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Hello World



Time to welcome your new OVERLORD!!






erm... wrong speech




Hi everyone. It's been a while. There are so many new faces since I was last here, and lots of old faces I have not kept up with in the slightest. I'd love it if you could introduce yourself in the comments, so I can get to know people around here again. Then we could become BFFs and go out for ice cream and lollipops. :D





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I'm Brickeens, I make MOCs and I don't afraid of anything.
I do remember you. I was always jealous of your avatar because I had an idea to make one using the same picture, but then you did it, like, 3 hours later. :P

I'm Toa Smoke Monster. I hang around the forums and make a post every now and again.
Hi there. That's just what I use to do.

Hi. My name's Xaeraz,"Hello, Xaeraz." and I've been sober for three minutes.
*applause* Way to go, man! You're an inspiration to all of us! :D


I dream about farm animals
Well, I guess that's better than dreaming about dreams within dreams within INCEPTION


Also, I can't figure out how to edit my comment with a new quote. So I double commented. So shoot me.




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I dream about farm animals

Well, I guess that's better than dreaming about dreams within dreams within INCEPTION


Also, I can't figure out how to edit my comment with a new quote. So I double commented. So shoot me.




Just quote it, write your response, then select all, copy, and paste into the previous comment.

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Also, I can't figure out how to edit my comment with a new quote. So I double commented. So shoot me.

Hi, I'm DeeVee, formerly Darth Vader, I run the blogs, and I merged your double comments because that's against the rules.


Also, I like to build MOCs.

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I'm Tavahka, Portalfig for the past two years or so, and just got around to finally changing my name yesterday. =P


I hang out in G&T mostly, and pretend that people know who I am. Welcome back!

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I dream about farm animals

Well, I guess that's better than dreaming about dreams within dreams within INCEPTION


Also, I can't figure out how to edit my comment with a new quote. So I double commented. So shoot me.




Just quote it, write your response, then select all, copy, and paste into the previous comment.

That seems like a weird workaround, but okay.

I'm Ryuujin


we've met before

I'm sure we have, but I honestly can't remember where. And now I feel bad. *mopes*

Oh hey, I remember you! Welcome back.


Although I admit, I expected this entry to be about a first program.



Yeah, the title was a callback to that one semester I had on computer science. Man, I hated that class. :P

Also, I can't figure out how to edit my comment with a new quote. So I double commented. So shoot me.

Hi, I'm DeeVee, formerly Darth Vader, I run the blogs, and I merged your double comments because that's against the rules.


Also, I like to build MOCs.

Hi, DeeVee! Thanks for fixin' my comment. I use to build MOCs. Maybe I will again one day. I like to like your MOCs.

I'm The Affably Evil Automaton and I pretend to write stories.

I do the exact same thing. I have pretend-written about 20-some stories, and only really written about 5. Blarg. Too much brain-crack.

I'm Tavahka, Portalfig for the past two years or so, and just got around to finally changing my name yesterday. =P


I hang out in G&T mostly, and pretend that people know who I am. Welcome back!



*opens new tab*


*still can't figure it out*


I must not hang out there very often. Oh well.




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I'm Ryuujin


we've met before

I'm sure we have, but I honestly can't remember where. And now I feel bad. *mopes*




I had a different name back then

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I'm Tavahka, Portalfig for the past two years or so, and just got around to finally changing my name yesterday. =P


I hang out in G&T mostly, and pretend that people know who I am. Welcome back!



*opens new tab*


*still can't figure it out*


I must not hang out there very often. Oh well.




Games and Trivia. It is in the creative outlet forum. At the very bottom.


You should come visit sometimes! It is a nice little place. =P

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Hi, I'm GSR. Sometimes I drop my keyboard on the ground repeatedly, run spell check, and then post the result in Short Stories. I am apparently a Forum Mentor.


Welcome! (back)

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Hi, I'm GSR. Sometimes I drop my keyboard on the ground repeatedly, run spell check, and then post the result in Short Stories. I am apparently a Forum Mentor.


Welcome! (back)

Wasn't that how Twilight was written?


*buh-dum pish*


No, seriously, I love short stories. Whenever I am not too lazy, I like writing them. They usually turn out weird. >.>




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I'm Ryuujin


we've met before

I'm sure we have, but I honestly can't remember where. And now I feel bad. *mopes*



I had a different name back then

Oh hai Laughin'Man :D


I'm Lyichir. You probably don't know me.


(Also, both SZ AND Core Dimension are back? Geez Louise.)

I remember you. I think. My memory just ain't what it used to be.




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