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creepy stuff



so one night, around 3:00, my mom told me that a car apparently drove up to our gate, turned around, then drove off.


that's not too bad. i mean, they may have turned down the wrong road or something like that.


but now it's coming every night sans Sunday. consistently. roughly the same time, and all they do is sit there for a minute or two, then drive away. needless to say, we're all pretty freaked out. we're pretty-out-of-the-way over here, and we don't have any relatives close by in case something happened. hopefully it'll stop soon. =/


also new content block because owls


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I think you can call the police for that. Whether or not they'll care largely depends on where you live but if they're doing it consistently at about the same time a cop should be able to intercept them and ask what the ****.

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Wait for them to come again, then walk out of the house with a shotgun and point it at them. Optionally, fill it with rock salt so you can fire without killing them if need be.

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sadly we don't have a shotgun


but yeah we're probably going to call the police. my mom is also going to try and get the tag number of the car by using a trail cam or somesuch thing.

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It's very possible they are scouting your house for a robbery. Getting the tag numbers is a good idea. Making sure they know you are home when they show up is also a good idea. Even if you aren't, leave a light on or something.


It is also very possibly they are just morons who keep turning down the wrong road - I've had that happen to me once.

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oh, sorry


didn't know it was bothering you


I'll stop



Who knows it might just be that they want to make a U-Turn or something, though I wouldn't know if they go back the same direction they came

yea but you should call the fuzz about this, record it or take a picture or something

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