, she'll snap to readiness and reveal herself to be just as alert and fierce as she can be gentle. She fights and thinks conservatively and with caution, yet not without an ability to adapt and grow more bold if the situation calls for it.
Background: 'Jenny' was born into the Lorn family after her brother Josiah. She lived with pokemon from an early age and has constantly taken them in-a Ralts at 3, a Lapras at 10, and a Nidoran. Jennifer slowly became closer to her brother, these pokemon, and a boy who she most often played with and started to become romantically interested in-Hex Yutry. The trainer left to walk the path of her brother and join Team Liberty at 15. During a recent mission in Hoenn, she was captured by Team Aqua and traumatized by Feral Tierra's abuse of her life energy. Only now is she reuniting with the boy she had crushed on.
Pokemon: Juliet (Gardevoir), Helen (Lapras), Olenka (Nidoqueen), Saber (Escavalier)

Species: Gardevoir
Nickname: Juliet
Trainer: Jennifer Lorn
Appearance: Juliet looks to be the average Gardevoir, save for a red feather threaded into her 'hair' to complement it.
Personality: The Gardevoir is fairly reserved, though consistently polite and serious through telepathic conversation. She does her best to guide and protect those she is loyal to; even to the point of death, this holds. Juliet is one of the more intelligent 'mon.
Ability: Synchronize
Specialty: Juliet's special attack and defense are both superb.
Known Moves: Disable, Magical Leaf, Heal Pulse, Calm Mind, Stored Power, Double Team

Species: Lapras
Nickname: Helen
Trainer: Jennifer Lorn
Appearance: Helen looks like the average Lapras except for a jagged scar running diagonally across her shell.
Personality: The Lapras is quite the bubbly 'mon. She is friendly and altruistic at heart.
Ability: Water Absorb
Specialty: Helen has a lot of vigor. Due to this (as opposed to great defenses like Eduard) she is good at taking hits.
Known Moves: Ice Beam, Surf, Rest, Sleep Talk (egg move), Confuse Ray, Body Slam

Species: Nidoqueen
Nickname: Olenka

Trainer: Jennifer Lorn
Appearance: Olenka is the average Nidoqueen with a great deal of bulk.
Personality: Olenka is quiet and thoughtful. Despite her youth, the 'mon is highly mature and has a developed sense of right and wrong; she is also quite smart.
Ability: Rivalry
Specialty: Olenka is excellent at physical attacks.
Known Moves: Toxic Spikes, Crunch, Superpower, Dig ™, Poison Jab (egg move), Roar ™

Species: Escavalier
Nickname: Saber
Trainer: Jennifer Lorn
Appearance: Saber is the average female Escavalier in shape and size, but has purposely painted her armor gold as opposed to the standard silver.
Personality: Saber is driven by a sense of moral obligation to those around her and promotes honor above all. However, she is also rather thick-headed at times
Ability: Swarm
Specialty: Saber is quite tough and powerful, traits that give her an edge in close combat.
Known Moves: Pursuit (egg move), Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Twinneedle, Iron Head, Reversal

Species: Dusknoir

Nickname: Lenore
Trainer: Jennifer Lorn
Appearance: Lenore wears a tattered black suit of the continental style that covers her roughly-spheroid trunk and arms. She conspicuously lacks the tail of normal Dusknoir and is built solidly. A long cut scar wreathes her neck. Otherwise, she is like the average Dusknoir.
Personality: Lenore is a pragmatic 'mon, always seeking to accomplish her own goals. By extension, this includes her trainer's.
Ability: Pressure
Specialty: Lenore is very strong defensively against special and physical attacks.
Known Moves: Pain Split (egg move), Dark Pulse (egg move), Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, Confuse Ray, ThunderPunch
Username: Mr. Peanuts

Name: Cero
Faction: Team Magma
Hometown: Unknown
Age: Unknown; appears to be teenager
Appearance: Cero wears a set of all-concealing and ashen robes, boots, and gloves. His face is covered in a set of bandages peppered with soot , covering all but a pair of eyes that perpetually appear to be closed. The eye's lids are olive in complexion and covered in scars. His entire figure is dotted with soot and sand.
Personality: Quiet, very nearly to the point of total silence. He speaks little, but his actions show a sort of strange pattern reminiscent of one following a strict and ascetic code.
Background: Cero stumbled into Team Magma representatives as they repaired Lilycove City following the destruction of the Void Towers. Near-mortally wounded with serious burns, the group aided in his recuperation. Unlike many other refugees, however, he joined the group afterwards with but his name--Cero--and the Probopass in his lone Poke ball. He has since clothed himself in nomadic garb and taken to wandering the regions as he builds a team during the truce.
Pokemon: Piedra (Probopass), Buitre (Mandibuzz), Aridez (Hippopotas), Viajero (Lillipup)

Items: -x1 Escape Rope

-x1 Potion


Nicknames: Piedra
Species: Probopass
Trainer: Cero
Gender: Male
Appearance: The Probopass' body is nearly-totally blackened with scorch marks, primarily present on its front. It also lacks a 'mustache' of filings.
Personality: Piedra is drawn to black comedy, otherwise dour in every way
Specialty: The Probopass specializes in absorbing damage of both the physical and special varieties, although he is very slightly tougher specially.
Ability: Sturdy
Known Moves: Discharge, Power Gem, Rest, Gravity, Magnet Rise, Thunder Wave

Battle Points: 4 (fighting Leviathan)


Nickname: Buitre

Species: Mandibuzz

Trainer: Cero

Gender: Female

Appearance: Buitre is swathed in a bone apron as opposed to a skirt.

Personality: The Mandibuzz is sly and diabolic, always plotting.

Specialty: Buitre possesses exceptional defenses, though she is slightly tougher physically.

Ability: Overcoat

Known Moves: Air Slash, Dark Pulse, Steel Wing (egg move), Tailwind, Nasty Plot, Roost (egg move)

Battle Points: 4 (fighting Leviathan)


Nickname: Aridez

Species: Hippopotas

Trainer: Cero

Gender: Male

Appearance: Aridez is average in appearance.

Personality: Loud and proud.

Specialty: The Hippopotas can absorb attacks very easily due to an excellent constitution.

Ability: Sand Stream

Known Moves: Earthquake, Slack Off (egg move), Crunch, Double-Edge, Revenge (egg move), Curse (egg move)

Battle Points: 5 (catching Viajero, fighting Leviathan)


Species: Lillipup

Nickname: Viajero
Trainer: Cero
Appearance: Viajero is average but for longer teeth and shorter fur than most Lillipup, as well as a propensity for carring objects within his fur--if not ones he obtains using his ability, then typically small and wholly natural things like pebbles or twigs.
Personality: Viajero is very curious, always looking for excitement. He is also energetic and loves to move about.
Ability: Pickup
Specialty: Incredibly fast and agile thanks to his energy and short fur, though he also does have a bit extra biting power thanks to his pronounced canines.
Known Moves: Reversal, Crunch, Fire Fang (egg move), Thunder Fang (egg move), Ice Fang (egg move), Work Up
Battle Points: 5 (caught, fighting Leviathan)

Username: Mr. Peanuts

Name: Cassius Ichabod Faust
Faction: None
Hometown: Lacunosa Town
Age: 17
Appearance: Cassius looks to be a young and vaguely pretty male. He has a slightly feminine facial structure, but contrary to this disarming visage, his moderate arms and legs conceal a robust strength granted by the daily toil of work in such an antiquated town. His complexion is dark and hair similarly black, while his eyes are umber. He tends to dress in casual business suits of light shades such as alabaster or khaki, though he consistently foregoes ties.
Personality: Faust is a fickle person, his feelings towards any given subject constantly in a state of fluctuation. He has a tendency to vacillate upon even the simplest of decisions and asks advice of anyone he knows, including his 'mon. He has a wild imagination coupled with a burning desire for right to be enacted that are both occasionally evident to the public. But to them, he's just a freak. His inability to choose leaves his life lacking a sense of permanence and meaning that others have, providing him with some degree of listlessness and the aforementioned perception of his person to be abnormal and worthless. Like many of his fellow Unovans, he considers the war to be of little immediate concern, though unlike the majority, he also perceives that its toll is prevalent even in his homeland and may yet engulf it in conflict.
Background: Cassius was born and raised in Lacunosa Town. He became moderately educated, but although he was found to be intelligent, he rarely applied that intelligence in anything. He rarely kept friends for long, but had a sizable circle of confidants at any time. Faust also knew Pokemon and lived with the family Deerling as one of his prime companions. He enjoyed the old-fashioned ways of Lacunosa, but also felt that he would like to see the outside world; likewise, he likes and respects Team Plasma, but would like to see other reigns than theirs. Now 17 and having inherited that same Deerling after evolving it into the Sawsbuck
Eikþyrnir, he has set out to see the world alongside his Pokemon.
Pokemon: Hafgufa (Jellicent), Eikþyrnir (Sawsbuck), Baku (Heatmor), Bhusunda (Murkrow)


Nicknames: Hafgufa
Species: Jellicent
Trainer: Cassius I. Faust
Gender: Male
Appearance: Average in appearance for male Jellicent but for its extraordinary bulk and larger "crown."
Personality: Hafgufa is the sadist of the team. Though his appearance may provide the mental image of a comically-gargantuan clown despot, complete with crown, his behavior is another thing entirely. He doesn't mind taking a few hits so long as he manages to land some of his own, and he is apathetic towards nearly everything but the dealing of damage, expressing no emotions--none that can be recognized by his fellows, anyway.
Specialty: While Baku is agile and deft and Eikþyrnir swift and strong, Hafgufa is simply a special tank. It takes hits and dishes them out. It is aided in this by its large body, capable of easily absorbing both fierce attacks and copious aqua pura as well as expelling incorporated hydration.
Ability: Water Absorb
Known Moves: Wring Out, Hydro Pump, Absorb, Ominous Wind, Water Spout, Brine

Battles: 2 (fighting Heatran)


Nickname: Eikþyrnir

Species: Sawsbuck (Autumn Forme)

Trainer: Cassius I. Faust

Gender: Male

Appearance: Eikþyrnir is taller than most of his species and has a full rack of antlers, the leaves which once hung upon them instead ringing his neck like a collar. His extra tufts of fur are conspicuously absent. His bearing is decidedly formal, almost princely. Overall, he appears to be a regal stag which might be called "king of the forest."

Personality: Just as dignified as his appearance and nigh incapable of losing his composure. He is always serious and tries to lead the 'mon around him. Notably, naturally powerful and graceful as he is, he will not hesitate to attempt to even the playing field with any of his foes by fighting fairly. To him, it's not about battling, it's about sending a message: the established order was established for a reason and should be maintained for that reason.

Specialty: Very fast due to his long gait and very powerful with horn or kicking attacks due to his stag's body.

Ability: Sap Sipper

Known Moves: Agility (egg move), Megahorn, Horn Leech, Jump Kick, Faint Attack, Double-Edge


Nickname: Baku

Species: Heatmor

Trainer: Cassius I. Faust

Gender: Female

Appearance: Her claws, arms, and exhaust vents are bigger than usual, and her nose/"nozzle" can widen if desired, allowing for different ranges of flame. The raised bands on her wrists are inverted, facing backwards, and capable of spewing fire, being actual jets as opposed to designs without function. She is totally scarred with the trademark mandible-cuts of Durant. Her body as a whole, however, is more streamlined and compact than most of her kind, resembling a sort of living rocket due to its numerous jets and aerodynamic shape.

Personality: Some fire-breathing anteaters just want to watch the world burn. Baku is not one of them. She is gentle and kind, loving all creatures of the world; she will yet consume Durant, as per the diet of her kind, but she harbors a respect for even her prey and doesn't consider their conflict personal. She will also avoid hurting those she deems innocent to a fault. This last trait is expressed in Baku's fighting style, which relies more on skill and accuracy than power.

Specialty: Very good with the expulsion of flames for propulsion or controlled burning. Her enlarged nose and vents help with this. As well, her bigger claws and arms allow for some powerful punches and slashes.

Ability: Flash Fire

Known Moves: Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Night Slash (egg move), Sucker Punch (egg move), Bug Bite, Lick

Battles: 3 (catching, fighting Heatran)


Nickname: Bhusunda

Species: Murkrow
Trainer: Cassius I. Faust
Gender: Female
Appearance: Bhusunda is the average Murkrow in appearance.
Personality: Bhusunda is a domineering, manipulative 'mon possessing no small degree of cunning. She likes to give orders but detests the responsibility attached to a position in which she might do that.
Specialty: The Murkrow is agile and deft. In conjunction with its ability, it can mete out powerful strikes quickly.
Ability: Super Luck

Known Moves: Sky Attack (egg move), Mirror Move (egg move), Sucker Punch, Night Shade, Foul Play, Drill Peck (egg move)

Battles: 3 (caught, fighting Heatran)


Username: Mr. Peanuts

Name: Samuel Freeman
Faction: None
Hometown: Unknown
Age: 28
Appearance: Samuel is a strapping young man of light dark complexion and flaxen hair kept under a makeshift bandanna made of an American Flag. A regular hunk, he is an almost comically oversized torso bulging with muscle and comparatively short legs. His eyes are passionate and blue. Freeman's garb often consists of a biker's jacket decorated with a screaming Braviary, a shirt of red, white, and blue, worn jeans, and boots--all of which are noted "Made in the U.S."
Personality: A true patriot, Samuel Freeman is obsessed with a far-off country named "America." He is brash and fiercely individualist. A man of few words, he prefers to let his actions speak for themselves, most typically in the form of his fists' speech.
Background: Samuel Freeman is a foreigner of unknown nationality who originally sailed to Unova and became a trainer there, obtaining his Braviary. He journeys about the five regions doing whatever jobs he can find and battling with fellow trainers. He is fixed on proselytizing others to desire what he claims to be the merits of his apparent homeland.
Pokemon: ManBearPig (Spoink), Doomcannon (Magmortar), FREEGLE (Braviary), Chuck Norris (Hitmonchan)


Nickname: Doomcannon

Species: Magmortar

Trainer: Samuel Freeman

Gender: Male

Appearance: Doom Cannon is roughly the size of the average Magmortar, but his tail of flames is prehensile and strong.

Personality: The Magmortar is a weary fatalist, having consigned himself to service to his deluded master. He is also a pessimist.

Specialty: Long-ranged attacks; due to his prehensile tail, he can better use Iron Tail, and the appendage also acts as a stabilizer when firing. The added stability allows him to put more power into his blasts and bursts without falling.

Ability: Flame Body

Known Moves: Fire Blast, Flame Burst, Hyper Beam, Clear Smog, Iron Tail (egg move), Barrier (egg move)

Battle Points: 4 (fighting Leviathan)


Nickname: ManBearPig
Species: Spoink
Trainer: Samuel Freeman
Gender: Male
Appearance: ManBearPig is the average Spoink but for his gem being of diamond and a miniscule body.
Personality: ManBearPig is quite timid and quiet, simply wishing to live his own lazy life. He dislikes disruptions to that life performed by his trainer and any others.
Specialty: Absorbing damage and literally bouncing back due to his fat, the occasional Rest, and compact body.
Ability: Thick Fat
Known Moves: Power Gem, Bounce, Psychic, Rest, Snore, Psyshock
Battle Points: 5 (catching, fighting Leviathan)
Nickname: FREEGLE
Species: Braviary
Trainer: Samuel Freeman
Gender: Male
Appearance: An exceptionally big Braviary possessing long and sharp claws, along with a pointed beak. He is decorated with the scars of many battles. His 'war bonnet' is wide and brightly colored.
Personality: As headstrong and reckless as his trainer, FREEGLE refuses to back away from any fight and is intent on proving himself. He has valor and the guts to use it. As well, he does possess a bit of intelligence, but rarely applies it.
Specialty: Close and quite aerial combat, thanks to his great wings, sharp claws, and raptor's beak, alongside the endurance of all Braviary.
Ability: Defiant
Known Moves: Hone Claws, Tailwind, Sky Drop, Brave Bird, Superpower, Crush Claw
Battle Points: 4 (fighting Leviathan)
Nickname: Chuck Norris
Species: Hitmonchan
Trainer: Samuel Freeman
Gender: Male
Appearance: The average Hitmonchan with leaner and lighter feet, as well as smaller boxing gloves.
Personality: Chuck is a major perfectionist. This appears most prominently in his constant attempts to create the perfect punch, though he is often driven into bouts of melancholy upon the revelation that he has not reached it after yet more work.
Specialty: Norris is not merely swift to punch but fast on his feet, using intricate footwork to generate the power needed for its tremendous strikes and jabs. Its ability to shift between stances quickly also aids in special defense.
Ability: Iron Fist
Known Moves: Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, ThunderPunch, Ice Punch, Focus Punch, Fire Punch
Battle Count: 5 (caught, fighting Leviathan)
Additional Information-Points: 1
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